'Stab! Stab!'

The bloody night appeared to have quieted down for quite a while. Although in reality it only took around 1 minute at best for Firiell to swiftly took the heart out of her uncle's chest, for me, it felt like a fleeting peaceful moment that flowed slowly.

... Tonight's a bit cold, huh.


"Big sis Chae. I've taken out his heart." Firiell said with a resolute face.

"Good. Now off you go." I smiled at her. I knew that she was talented magic-wise, but finding out that she was also good in emotional intelligence and in adapting was a pleasant find.

"Go? Go where?" She questioned so innocently while holding a bleeding heart.

"I'm sure you'll know. Anyway, one more thing before you go," I pinched both of her cheeks, pulling them until her mouth was stretched, "smile. You're allowed to be happy that your king has died."