Chapter twelve

Nick Atkins stood by the door, tapping his foot impatiently. He looked at his watch, looked at his oldest daughter, sitting in front of the television surfing through channels. He shook his head and pressed the bridge of his nose. "Just because you all get to go to school late does not mean you can slack off. Darin get your sister down here this instant. Lacey are all the bags in the cars?" He barked.

"Yes." She answered with eyes fixed on the screen.

"Then get off the couch and get moving. And hurry up you two. I do not want to miss my flight and I do not want you missing more classes than you have to." He let out a deep breath and looked at his watch again.

Sadey let go of Darin's hand when they reached the bottom of the stairs. She ran to Lacey who was turning off the television. "Lacey you've got butter in your hair." She giggled. Lacey got to her feet with a groan, pulling her hair to her line of sight. "And you're not wearing those long skirts." Sadey announced.

"Time kids, let's get going." Their father tapped the face of his watch. Darin handed Sadey her lunch box, staring at a moody Lacey who obviously had no intention of going to school, not when she wasn't wearing one of her signature gypsy skirts or her ponytail. He couldn't wait to hear her plan. They all walked out into the fresh air and morning sunlight. Their father stopped moving, startled by the face of big headed teddy bear looking out one of the car windows. "What is that?" He pointed at it.

"Daddy that's our teddy." Sadey giggled.

"It's mine, but also technically ours." Lacey added.

"And you are sending it back with everything else?"

"Yes." Her tone was dull.

"Okay." He waved it off. "Airport people." He got into the car, his own luggage was being put into the back. "Your mother would be back today?" They all chorused yes. "And if she isn't you can all stay till she gets here tomorrow?" Darin answered for them this time, while Lacey strapped Sadey into her booster seat. "Good. Because you are in charge. Even if Lola would be there. Darin nodded.

"Darin." Lacey whispered before he could get in the front passenger seat. He looked at her expectantly. "Could you tell the assistant to call school and tell them I wouldn't be in today?" Just as he expected. He couldn't help but feel like Tom had done something. He decided to let the whole thing go. If she wasn't talking about it, and he didn't know what was going on, then it definitely was not his problem.

"Sure, but if you won't be going where would you be? I'm pretty sure that would be a problem."

"I was planning on hanging out at the airport until mom's flight arrives. Lola might tell on me and so would one of the many workers at any of the hotels."

"So would the assistant who makes the call."

"Then you do it. I don't feel like school today." It was the perfect way to avoid the boy who kissed her in the girls bathroom... For now.

"Fine. But-"

"The both of you." Their father called out.

"But how do you know mother would be here today?" He rushed the words.

"She told me. So you'll pick me up at three thirty when you come to get her." Rushing her words as well, they both got in the car and shut the door before their father could speak again. One car headed to their mother's house with their things while the other, along with them, headed for the airport.

Hiding for the day was a stupid idea. Especially since eventually she would have to go to school... eventually being tomorrow and she would still see him. Maybe she could avoid eye contact. Even if it was proving rather difficult, she would have to. When the time came. Thinking about it made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

With the way the day was going. It was alright to say it did not change her mind like it did his. It only made it worse. And now she skipped school. He had to congratulate himself for making the girl he liked run away from him and from school.

Darin strolled up to Lacey with Sadey holding one hand and the other in his pocket, walking passed the mass of people carrying their luggage out of the arrival hall. Lacey stood arms folded against a wall. "Hey. This must have been totally boring." He said, steering Sadey into Lacey's waiting arms.

"Sort of. I bought a few things and I had my phone. Battery is dead now though." She gave him a small smile. Giving Sadey a chocolate bar. She made a mental note not to spend the entire day in the airport again.

"Thanks." Sadey smiled.

Darin clicked his tongue. "So. Has her flight arrived yet?" He took the piece of chocolate being handed to him by Sadey.

"Yeah she should be here..." She looked over his shoulder. "Now." Darin turned around and all three walked up to the woman in a blue pencil gown.

"My precious little cutie!" Their mother squeeled when Sadey ran into her arms. "Oh! Look how big you are." She lifted the five year old off the ground.

"I missed you mummy." Sadey's voice came muffled, her face buried in her mother's neck. "I thought you wouldn't be back today."

"What? Why would I stay away an extra day when I can be back today?" Sadey giggled. "I missed you too cutie."

