Draco's POV
When Sandra said yes I was the happiest person alive! We went to sleep and I woke up to someone kissing my head. I smiled l knowing who it was and Sandra was lying down looking at me so I decided to tease her.
"Like the view princess?" I teased with a smirk. She looked at me and smiled while nodding, "didn't your parents teach you it's rude to stare?" I kept trying to annoy her. She giggled and I felt my smile get bigger. " sorry I just love my handsome boyfriend" my heart fluttered and I kissed her and we waited until madam Pomfrey came and checked up on Sandra and her injures.
Sandras POV
Madam Pomfrey checked my injuries and said I could go but had to be very careful and when she said that Draco said he would 'protect me' me and poppy looked at each other and smirked. After Draco left madam looked at me.
"Sooo Sandra" she began, I and her were close as I helped her with people who came to the hospital wing and I cleaned up so we became friends. " you and Draco huh? Are you happy?" She finished.
I blushed while she laughed at my reaction. " yes I love him but I think it's too early to say that." She nodded and told me I could go. "Oh and Sandra!" She shouted after me I turned and looked at her, "yeah poppy?" "Be careful and come back if you feel any pain okay?!" She warned. I nodded and walked out. I saw Draco there so I smiled, he returned the gesture.
"Ready to go princess?" He asked and I nodded. We intertwined our hands and entered the great hall. I didn't have time to even BLINK and I was pulled into a hug. I returned it and when the amigo (Blaise) pulled away he looked at me and said "DONT DO THAT AGAIN!!! YOU WORRIED ME TO DEATH!!!" He shouted he then looked between me and Draco then our hands and smirked. "FINALLY YOU GREW A PAIR AND TOLD HER!" he yelled st Draco. Helen did the same and smirked and Blaise handed her some galleons. "Told you" she muttered.
" first of all NO NEED TO TELL ALL OF the BAEAUXBATONS! second of all I will try not to get excruciating pain again!" I snapped. But then smiled. When the Golden Trio saw me they ran over and I got engulfed in a group hug.
"Your okay!" Hermione said while Harry said at the same time "I'm sorry" while Ron said, "are you okay?!" I chuckled and looked at them.
"Im fine guys! Harry I don't blame you don't worry, thanks for asking though. All of you" i assured them. They went back to their seats and The Royal Four (us tehe) went to our table. Seeing today was the weekend and it was a quidditch game I wore a nice outfit. As much as Harry is my friend, I'm rooting for Slytherin!
"You look stunning by the way darling" Draco complements. "As always" I reply and laugh and he joins in nodding.
"As much as I love you guys being together, PLEASE DONT FLIRT AROUND ME!!" Blaise and Helen say. Me and Draco look at each other then back to them. "Maybe you won't be third wheeling if you two get together!" We exclaim and expose them at the same time. Both their eyes widen and they grab out mouths. I lick Helens hand so she takes it off.
"EWWW DISGUSTING " she shouts. We just laugh and Draco holds my waist and brings me closer to him and kisses my head. As soon as he does that Pug face comes over to use, storming. Parkinson always hated me and I hated her, everyone knew she was obsessed with Draco and it kind of annoyed me.
"GET AWAY FROM MY DRACEY-POO!!!" She shrieked with her annoying voice which made me want to go deaf. "Yours?! He's my boyfriend!" I shouted back. She just glared so I looked back at my friends and continued the conversation. All of a sudden, the pug caught me off guard by punching my nose. I looked her way a stood up "YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT BITCH!" I yelled and leaped at her. Draco, Blaise and Helen tried to hold me back, but that's the keyword tried. I pushed them off and pushed pansy to the ground everyone around me chanting 'fight' or 'get her Sandra' and I was hovering over her before I gave her a black eye and broken nose.
She then hit my back where I got hurt and I groaned in pain, before a wet substance ran down my back, blood i thought. I got off her and she ran away. "DARLING" Draco rushed to me and then his eyes widen as he saw the blood. Blaise and Helen quickly followed behind us as Draco carried me to the hospital wing. Let me tell you this, it hurt BAD it felt like I had not power to move and like I didn't have a spine.
"It's going to be okay princess" Draco reassured, somewhat to himself as well. "It hurts.." I cried to him. We got to the hospital wing and poppy gasped. She ran over and put me on a bed. Then I blacked out to Draco saying 'HELP HER PLEASE!" He cried out. I squeezed his hand and fell limp.
The end she died!
Word count: 1026 including the note.
Sorry for the short chapter lovelies but I don't have time, I did a double update but I'm not going to upload again till Friday. I'm not doing the surprise this time but whatever. Maybe another. I'm planning on uploading every Friday but I might not be able to sometimes bc of my vacation. Anyways love you all so much. Stay safe, have an amazing day,week and month.
Lots of love,
Diya ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ❤︎𓆙