Chapter Twenty-Five: Infiltration Team

Grimm looked at everyone around the coffee table. "Plans simple," he went into his plan, and how he wanted it executed, "Which leads into the teams. As said, we'll be into twos based off who I see can do the job better. I'll need you all to share info on your magic with me."

They did. All of them had shared if they had magic or not, what they were capable of, and what their weaknesses are as well. Grimm wanted no detail left out.

"Two teams," he said aloud, "There will be distraction and infiltration."

Everyone leaned in, they didn't want to mess up, for their lives were gonna be in more danger than ever.

The gates were destroyed by Treyala. As all chaos broke out, and the others charged forward and what not, Grimm looked at the Twins.

"Seems your plan is working," Boy said.

Slipping through the gates under all the chaos, Grimm, Girl and Boy were in now. Going further and further towards the capital, they heard many knights, guards and all running to Arya and the others.

"Those angels must've arrived now," Boy made a odd hand gesture, maybe to imitate an angel flapping their wings.

Not being seen by the humans, for they kept hidden in the alley's and such.

"You said there are five checkpoints," Girl whispered.

"Yes, were reaching the last one right now."

After almost, if not an hour or more of being absolutely hidden, they reached the final checkpoint, the most well guarded. Grimm peaked at it. The guards lined up against the wall, all archers, some unarmed, so definitely magic users. The gate looked sturdy, Grimm knew he'd have to give away their position if he wanted to break it down by force. Before his eyes though, it was being lowered.

"More men?"

Grimm glanced at Girl, and raised his pointer finger to his lips.

She cupped her hands over her mouth.

Out the gate walked Father Escobar and his elites.

"Men, we will stop this tyranny today!"

They went and walked off.

"Theres our target," Grimm pointed.

"So you want us to buy you time, while you attempt to kill him?"

Grimm pat Boy's head, "Without dying, yes."

At that, Girl grabbed onto Boy's back and he leapt up into the air. His claws extended out and his teeth sharpened. On the other hand, Girl's tail had slipped out from under her dress, and her claws also sharpened. As twins, their powers alone compared to other demons was lower, but when they fought together, their might was greater than most, maybe greater than Father one day.

Boy had spun in the air and landed on the neighboring roof from them.

Father, reading into the bait as Grimm suspected, sent his elites after them, "And prisoners," Father sounded like he hesitated for a moment.

Once they disappeared, Grimm trailed Father as he continued going onward. Back at checkpoint three, the wall was empty, the probably went ot backup their comrades, Grimm confronted Father.

"Elrod Grimm," he said in a sinister tone.

"Francis Escobar," Grimm pulled out his Sycthe from his chest.

"You wanted to face me alone? Or are your friends deemed weaker than me in your eyes?"

Grimm looked at Father, "Fa- I mean Francis, if neither one of us decideds to surrender, then it'll be a-"

"A battle to the death," he cut Elrod off, also answered him.

The two entered their battle stances, Elrod pulled his Sycthe behind him, and Father removed his robe. The two of them didn't move for a good five minutes, the Francis made the first move.

"Holy Magic-Raining Pain," many small magic circles appeared above Grimm. Out the circles came many spears made of light.

Barely grazing Grimm's arm, his whole sleeve was torn and shredded, cutting him slightly, his blood shown brightly. Doing his best to avoid the spears, he tried to deflect the spears to fast for him with his Sytche. Loud clashes of metal on metal were vibrated in the air. Getting close to Father, Grimm went in for an attack.

Having to dodge, he stopped his attack, and jabbed Grimm in the nose, "Is that all you got!"

Stumbling backwards, blood gushed out Grimms nose, "Blood Magic-Repair," though it sounded painful, his nose snapped back into place, making a crunch noise. "Not at all!"

Father breathed in, "Holy Magic-Holy Sword-Dark Amplifier," in one hand, sword shining far brighter than that of light magic, but radiating a dark aura, the other hand, a sword of pure dark magic. "I cannot lose to you, and so Elrod, your death is near," he crossed his blades as he leapt towards Grimm.

"Dark Magic-The Grim Reaper V.2," a black hooded cloak appeared on Grimm, moving his hand up, he stopped with his hand, "This is just the beginning-'

Pushing his swords hard against Grimm, Father looked at him, "Of the end."