With both hands now in his pockets, Darin walked closer to his mother. "Mother." He kissed her cheek and stepped back. A small smile on his face.

"Son." She nodded in acknowledgement, matching his facial expression. "Come here baby." She chuckled, closing the distance between them and giving him a kiss on his cheek. "I missed you too." She pat his cheek lightly. Moving on to Lacey who stood patiently waiting. Concern washed over her when she saw the drained look on her older daughter's face. "Sweetest sweet heart. What is wrong?" She dropped Sadey and cupped Lacey's face, searching her eyes for answers.

Besides a boring day and her mind clouded with thoughts of Tom Wade in all the idleness. "Nothing." She smiled sheepishly. The best she could do, dreading the fact that she would have to go to school tomorrow. Maybe next time she would hide her feelings and herself in the mall.

"Baby get my bags. It's the same ones I left with." She spoke without looking at the person she was talking to. Darin nodded and took Sadey with him. "Sweetest. It doesn't look like nothing. Is the work load in school too much? Do you need a day off?"

Seeing as they already did that. "No mother. It's okay. I'm fine." She had to be. Why the hell was she taking the whole thing so seriously? She likes him, he likes her, he kissed her, she kissed him back. He asked her out she said no. She could take a page from Darin's book and just ignore the whole thing instead of letting it get to her for no reason in every way emotionally and mentally. After all, she was just as much an expert at ignoring things as Darin was. She did it with Jody, Abby and Dennis.

"Alright then. But this weekend we are going to relax. Just the two of us. And there will be no working at the hotel for either of you all through next week."


"Absolutely sweetheart." She answered with a bright smile. "Now let's go help your brother with the bags."

So far so good. A whole day. And she did indeed ignore him and everything related to him. And the whole day went well. She had barely stepped out a whole thirty seconds before her Hall of the Mountain King ring tone went off. Digging into her bag she pulled out her cell phone and hit the answer button without really looking at the number. Once she saw the name on it, her heart skipped a beat. It was too late, ending the call just might make him call back. She took in a deep breath, "yes?" The one hostile word she could bring herself to say to Tom Wade since he had managed to ruin her plan yet again. Honestly though, she never did expect him to call since he hadn't done so after taking her number more than a month ago.

"Lacey, hi, I want to talk to you. Could you turn around. I'm parked right behind you." Her body stiffened. He wasn't supposed to be here by this time. Not when he had no detention. The brave thing would be to head to the motorcycle, ignore the boy. Honestly she was tired of the whole mess... If that was what it was. She did as she thought, walking forward and ignoring him. "Lacey! Lacey I can see you. Don't do this." What was that? She wasn't about to jump off a bridge. And why was she still on the phone? "You always do this. I try to get close and you run. I tell you I want us to be together and you hide your face. I kiss you and you skip school. You're always hiding from me and running from me." That was his plan? Push her to defend herself like he tried to with the Dennis, baby and Jody subject? She shook her head, scoffed at the entire trick and kept walking. "Lacey! I just want to talk. Lacey..." She heard him groan before she ended the call.

"Hey Becket." She smiled at the young man handing her her helmet as she got on. "Drive please." She requested getting on. Before long they were off.

Fifteen minutes into driving and the horning of the car behind them was becoming annoying. Becket looked back more times than he needed to. Each time making Lacey stiffen behind him. He swerved the motorcycle to the side of the road and stopped. "What?" She pulled off her helmet. "Why did you stop? We have to go." Tom parked his car as well.

He took off his own helmet. "Because that sound is annoying and obviously he wants to talk to you. We aren't leaving until you talk to him."

"What? How do you know he wants to talk to me or who he is? We need to go now." The butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She can't do this. He was waiting for her.

"I'm pretty sure I would remember the car I tailed a couple of weeks ago when he... who is inside right now, dropped you home. Go." With a deep breath, she adjusted her skirt once she got off and slowly walked to his car, opened the door and making the butterflies flutter even more.

She sat in the car and bent her head sharply before looking at a clearly upset Tom. "Make this quick will you? I'm running late."

