Chapter Twenty-Seven: Final Duel-Part Two

Grimm knew they weren't all going to make it out alive, but everyone else was hurt by this death.

Arya summoned Allie, carrying her and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Father Escobar stood down in the streets, in a menacing, yet inviting manner.

"Light Magic-Bow," Arya's bow had formed in her hand, draw the arrow, the longer she holds an arrow, the more powerful the shot is, "Dark Magic-Fog," the tip of her arrow was covered in a swirl of smoke. Shooting the arrow up, it had gone fat up and it exploded, covering the sky with smoke. Repeating the process, she littered the ground with smoke as well, creating the ultimate smoke screen. Going around the rooftops to watch if Father tries to escape, she was ready with her bow.

Grimm came charging out the smoke screen, and going for a swing, Father raised his left hand, a beam of light came out in a flash, nearly catching Grimm who barely avoided it. Grimm ran back into the fog.

Next the twins came spiraling at Father, Boy aiming for his arms, Girl going for the legs. Father simply impaled the ground with his sword, unearthing the bricks creating the street upwards, hitting Girl in the chest, and Boy as well. They were sent back into the mist. This time around Jack came running out the fog head first, while from above, Grimm emerged out as well, as a simple counter attack, he grabbed Jack against his mouth and tossed him into Grimm, cracking Jack's ribs against the his arm, sending them back into the fog.

Grimm caught Jack as they slammed into the side of a building. Laying him against the building, Grimm placed his hand against his cracked rib, "Light Magic-Mothers Blessing."

Jack's eyes looked defeated, "we can't win..."

With his other hand, he smacked Jack against his face, "So you're suppose to be a tough guy? Pathetic," Grimm mocked Jack's self defeat.

"Hey! It's just-" Jack's eyes had wondered around, looking for an excuse for his pathetic display, "Have you ever defeated a god!"

Grimm sighed, "No," he thought about Arya, the other's, and the many who came here today all having faith in his plan, "But I plan on trying today," Grimm smiled.

Seeing Grimm smile, it sparked hope in Jack. "You've never smiled like that before," he pointed at his lips.

Grimm went back to his usual expression, "And normally you're like a lit fire, one the burns for all enternal."

"Haha...very funny."

Looking back where he got sent flying from, Grimm could see Puer and Treyala using their vines to fight back. They were ultimately sent flying towards Grimm and jack.

Puer looked up at the two, "Sup," he said weakly.

Treyala had landed on Puer, but she removed herself off him, patting herself off.

As Grimm finished healing Jack, he went Puer.

Off in the distance, the smokescreen Arya had created disappeared. Father could see all once more, and he saw Arya on the rooftops. Dismounting Allie, Arya made Allie go small and rest in her shoulder. Raising his hand to fire at Arya, Father shot out his beam of light once more, destroying the roof she was on. Nearly caught in the blast, Allie had tossed Arya down below with Grimm and the others.

"Where's the kids?"

Treyala pointed to the twins, who just emerged from within a destroyed home, charging at Father, being sent back, and repeating this process many times. Seeing this, Jack transformed and Treyala mounted him.

"How are we gonna beat him," Puer said, getting up from his momentary defeat.

Grimm looked over at Father Escobar. "I have an idea."

Puer and Arya went up to Grimm.

"What's the plan," Arya grabbed his hand.

"It starts with Puer backing up the rest, can you do that?"

Puer stood up, and nodded to Grimm. Running, he stopped and turned, "I have faith in you Grimm," he smiled and went to assist the others.

Grimm felt bad dragging Puer into this fight.

"So what's the plan excatly, seeing as you sent Puer off?"

Grimm pulled Arya in, and whispered in her ear.

Pulling back, her eyes had widened, "Wait, that can't be the only plan you were able to come up with! There's got to be something else we can do!"

Grimm laughed.

Why does he never laugh, express his emotions of happiness, but now,and after what he he chooses too. Arya looked at Grimm, "We'll do it."

Arya and Allie had begun raining arrows at Father. Arya had shot the arrows, and with Allie on her shoulder, the damaged was increase due to Allies Familiar Magic, lucky charm.

Dodging attacks from the twins and Jack, tossing Puer and Treyala to the side, Father now had to avoid the attacks from Arya, and he grew furious. In one strike with his sword, an arm went flying.

Jack changed back into his other form, his right arm had been completely cut off.

