After allowing myself one last sniffle, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to compose myself. C'mon, Chae. This wasn't a great place to have a breakdown.

"Hoo..." I wiped my eyes with my wrist, despite it being all bloody. I bet I had a blood-smeared face now. Ugh, I would need to bother Elena for some skincare after this.

My shoulders slumped as I sat on top of the freezing elf king, not moving from my spot. Despite my crumpled state of mind I was in, I tried my best to focus on something else. Skincare, bibimbap, that autobiography book from the library that I hadn't finished reading, what else, uh...

My gaze slowly wandered around, before stopping to focus on his peaceful face again.

"How nice..." I muttered, "how nice it is to die without losing anything."

I clenched my fists.