"What!? What's happening here?" I exclaimed in surprise while reflexively withdrawing my hand, "Luke? Firiell? Do you guys have any idea?" I looked at both of them with wide eyes.

"New element? This is the first time I've seen someone with two elements..." Jeanne gasped as she covered her mouth in shock.

"Try using your fire. Can you still use your fire?" General Emilio asked in a slightly more rushed tone than usual, which alarmed me since he wasn't usually like that.

"Uh, m-maybe..." I raised the palm of my hand and tried again to use my elemental magic.

'Crackle! Fwoosh!'

This time, a surge of flame appeared on my hand as little shards of ice popped and scattered everywhere.

"Ack! Sorry, sorry. I'm having a little bit of technical difficulty!" I said as I fumbled with the shards that were spilling everywhere.