Seeing this, everyone's momentum had been destroyed, their rhythm, gone, and now, Father began to pick them off. Father grabbed Treyala and stabbed her right in the chest, and he tossed her aside. Puer had given in to his emotions, and to counter, Father raised his left palm, and erased his legs with a beam of light. Arya was now by Jack's side, trying to patch his wounds, but glancing over, she could see Father kicking Boy into Girl, making them disappear in a nearby building. Now he looked at Arya and Jack.

"In the name of The Church, I will smite thy filth," Father rose his sword high above his head, "May your judgement come swift," he brought his sword down at great speed.

Just as the sword made contact, Grimm had stopped it with a sword made of light, barely keeping it from touching Arya and Jack. Looking at all his friends pained, near death, Grimm fought against the rage building within him.

From behind him, Arya and Jack saw Grimm in his Wrath form, but his aura to them had felt different. Instead of radiating pure darkness, and was warm, comforting.

Parrying Fathers attack, Grimm made a mad dash to him, "Light Magic-Mothers Protection," with my mother's magic, I'll be able to defeat this beast. Grimm got up to Fathers face, and the two began clashing blades.

Closing Jack's wound, Arya looked worryingly at Grimm.

"Fuck yeah man, kick his ass," Jack threw up his only arm, in cheering on Grimm.

Puer's legs were slowly regenerating back, so he sat up, and cheered on Grimm, "You got this buddy!"

Treyala had closed her wound and was cleaning up the twins wounds as she saw this fight as well, "Beat him for us, Grimm."

Seeing how everyone depended on Grimm, Arya want to cheer him on too, but she knew what was going to happen. She could remember him saying it so clearly, "Using this much magic could kill me...for good. I may be able to return from the grave, but that's becasue I always have magic left, this will be different and new," she repeated softly.

Blocking eachothers attack, they leaned in between blades, hearing the blades hugging eachother now, Grimm looked into Father's eyes, "FRANCIS YOU BASTARD!"

He laughed, "ELROD YOU FILTH," Father used his magic circle to create another sword in his other hand, and then he swung at Grimm.

Jumping back, Grimm pointed his blade at Father. So tired. "Blood Magic," my blood feels so low, "Blood Prison," Grimm's blood came erupting out and trapped Father in place, crystallizing around him.

Father tried to break it, but it was scratching, "What's the meaning of this?"

"Dark Magic-Posionus Touch," now Grimm's crystalized blood poisoned him and Father. Now he smirked.

Father began to emit a bright light, so great one could go blind.

Time to use the last of my magic.

Father broke free of the prison Grimm placed on him, and rose.

The angels from the first wall could see this light, as well as everyone else in this kingdom.

Father had now just became a bomb. "IF YOU REFUSE TO DIE...," he thought of his daughter at that moment, "Then I'll kill everyone, Holy Magic-Noahs Ark."

"Light Magic," Grimm launched himself in the air, "Mother's Gift," Grimm had now, for almost a little, looked like a pure elf. In using this spell, he was able to see some of his mother's memories."

"Honey," Danny called out, "Honey!"

There, in the rocking chair, a pregnant woman was sitting, "Yes dear?"

"Oh, just wanted to make sure you weren't off exploring again."

"I know I'm pregnant," she caressed her belly, "But I want my child to know that I never stopped pushing myself to the limit, even when I couldn't," she looked at Danny and laughed, "That and I want him to know how cool I am."

Danny walked over and placed his hand on her belly, "Well maybe you could share something with him."

"Like what?"

"Something to make him look cool, and be strong."

She laughed.

"What? It seems like a good idea," Danny felt a little offended.

"No it is, and I'll name it Mother's Gift. It will be a spell he could use, to help others with my magic as his own."

Grimm had a large bow, he didn't shine as bright as Father, his darkened arm, and crystallized bloody arm as the other, he seemed worse than death, but his aura, it was welcoming, like a mother's kiss. Drawing back an arrow, he let it go. It traveled from Grimm, and across the sky like a firework, glistening, leaving a trail of hope before piercing Fathers heart. The both of them came falling, Grimm crashing violently in a blacksmith, and Father's body in a pile of hay.

The angels had flown over and congratulated everyone on their success. Humans had looked from afar and close, afraid of what these races were going to do with them. Jack and everyone gave hugs and thanks to one another, but Arya was gone. Going to find Grimm, Jack couldn't find his body, nor Puer or Treyala, not even the twins had a shed of luck.

"Where did they go," Girl tugged on Jack's sleeve.

"I don't know kid," he looked at his missing arm and back, "I don't know."

All that was left from where Grimm fell, was a trail of blood.