[I wouldn't know because I'm not a human.]

"Exactly. You're a figment of my imagination. I created you." I made a finger gun gesture at him.

[No. I created you.]

"You have a wild imagination." Did my dream creature just pull a 'no u' on me?

[Listen carefully. We don't have much time.] He held out his hand.

"Sounds cliche, but okay, I'll listen to you until it's time to wake up."

[I will ask you some questions and you will face a different fate depending on your answer.]

"Alright." Interesting. This kinda feels like one of those online personality tests.

[Do you truly feel like you belong here?]

"Starting off heavy, are we?" I smiled sadly, "no, I don't. I've tried, though."

[Do you want to find your place to belong?]

"Look, man. I've tried starting over in a different place. I've tried building relationships with others, though it never lasted long," I paused, "and I've come to accept that I probably would never belong. It's okay, though. I don't even understand what it means to belong." I chuckled a little.

[If I tell you that you have a chance to belong somewhere, would you take the chance?]

"Just a chance?" I raised my eyebrow.

[I cannot guarantee you anything.]

"Where is this place you're referring to?"

[That, I cannot tell yet.]

"You, a thing in my dream, are telling me to abandon the things I've obtained by working like a horse for years, in exchange for a chance of finding my place? You're a bad businessman, you know. You should learn how to make a reasonable offer."

[Will you take the chance?]

"Well, yes." I instantly answered.

Damn Chae, you desperate woman. I couldn't believe I agreed to that so easily. I guess it's okay since it was just a dream... Would be nice if it was true, though.

[Very well. I have received your answer. You shall now forget any events that will take place after this.]


...And that was the last thing I remembered. I didn't know whether I stayed around to chat or if that man instantly teleported me. Probably he did something that I shouldn't see, and that's why he erased my memory.

Ah, now that I thought about it, I hope Daeun got home safely. And sorry, Kim-harabeonim, it seemed that my visit would not be possible anymore.

"And after you went to sleep, what happened?" The headmaster asked me.

"Then I woke up here, and met Jeanne." I casually answered him.

"I feel like there are quite a lot of missing parts here. Ho ho!"

"Same here, I wish I know more, too. Ho ho." I said with a flat voice.

"Very well, then. I take it that you're not willing to speak," he smiled at me, "Zhang, take her to the underground prison."

"Wait, what!?" I shouted in a panic.

"Wait, headmaster. Our mission was a success partly because of her. Would you please reconsider your decision?" Owen said.

Ah, Owen! My guardian angel!

"Ho ho, don't you worry, Owen. She will be treated with respect there. I'll have Elena watch over her." He chuckled as he took another sip from his glass of wine.

Ah, you demonic old fart.


"I gotchu, gramps." General Zhang grabbed my shoulder and pushed me slowly so I'd walk forward with him.

"General Zhang, are you really going to throw her into prison?" Owen frowned at general Zhang.

"Yeah, I've caused no trouble to you guys, so why should I be imprisoned?" I tried to shook him off, but his grip was too strong.

"Owen, c'mon. Just because she hasn't doesn't mean she won't." General Zhang shrugged him off.

"Ho ho! I'm glad you understand, Zhang~" The headmaster hummed in delight.

"But--" As I was about to protest, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and found general Zhang smirking weirdly at me.

"What are you looking at? Move." He said while he very slowly blinked.


I silently opened my skill window, and activated my mentalist skill to send a secret message.

[Please select a recipient.]

"General Zhang."

"Yes?" He tilted his head.

[Recipient confirmed. Please enter your message.]

I sent him a message saying 'you fucking eel, what are you planning this time?', and glared intensely at him.

[Message delivered.]

His eyebrows suddenly perked up, and his mouth made an amused grin.

"C'mon, don't stare at me like a cat. It's freaky." He chuckled.

"Yeah. So freaky." I slowly blinked and followed his steps obediently.

