"Oh wait, before we go down, let's not forget this." I reached for my bag and shuffled its content around, looking for a key item that should be here, according to Jeanne.

"What now?" Luke asked as he bent down to peek at my bag's content.

"This!" I beamed and raised two pairs of goggles, "night vision goggles! Hehe!"

"Ahh, right. Those elves have good eyes at night," he pondered, "you did your homework, kid."

"Of course I did, Elena drilled that information into my head, how could I not?" I pouted as I extended my arm to hand him a pair. According to what Jeanne said, general Zhang specifically told her to pack some stuff double the amount for my bag. As expected of a fellow parasite bearer.

"Ah, no need. I can see perfectly any time of the day," he smiled proudly and crossed his arms over his slightly exposed chest, "cool, right?"

"Nah." I flatly replied and shoved the pair into the bag, while wearing the other one.