Meeting his friends

*next day

I got up early and refreshed myself. As I headed out, all I could smell was delicious food.

I entered the kitchen and saw Jin, cooking.

"Mm.... It smells really delicious in here! Anything special?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing special today." He said and continued.

"I didn't know you could cook."

"What would've you done if I said I could cook?" He asked.

"What else can I ask for, more than a good meal?" And he smiled.

"Foods ready. Seat yourself." He said and I sat down on the table. He soon got the food and served to both of us.

I took in a bite and I was astonished by his cooking skills.

"What do you think?"

"It's damn delicious. I've never tasted anything like this." I said and stuffed more.

"Glad you like it." And he started eating.

"You could have started a restaurant. You'll have more income." I said as I ate.

"I thought about it. But then I wanted to do this."

"Your choice." He smiled and we ate.

"Where is unnie? You told she'd come in the morning."

"Noona took off for a week. Her son is not feeling well and I asked her to stay with him until he gets well."

"That's a good thing... Can I ask you something?" I asked. He hummed in response.

"Do you really consider me as your friend, even though we both are in different levels?"

"What do you mean by different levels?" He asked.

"You run a designer company and quite rich and I am the opposite of it. Don't you see the difference?"

"If I had seen the difference, why would I be this kind to you? I have told you before, I love to live this normal life." He said.

"You're so cute." I said pinching his cheeks and continued eating.

*after sometime

We finished eating and were ready to leave to the bakery. As we reached, he got down and unnie came out running along with oppa. I pulled Jin's sleeve and whispered to him.

"Don't tell them whatever happened yesterday, or else today evening, you'll have it." I said smiling.

"Nothing will go out, I promise." He said and they both came.

"Y/n, are you ok? Did you eat yesterday? I was worried whether if something happened to you. Why would you run out, without saying anything?" She asked, everything at once.

"Unnie, calm down. I am fine and nothing happened. If you want ask Seok Jin." I said and looked at him to tell.

"Y-yeah... nothing happened." He said.

"See. Ok, now we are getting late and so is he. Let's get going. Bye Seok Jin." I said and pushed unnie and oppa inside the bakery.

"Y/n, don't forget the box." Jin said and left. I waved at him and headed inside and changed and stood at the counter.

"What box was he asking for? Huh?" Unnie asked.

"Unnie, you always get the wrong idea. He asked for a box of red velvet cakes cause he really liked it." I said and unnie kept smiling.

"Unnie, go bake." I said and pushed her inside.


I finished my work and headed to the park, to see Seok Jin along with a box of red velvet cakes. I got there and sat by a bench and waited for him to come.

"Am I late?" I turned and saw Seok Jin.

"Not really, but yeah, you made me wait for 5 minutes. And here's your box." I handed the box to him and he smiled.

"Sorry for that. And thanks for this." He said and we sat down.

"So what are we here for?" I asked, curiously.

"Simply." He said.


"We are here to talk and chit-chat."

"Do you really have time to sit and talk?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am not that busy, in fact."

"But that day you were damn busy... or were you acting?" I asked.

"Ani! I don't know how to act. It was for real."

"Ok, just asked." There was a pause.

"So, where is your mother?" I asked.

"My mother stays in the building next to my house." He said.

"And your father?"

"He is overseas with someone else."

"I mistook unnie for your mother."

"*laughs* I, myself, mistook it at times. She takes great care of me."

"If your mother stays in the building next to yours, then she could take care of you right?"

"She could, but she has some work. She isn't home actually, most of the times."

"Why would your mom be busy when you are working?"

"I don't know. She never tells them."

"So, what is your age?"

"28." He said. I started looking at every inch of his face.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not! I am 28. Why? How much are you?" He asked.

"I'm also 28, but you look a lot younger than me. I look like some aged person." I said.

"I thought that I was the only one thinking like that. But you really don't look like an aged. You look a year younger, that's all." As he said that, I started hitting him.

"I take back what I said."

