Chapter 3-TROLL!? confessions and the kiss

Sandra's POV

We were in charms class doing the levitation spell 'wingardium laviosa' Blaise and Helen *wink wink* were working together while me and Draco were a pair.

"wingardiuamm laviosaaaer" Draco said very incorrectly. I smiled at his attempt and corrected him them showed him how to do it.

"ohhhh thanks sans" he thanked. " No problem dray" I replied.

"stop stop. Stop! STOP! Your going to take someone's eye balls out, besides your saying it wrong, it's laviOsa not LavioSaaar" Hermione told Ron. Ron looked annoyed so he challenged Hermione, wrong move mate, wrong move. "You do it then! If your so smart! Go on!" He scoffed. I smirked and Hermione did it right. I cheered for her.

~ time skip to end of charms outside brought to you by Cedric saying "take my body back to my dad will you?"~

Me and Hermione were walking together a bit after Ron and Harry and some other boys. "its laviOsa not LavioSaaar, ugh she's a nightmare no wonder she's got no friends" Ronald said. Hermione sniffed and ran past them. I felt my blood boiling so I sped up. "I think she heard you" Harry said, guilty.

" YES SHE DID BLOODY IDIOTS! AND SHE DOES HAVE A FRIEND! SORRY NOT FRIEND, BESTFRIEND ME!" I shouted at them, more specifically Ron. I slapped him across the face and ran after Hermione.

I found her crying in the toliet stall. "Hermione, it's me open the door please?" I pleaded. "just go away... your not my friend, I don't have any just like Ron said." She chocked out, I felt my heart break. She was such an amazing person! How dare Ron say that. "Your right, I'm not your friend," I started "your my best friend and I'm not leaving so you either open the door or I sit here with you." I finished. She opened the door and I pulled her in a hug. "Thank you" she said. "no problem, and 'mione?" She hummed in response and pulled away "dont listen to that idiot he's just jealous your smart." I said and she smiled. We stayed there and skipped dinner the whole time and talked.

Draco's POV

We were eating dinner and I hadn't seen Sandra since charms class and I was getting quite worried. She's one of the only people who see through my acts and know I have to be mean and rude to impress my father. She feels the same, but without being really mean.

"blaise have you seen Sandra? I haven't seen her in ages." I asked the boy. " No, apparently she's comforting granger after something Weasley said she's been crying in the bathroom." He replied. That made sense. "Ok thanks mate-" before I could finished the doors opened and Professor Quirell ran in.

"TROLL! TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS! Thought you ought to know" and with that he fainted. Everyone started screaming, including me, and running around.

(I'm sorry I just loved that part 😂😂)

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore shouted. "prefects will lead their houses to dormitories" we started making our way until I realised, Sandra doesn't know. I grabbed Blaise and told him, he nodded and said that he would cover for me and told me to be careful and bring Sandra back. I ran to the bathroom and saw Weasley and Potter doing the same. Please be ok Sans.

Sandra's POV

We heard very loud thumps so I pulled Hermione behind me and stepped out to see a GIANT mountain troll. My eyes widened as me and Hermione shrieked. The troll swinged it's bat but we ducked and took cover under the stalls. I covered Hermione's body with mine so she didn't get hurt. I saw Ron, Harry and Draco?! Running in. Thank goodness.

"GIRLS RUN!" Harry shouted. Hermione moved under the sinks and just as I was about to go, the troll strikes and hit me right in the back. Ouch. It picked me up, with the spikes still in my back. I was crying and screaming.

"Y/N!" I heard Draco shout. "STAY AWAKE PRINCESS" he tried to comfort me. My heart fluttered at the nickname- NO THAT IS NOT THE TIME! I realised I had a crush on Draco a few weeks ago. I suddenly felt calm and relaxed, it was so tempting to close my eyes. So I did, the last thing I heard before everything went black was "No. no! NO! PRINCESS PLEASE! I LIK-" but then everything was gone. I didn't hear the rest but I knew who that voice was, I wonder what he was gonna say.

~time skip to after the troll was defeated and you wake up in the hospital wing brought to you by Draco lying on the floor dying from "sepctempra" ~

I woke up with excruciating pain I my back. I felt a weight on my hand so I looked down to see Draco holding my hand with his head on the bed, sleeping. I smiled and ruffled his hair. He bolted upwards and I looked into his eyes seeing it broke my heart. He had red and puffy eyes, Draco was crying. He smiled at me, I felt tears threatening to fall down my face. He pulled me into a gentle hug, like if he was too rough I was going to break. Maybe I would.

"I'm so so sorry I couldn't do anything I-" he started guilty but I cut him off caressing his check. " Shhh shhh I don't blame you dray." I cooed. He looked at me with disbelief and he told me what happened after I passed out.

"hey draco?" I asked, he looked at me concerned. "You started saying something before I blacked out. What was it? And you called me princess.." I said my cheeks heating up. his face seemed to do the face. " Oh i was saying how I liked being your friend-" that word... "-and I called you princess because I thought you were strong and independent like one." He said. I felt a lot of disappointment, he must have noticed because next thing I know his soft lips hit mine. I kissed him back immediately. It was going for a few seconds that felt like hours and soon we pulled away from lack of air. We were both red.

"I need to tell you something" we both said, simultaneously. We both laughed a bit and then again at the same time we said "you first"  in the end you told Draco to go first.

"Ok... so I have liked you since I met you. Your beautiful green eyes are so easy to get lost in, and I did-" he deeply inhaled and I was smiling like an idiot at this point "- your smile and laugh is what makes me happy whenever I see it. When I'm around you I feel like I can be my true self without being judged. You make me happy and it makes me want to be a better person for you." My started beating fast and Draco looked into my eyes " I would get if you don't like me the same way and were young-" I cut him off by blurting out "ILikeyoutooandihavesinceisawyouonthetrain" I breathed. He smiled and we kissed a bit more before he asked "I know we are young but will you be my g- girlfriend?" He asks stuttering.  I smiled and pulled him into a hug and pecked his lips before laying my forehead on his and replying with "yes, it would be an honour." And with that he stayed the night and we talked till we both fell asleep.

Word count: 1268

Have an amazing day lovelies!

Diya  ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ❤︎𓆙