"Jean-jean! How did it go?" I waved my hand excitedly from my seat on our designated round table in the middle of the blacksmith when I saw the front door open, revealing two tired-looking generals.

I thought we were pretty late already, considering that it was already past noon, and the weather was starting to get more forgiving. But the moment we entered the blacksmith, we only spotted one general. A sneaky, white-haired one that was playing tic-tac-toe with a random orc.

"Not too good, Chae," Jeanne sighed as she walked closer towards us, "we only managed to steal a few robes." She said as she put a bundle of black cloth on top of the table.

"Steal? Where did you get these?" I took one and examined it out of curiosity. It was a plain, ragged black robe that had golden detailing on the hem of it. It was a bit too long for me to wear, but eh, whatever, I could just think of it like wearing an oversized shirt. Pretty cute.