Needless to say, awkward was an understatement for our dinner. The food was actually pretty good, especially the chocolate pudding. If only I could ask for seconds, then no doubt, I would shamelessly ask for three.

Most of the talking was done by Edelweiss, and even then, it wasn't much. Erenduill just replied in short 2-3 word sentences, while Ioriell seemed to be in a bad mood, so much that he wouldn't say more than 2 sentences, even while talking with Edelweiss.

Ack, I felt bad for Edelweiss. She must've had worked so hard to prepare this, and yet we behaved like this. But for some odd reason, she seemed mildly happy. Did it mean that dinnertime was usually worse than this one? Get this family a therapist, man. Hello, god of this world? Did you listen? Go ask truck-kun to transmigrate a therapist here!


The sound of silverware clattering against a plate made us look up.