Chapter one

She tapped the door lightly and waited impatiently for whoever was on the other side to open up. With her hands in her pockets her feet tapped the ground, excitement running through her like warm water. The door flew open, and there with a smile stood his mother. "Good evening Lacey" his mother greeted. "He's in his room." she said pointing down the long hall way. Lacey nodded and headed down the hall. One more night, one more night and she would be gone for an entire year without being able to see her friends or talk to them. Her parents had said no distractions and she couldn't protest. The others did it already.

She stepped into his room, arms stretched out, but stopped when she saw the picture in front of her. Her hands dropped to her sides, disdain in her eyes. "Jody?" She spat out in confusion "and Dennis?" she laughed, denial filling her every thought. Her friend jumped off of her boyfriend's bed in fear. "Lacey I only came to tell him we couldn't do this again." she blurtted out as she walked towards her.

Lacey stepped back, "so it happenned before?" She asked desprately trying not to let the tears out. She looked between them, waiting for one of them to answer her.

"I tried to tell you yesterday at school but you were so busy, you didn't have the time." Jody bluttered again.

"Lacey we were both upset. Out of nowhere you tell me you'll be gone for a year, a whole year. We were both pissed off and it just happenned." Dennis said.

She nodded, her head filled with questions like when did it happen and how had it happenned? But she honestly didn't want the answers to those questions. Her breaking heart beat against itself. Her body unwilling to stay in the room any longer, she looked from Jody to Dennis and said "you're right Jody, its my fault, I should have given you my attention, so you could explain yourself for this."

Dennis spoke up for the second time, "Baby I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Yeah Lacey I'm sorry" Jody repeated. Her apology very insincere.

Lacey sighed and took out her phone, typing a quick message. She looked up at them once it was sent and said, "oh no!" her voice was shaking and so was her body, her tears threatening her brown eyes. "There's no need. And its a good thing I'm leaving isn't it?" She laughed as her phone beeped, a reply. "Bye" was her last word as she ran out the room. Bumping into his mother she gasped, "I'm sorry" she said as she cleared her throat.

The tall woman looked down at her with sympathy, "No Lacey, I'm sorry." She nodded and headed out the door and into her car ordering the driver to take her home.

With heavy breaths, she ran out the black honda and went straight for the double doors that led into her house, slamming that one shut with swelling rage she crossed the front hallway, took two steps at a time and barged into her room. Its safety pulling her towards her bed. She sank to the floor instead, pulling her pillow to herself, she let her head rest on it and she let it out; the tears she had managed to keep from spill since she saw them, she let it all out. Her body shaking with pure rage. She was her friend, how hadn't she seen it coming? Jody's constant nagging at why she was seeing him. With all her powers of observation she just didn't see this one coming.

She squeezed the layout of her grey bed sheet, pulling it towards her, while the soft mattress took in her muffled scream and streaming tears.

Too weak to keep crying, she crawled into her bed, wrapping herself in the slightly cold embrace of her blanket. she closed her eyes and nuzzled her head into the soft pillow that matched her bed sheet. One more night seemed like a long time. She wanted to leave, the knowledge that it would be hard for her if she were at all to stay and go to school caused her dread. Leaving was the safest option and untill an hour ago, it turned out to be the very best.

"Hey." She heard his sweet raspy voice. Lacey opened her eyes to see her big brother, his shoulder leaning against her door with his legs crossed at the ankles and his hands also crossed in front of him. His deep brown hair wet and sticking to his forehead. An impassive expression on his face. "What happened?" He asked, noticing her very red eyes and nose.

She cleared her thoat and said, "Went over to see Dennis like I said I would."

"Yeah and?"

"Jody was there, tugging at his shirt while he took her's off her head." She said in disgust.

"What?" Was his reply.

She sat up on her bed and continued, "they said something about both being upset I was leaving and then it just happened."

"Oh! He's gonna get it promise you that." He said standing up right, his hands clenched by his side.

"No need Darin, I won't be there to see it" she smiled slyly.

He hissed. "He could just be my latest victim." He smiled back.

"Yeah well, this happens doesn't it? I should have known. It happenned with you and Toni, only Marvin got his girl back." She pointed out her brothers' past expirience.

Their parents idea to have their childern learn the family businesses when they turn sixteen has left them having scars from shattered relationships.

"You could get him back if you want."

She scoffed and laid back down. "I don't want to."

He clicked his tongue and gave her a half smile. "You uhh... you want me to get her for you?"

With her eyes lighting up she said, "Is she asleep?"

He turned towards the long hallway and then back to her and answered, "Yeah for about thirty minutes. Does it matter?"

Raising her head to the ceiling, she hummed as though in thought, causing his to chuckle. "No. So yes please and thanks."

He nodded and walked into the hallway, returning with his little sister filling his arms. Her breathing calm with sleep and her hair, the same color as Darin's covering her small face. He placed her beside Lacey and pulled the covers over her petit frame. "When you get back she'll be five." He reminded her.

"Yeah. Another year and more trouble" she laughed.

"Shhyeah" he smiled. "I'm sorry about Dennis. And I'll him for this." he balled his fist and shook it mid-air. "But right now Carmen wants my body, so I gotta go show it to her. Over Skype." He completed. Before she could speak up to judge him. "You have Sadey now so sleep well."

She nodded as he closed the door behind him. She got to her feet and headed for he bathroom, taking her phone with her, a bath on her mind. Twenty-three messages from Dennis, including voicemails, and one from her dear friend Jody. Just a matter of time, and she wouldn't have to deal with it or them for an entire year.