Earth's Doom Starts with... Me?

Earth's Doom Starts with... Me?

Fantasy142 Chapters699.8K Views
Author: mozza_mello
Table of Contents

[Time left until earth's doom: 3 years]

Yoo Chaerin, a 24-year old con-artist, opened her eyes in an unfamiliar place only to be greeted by this message.

"What is this place? I'm sure this is earth but it feels... different." She thought to herself.

"Why is everything so barren? Why do we have horses instead of cars? And armored soldiers fighting monsters? ...With magic?"

Here, Yoo Chaerin will have to face an earth that's totally different from the earth she once knew.

An earth where everyone has missions like in that of a game.

An earth where monsters terrorize every single human being.

An earth where everyone speaks the same language.

It is where she has to find her place to belong.

"I'll survive. And one day, I'll find him and make him remember me."

In a world where everyone can use the system, how will Yoo Chaerin survive? Who is this 'him' she's talking about? And what if she's not just your run-off-the-mill con-artist?

[WFP #27 - SYSTEM - GOLD WINNER] but only because of your support hehe!


Update every 1-2 days

Instagram: mozza_mello

118 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This is fucking lit, wtf. I did not expect to read such quality, omg. Damn, what a hook! 500 words in and our protagonist is already put in a confusing, but engaging situation, with the things that happen to her naturally exposing the World's situation and elements. And how I love a grey protagonist in a grey world. When some of her dark thoughts appeared after the initial confusion disappeared... a smile just popped onto my face as I was reading it. "Please fucking don't. Don't kill me." At this point, I just can't get over this part. I think it would've been even more awesome if you removed the dark humor that followed after it, but the joke itself is so fucking nice as well. At this point, there's nothing to nitpick. It's just a matter of waiting for this to pop off, and take over Webnovel. I'm glad I was one of the first to find this novel.

4 years ago

SPOILER-FREE, UNBIASED REVIEW: First comments: I genuinely feel like I would be a disappointment to society if I were to give a lower rating to this novel. I wish I could even rate it higher, this novel, gave me goosebumps with how incredible it is, the conversations, word choice, story flow, interactions, thought processes, world-building, characters, and so much more, are literally perfect. They have reached the level of perfection. I honestly can't give a short review, and yet the dozens of other reviews, all of which are 5-star ratings, should speak for themselves. Let me summarize my thoughts in a list, List of the positive(+), and the negative(-) parts of this novel: Here are the Good Parts about this novel: +Unique Plot: At no point in this novel does it delve into 'Cliche' or overused plots that, at one point were fun to read, but are now just plain boring. This novel makes use of an already interesting, yet not fully explored genre while taking its own twists and turns. +Story: I can genuinely say, that the story in the just above 10 chapters in this novel has already interested me further than reading hundreds of chapters in any novel in the top 10. It's so well designed and 'Everything just seems to fit into place'. +Writing style: The narration is in the form of First-Person, while occasionally displaying the thoughts and ideas of other characters, to give a wider perspective to the audience, to further realize the amount of effort gone into thinking about each and every single one of the characters, and plot points. +Chapters: I can't talk about the chapter without including things like the word count. Each chapter is sufficiently long and gives you the feeling of satisfaction once read. As I said earlier, every single part of the novel just makes sense. The author obviously has an incredible talent for writing. +Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: I have come to know that the author isn't even a native speaker of English (to my knowledge, not 100% accurate, but I have reason to believe so); and yet every part of this literature is much more well made than any English Speaker or Writer I know. I'm not kidding when I say the writing style rivals some of the most popular novels out there, and this has barely even started. +MC (Female): Now coming to the novel's elements, without spoiling anything, I can say that the Main Character of the novel is not your average, dumb, protagonist that doesn't make any proper decision wisely, and just happens to randomly know information and have personalities that do not suit their regular behavior. In this novel, the MC is perfectly made, as if the author was talking about a close friend, and I respect that. +World-Building and Mystery: In my opinion, this is by far the best part of the novel, the Author genuinely knows how to convey information, conversations, thoughts, dialogues, interactions, movements, and other such things, without it seeming too clunky or information-heavy. Also, the Author brings out intriguing details and foreshadowing right from the beginning, while capturing the readers' attention, making them want more, even after the first chapter! +Pacing: To add to the previous point, the way the story is represented in this novel is extraordinary. Each chapter is Fast-Paced, having intense scenes and unpredictable scenarios, along with relatable actions that make you cheer for the characters, and not just the MC. However, even though the novel is Fast-Paced, there is no feeling of it being rushed or under-worked on, as each chapter is practically perfect, with little to no errors, anywhere you look! +Author-Kun: And lastly, and also most importantly, the Author of this novel herself. No, I'm not simply by writing such a long review, and this wasn't done only for review swapping, if that was the case, I would've just written a paragraph or two. I genuinely enjoy this novel, and even more so, respect the Author. She has helped me find mistakes in my works, and help me develop as a writer, even though she had no reason to do so or to bother talking to me while she was busy working on her own novel as well. And for that, Thanks a Lot! The Author is genuinely a great person, and any question you may have about the novel, characters, plot progression, story, or literally anything, feel free to comment on a chapter or leave a review, and I can practically guarantee she will reply positively. There is enough evidence of this lol. Negative points: (not really lol): -1 CHAPTER/DAY: Even though 1 chapter is more than enough lol, this novel isn't contracted, I can't really blame WebNovel as this novel is still really underrated, but probably not for long. But if it was, then the author would probably dedicate more of her time to this. Yeah, that's the only negative point, another thing could be the occasional once per chapter- spelling mistakes, which could also easily be dealt with with a proofreader. Thanks for reading this review, and thanks for reading the novel. Please keep releasing daily, Author-Kun!

