"Pff-- Ahahhahah! Oh my goodness, little cub, that was quite a show!" General Zhang laughed his butt off once we reunited again, this time a bit far from the diner in order to avoid suspicion.

We hid behind a house beneath a huge tree that we had confirmed to be empty. After gathering just enough clothes for all of us, I left them a considerable amount of money that I fetched from the orc's hideout. I would've given them my money, but based on the looks of their coins, they weren't using the same currency as we humans did. I should make sure to pay back the orcs in one way or another.

"Hey, at least we got what we came for." I pouted as I distributed the clothes among us.

"We could've just stormed right in, you know~ Then you wouldn't need to seduce him like that. Or touch his hands." General Zhang tugged the hem of my robe.

"That won't do. It'll make a huge commotion, and people will flock around us." I sighed.