"...Are you drunk?" I squinted my eyes, "nah, my bad, magic here is kinda wack. Perhaps I'm the drunk one for expecting normal things."

"Oooh, I'd love to get drunk right now," general Zhang giggled, "drunk murder spree with me? Just kidding, just kidding... Unless?"

I shot him a glare while he paraded his exaggerated puppy eyes at me, accompanied by a few blinks.

"Too bad, I don't drink," I huffed, "except if it's a sweet liquor. I can't stand the bitter taste of alcohol."

"Aww, I'll get you used to mature taste~" He said with a little chuckle, which soon turned into full-on laughter.

"Shut up, you eel. Focus, will yoouuu!?" I pinched both of his cheeks in frustration while I frowned. Really, we were in the middle of wrecking--ehem, respectfully visiting the orc's base, and a humanoid 'magic' had just vanished in front of us along with useful info, and he joked about alcohol. Great.

"A living magic?" General Emilio inquired, looking just a sliiiightly bit puzzled.