"G… General?" I asked, bewildered for the fiftieth time today, probably.

W-what was he doing, hugging people so casually? Ack, was this a thing in this world? Perhaps I was the conservative one, but back in my hometown, you didn't just hug people, especially someone of the opposite gender, in this context! Like, playful smacks or physical contact in case of emergencies like when you were under attack? Sure. This? No.

As I felt the blood on my face steadily rising up until I was sure that my face was as red as a ripe tomato, I prayed so that he wouldn't notice my rapidly growing tachycardia.

"… Alright, let's get moving. Porcupine is barely alive." General Zhang said as he slowly let go of me, until his fingertips brushed in slow motion against my hair, letting a few strands of my hair fall gracefully from his hand.