To others, that may sound just like regular banter. But to me, it confirmed the fact that his plan is probably good for me. Cats often used slow blinks to signal friendliness, so if my assumption was correct, he was trying to tell me to trust him.

I guess my best bet right now was to follow along with his plan until I could find a chance to turn the situation around.

General Zhang led me towards one of the huge paintings that were hung on the walls. It was a painting of a middle-aged man wearing a suit and a monocle. General Zhang raised his hand, and the painting's eyes glowed red.

My eyes grew bigger in shock. I knew this world was full of magic that came from god-knows-where, but things like this still managed to amaze me every time.

"Alright, little cub, let's get you to your cage~" He teased me with a smirk.

"Very funny. This little cub will grow big someday and eat you, you eel." I replied with an annoyed smile.

"Ooh, can't wait."

This jerk.


"Oops, my leg slipped." I grinned back at him as I kicked his thigh.


"Oops, sorry, my hand slipped." He smiled from ear-to-ear as he pushed me into the painting with no mercy.


By the time I realized that he had pushed me, I was already free-falling into the darkness.

"AAAHH!" I shouted as darkness began to fill my vision.

How could I be falling? Was there a pitfall inside the painting or something? I thought there would be a secret passageway or secret stairs like in those kingdom movies! But how could I be falling instead!?


I fell with a loud and painful thud onto what I assume was a mattress. Thank god I landed on my side. If I was to land with my head or my spine, I'd probably be dead by now.

I managed to sit up, though with much difficulty thanks to that eel who handcuffed me.

My eyes immediately wandered around, trying to get a grasp of my new environment. It was no longer completely dark around me. Instead, dim light was illuminating the room.

As I followed the light source, I found a few lanterns hung on the brick wall. The light from those lanterns enabled me to see the steel bars that were keeping me from going outside.

"My, my... Welcome." A sweet but sultry voice came from the other side of the bar.

The owner of the voice was a tall woman with very flattering curves. Her dark hair and eyes looked gorgeous under the dim lantern light.

"Uh... Thanks?" I was still too shocked to be able to properly use my brain.

"Haha. You're a cute little kid." She smiled at me with her full lips.

"Where am I?" I stared at her.

"You're in my underground prison, my dear," she chuckled, "shocked, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. What do you want from me?"

"Not much, dear. I just want a little chat." She chuckled at me.

"About what?" My eyes carefully observed her from top to bottom. She may come off as careless, but her posture showed no openings. This lady was formidable.

"Calm down, dear. You don't need to stare at me like that, I'm not your enemy."

"Oh no, no. I was staring because you're beautiful. Sorry." I shook my head instantly. I mean, sure, I was suspicious of her, but I didn't lie when I said she was beautiful.

"Haha! You really are cute," she leaned closer towards me, "did general Zhang tell you about me already?"

"That eel? I don't think so?" I looked up, trying to remember if he left me any hints about her, but none came to mind.

"You see, general Zhang and I had an agreement about you." She smiled at me and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I hope it's a good agreement." I inched further away from the bars that were separating us.

"It's really good for you, don't worry," she licked her lips, "I'm just going to do some experiments on you, in exchange for keeping you safe."

"Excuse you!? I am a true believer of consent!" I scrambled backwards. Oh my god, was I going to get cut up and injected with a virus or something?

"Haha. I'm kidding, you adorable kid," she chuckled in amusement, "but I was serious in keeping you safe. You have an important role in our plan, so I need you to live."

"Um, thank you, but what plan, exactly?" I asked.

"You don't need to know yet. And it would be better for you not to ask." Her face got serious.

I stayed quiet and just stared at her.

"If you know more than you need to know... Well, we might have to remove you, dear." She smiled at me.

What a polite way to threaten me.

"Do you have any other questions you'd like to ask?" She inquired, but her mana was giving off a murderous aura. That wasn't a question, but an obedience test.

I opened my mouth slowly.

"Where's my toilet?"