"How are we going to enjoy ourselves?" General Emilio raised an eyebrow, looking honestly confused, "I enjoy completing the mission."

"Geez, general. Enjoyment comes in different types." I shook my head and chuckled.

"I'm not interested in hanging out." He shrugged and continued walking as the faint thumps of our steps decorated the dim hallway.

"And so am I," I proudly exclaimed, "we're going to get some upgrades before we go."

He took a swift look at my face, before shifting his gaze back towards the empty, crumbling hallway, "… Upgrades don't sound bad."

"Right? I know you'll agree," I grinned, "you've been to the minotaur lair before, haven't you, general Emilio? I haven't heard the complete story yet, so tell me while we get ourselves patched up in the infirmary. We need to construct a plan. And quickly."

"Sure." He answered concisely.