"Aishh! Stop hitting me. It hurts!" He shrilled.

I stopped and looked at him.

"So, what are you doing later?" He asked.

"Why? What are you planning on?"

"Thought I'd take you to the office and you could meet the others."

"Others.... in the sense?"

"Jungkook and the other guys."

"Well, then I am ready to go." I said smiling and we headed to his company.

We reached and I got down along with him. We walked all the way, talking and laughing and soon we reached a room.

"So, they are in, here?"

"Yup." He said and knocked on the door and opened it. The room was filled with tons of designs and it looked very colourful, with 6 young boys standing and looking at us.

"Noona? What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"I came here to see you. I never get to know what you do." I said and walked forward.

"Guys, this is-" I cut Jin.

"Hi, I'm Shin Y/n. Friends with Jungkook and Seok Jin." I said. They had a shocked impression.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"It's the first time anyone has interrupted Jin hyung, while talking."

"Oh! I'm sorry for that. I really didn't mean do it."

Seok Jin introduced all of them and it was quite a good feeling to get to know others.

"It's good to see you all." I said, smiling.

"So, what do you do, Y/n?" Namjoon asked.

"I run and work at a bakery along with my family."

"Y-you work at a bakery?" Jimin asked, shocked.

"Yeah. Anything wrong or weird about it?" I asked.

"No-nothing." He said and it was quiet.

"Uh.. um... Y/n, how about I get you home?" Jin asked.

"Actually, I'll be fine on my own. So, I'll take a leave, and you guys continue your work. See you guys sometime." I said and left, closing the door behind me and humming a song that popped up in my mind.


Jin's POV

As soon as Y/n left, all their eyes turned towards me.

"So, she is the bakery girl you were talking about hyung?" Jimin asked. I nodded my head.

"She looks kinda pretty though. I am gonna ask her out the next time I meet her." Hoseok said.

"Hyung, she's 28 and you are gonna ask her out? Even if you were to ask her out, she'd say no." Jungkook said.

"She's a noona?" He said, shocked.

"She doesn't look like one, though." Yoongi said.

"If she wasn't, I would do anything to make her mine." Hoseok said and they all laughed.

"Why would she say no?" They all asked, eagerly.

"Noona wants someone who is living a normal lifestyle, and loving her and taking care of her."

"How do you know all this?" Hoseok asked.

"I asked her."

"You guys continue to work. If anything, I'll be at my cabin. You can come for me." I said and left to the cabin.

I sat down and thought about what the guys were talking about.

'Why did I feel weird when Hoseok talked about making Y/n his? Why does it bother me? Am I feeling something towards her?' I thought.

'It can't be. I just met her, how can I? But there are things like; at first..... sight, kiss, touch... what am I even thinking.'

I got back to work, pushing that thought aside.


Member's POV

Hyung left the room and we got back to work.

"Guys, do you think Jin hyung has a crush on Y/n noona?" Hoseok hyung asked.

"Why do you think so?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"As I said I would make Y/n noona mine, his expression changed. It was like, he was thinking about something."

"Maybe, Hobi hyung is right. I noticed it too." Taehyung hyung said.

"Let whatever happen, happen. Why to worry about it now?" I said.

"Kookie, you are too small to talk things about this." Hobi hyung said.

"Hyung, I am a grown up."

"But not to us." Jimin hyung said and the others laughed.

"I'll show you guys that I am a grown up, one day." I said.

"We'll see about that." Tae hyung said and we continued our work.


Y/n's POV

I reached the bakery and walked upstairs. The shop was closed as it was already 10.00 pm. I changed and sat on the bed corner.

I scrolled through my phone. A message popped up from Jin.

Seok Jin : Hey, did you reach home?

Me : Yeah I did. You don't need to worry.

Seok Jin : Y/n, could you meet me at my house tomorrow morning?

Me : Why? Anything happened?

Seok Jin : Nothing. Just come.

Me : Ok sure.

I was confused as to why he called me to come there early in the morning.

What do you think it could be?