4 years ago

Aye aye! Author here! :D I want to say thank you so so so much to everyone who's reading this novel, because it really means a lot to me ;; u ;; //// In this novel, there will be no massive info dumps or walls of text. Instead, I hope you will have fun discovering about this new, unexplored world hehe! :D There will be hints scattered everywhere in each chapter, be it regarding the world, the characters' backstory and motivation, or what's in the future hehe! <3 Also, almost every side character here will be useful and have character development. Each one of them also has a backstory and their own ambition. So, if you like a novel where everyone matters and not just the MC, you might want to give this a try hehe! <3 I would really love to hear what you think about this novel, so comments, reviews, suggestions, constructive criticism are all very appreciated hehe! <3 Oh, I also draw sometimes and I'll put my illustrations in the chapter comments/my instagram page hehe! Thank you very much, and have a great day everyoneeeee <3

4 years ago

Wowiee it's a great story so far! The characters are fully fleshed out, each having their own thoughts. A few even made me hate them on behalf of the MC. I also like the power system so far, and can't wait for the MC to grow much stronger than she currently is so she can give them all a large beating. One of the highlights of this novel is the background of the world. The author does an excellent job of coating everything in a layer of mystery such that it's hard to NOT want to figure things out. It's also supremely well written! I can honestly say I can't wait for more. Thanks for writing this, author!

4 years ago

The writing style is so good! The way the story progressed was interesting as well. The moment the story started I was already intrigued, I think I'm going to stay up reading this lol.

4 years ago

FROM START TO FINISH IT WAS EXCELLENT! The characterization is amazing. The writing quality is op-notch. And he story was very gritting. And too many hotties! LIKE!

4 years ago

Oh my goodness! This book is amazing! Right away I fell in love with the characters and the amazing world building. The story is really immersive, the descriptiveness is to die for, not to mention there is some great humor in there too! I have to say, this book is probably the first book on this site that I want to keep reading and going back to. A masterpiece!

4 years ago

Writing Quality: Great quality. No noticeable error that could affect the flow of the story. 5/5 Updating Stability: Can't complain much about this. Knowing the intense stress that comes with writing, I commend the author. 5/5 Story Development: The story is about the MC, Yoo Chaeren, who awakened to an earth she no longer recognized. With one language and a system, she must find her way in this different planet of earth. Right from the prologue, the game progresses in a great way. No deviation from the plot. 5/5 Character Design: The characters are well planned out and designed. Especially that of Yoo Chaeren. Well made. 5/5 World Background: The world is well built. It's based on gamelit/rpg fantasy. Overall: A well written novel. 5/5

4 years ago

Hi Author-nim! First of all, the story is very interesting. While reading it, I was actually able to picture out the events. You're story illustration is as great as your cover! Did not disappoint! I like how Chaerin is a very quick thinker. Can't wait for her to get stronger and dominate everyone! I can actually imagine seeing this as a drama on Netflix. They should allot a big budget though. >.<

4 years ago

Wow, what a pulsating opening to the story. Only five chapters in but I'm already hooked by the author's vivid descriptions, excellent world building, stellar pacing and top-tier action. Eager to find out more about the protagonist's backstory. I'm sure this one will get even better as the story progresses. Excellent work so far.

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

I honestly came to this story thinking it would be a way to pass the time for a day or two while waiting for stories I cared about to update but it has blown me away. I enjoy all the characters we've had presented to us and appreciate Chae. The story itself has intrigued me enough that I've included this book in the list of ones I check for updates on daily. The world is interesting and keeps me wanting to see more and learn more of it. Even the parts that feel predictable so far are enjoyable as they play out in interesting ways. Overall I really enjoy it but my favorite part is the author's interactiveness. They seem really great and are the main reason I decided to leave a review!

4 years ago

This is amazing! Another great find for little ol me. From the world to the characters everything feels grounded. Every character is believable and realistic, unlike other books that have characters that are cardboard cutouts of one another. Another great point of this book is the mystery aspect. It makes you anticipate for more as the story progresses. Great job! Looking forward for more.

4 years ago

I love how you were very creative. This is definitely an original novel for sure!!! I absolutely adored the characters, and can't wait to see how the story progresses. This is definitely worth your time everyone!!! Honestly, this world you built blows my mind. I don't think I've ever read a novel quite like this before, and I'm kinda of loving it. So, thank you author for letting me open up to a different type of book from what I normally read.

4 years ago

Bravo, bravo! This caught my interest, this novel has a lot of great potentials and I'll be there to see it in the future as I now have found my favorite book! 10/10, would recommend this.

4 years ago