He faced her fully, one arm resting on the steering wheel. "I understand why you can't be my girlfriend. You explained it and I caught a glimpse of it. I'm sorry about Abby." She nodded. "But Lacey I want you to be my girlfriend." She was very ready to step out of the car. She'd talked to him, like Becket asked. But then, "Your whole life is a secret. Who you are is a secret, your brothers are a secret. No one knows we talk to each other, or hell, that I know you. So what is one more secret? Be my girlfriend Lacey and no one has to know. We won't tell anyone. It'll be our secret. Our thing. Lacey these weeks since I've told you what I want have been full of frustrations. I know you like me too. And if this is the only way to make you stop running and accept this, and the only way to keep me from going crazy from thoughts of you then let's do it. Be my secret girl Lacey. Even if you already are my girl."

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Be at White Mist hotel in thirty minutes." She took off without another word.

Twenty nine minutes later the sliding doors opened up for him. She didn't say no right away. It had to be a good thing right? Why drag him all the way to White Mist. And why white Mist? He walked through the large lobby with people sitting in various corners. "Hi, here to see Lacey Atkins please." He said to the receptionist wearing a purple and white uniform that matched the drapes; purple and white striped rugs and white painted walls. He nodded and pressed a number on the phone beside him.

"Miss Lacey there's a..." Tom mouthed his name "Tom here for you." A brief second passed in silence. "Tom who please?" He looked at him.


"Wade. Tom Wade." Another brief second of silence. "Yes." And another, "Yes. Okay." He ended that call and dialed another number. Whispering into it. Tom stood expectantly, with his hands in his pockets. "In a moment." The receptionist spoke up. Tom nodded and moved to the side.

After what felt like forever, anticipating what would happen next, two men in guard uniforms walked up to him. "Follow us Mr. Wade." One requested. Confused by the situation he shook his head.


"This way sir. Please." They gestured towards the entrance.

"I just came in. I don't want to go. I'm here to see Lacey Atkins." It didn't make any sense.

"We are aware. This way please." They gestured towards the entrance again. Fighting the urge to make a scene, he followed. Why tell him to come here only to be forced to leave when she could have again said no in the car? He walked behind them out the entrance and through the parking lot. They reached a side door that led them through the kitchen with workers in white and chef's hats doing their jobs. It didn't make any sense still. They left the large spotless kitchen and climbed up a flight of stairs. The whole thing was making him feel uneasy. One knocked on the first door they came to and opened it slightly when they heard a muffled yes. Leaving him alone to open the door the rest of the way.

He pushed it open and his breath hitched at the sight before him. "Yes. She will be in for the meeting at 1pm exactly tomorrow." She spoke into the phone. She was yet to look up. The hair that was up when he saw her was now loose and scattered, falling over her shoulders. She ended that call and answered another. "Yes. The hall has been arranged to your specifications as the assistant said. Any more details let me know and I will have it handled. Be sure to inform me before the expected date." She ended that one and answered another. "I'm sorry, all things in that area are handled by Darin Atkins he will handle the complaints you have. I will transfer him to you right now." He closed the door behind him and sat on one of the chairs in front of her desk filled with papers without taking his eyes off of her. Only then did she look up. "No, we have poeple for that." She smiled at him and scribbled on a piece of paper. "Yes. And thank you." She ended that one. And sighed at the relief of no other incoming calls. "Thirty minutes, not twenty nine."

"You work here?" He asked, shaking off the shock on his face and ignoring the statement.

"Sure." She intertwined her fingers on the desk. "To answer your question, yes."

"Wow! Wait what question?" He got to his feet, looking around the office.

"Your question earlier. After you almost burst my ears with your honking." He stopped short and looked at her. She had said no twice and now that she said yes it was hard to contain his excitement.

"As in, yes you would be my girlfriend?" He walked over to the chair she was sitting on and leaned on the desk. She nodded. "I really should have come up with this much sooner."

"I agree." She smiled, bending her head.

He took her hand in his. "Lacey you are... something else." She pushed her lips to the side again, hiding her smile. "I love it when you do that." He chuckled. "Did you know when I came in? And the security guards?" Her first words to him only now making sense. She nodded sheepishly. He let go of her hand. "Wait." He looked around again. "The receptionist, the guards, the commanding tone in your voice. Your parents own White Mist. Your people own the second best hotel here?"

"Sure." She smiled. Watching the amused look on his face. She got to her feet and wrapped her arms round his neck bringing his attention back to her. Finally she said yes. And it felt very amazing having her close without her trying to pull away.

"How does this work?" He held her waist.

"We can't see each other at school."

"What about in the burn house?" She shook her head. "Empty classroom?" She shook her head again. "Empty hallway?" She chuckled and shook her head. He couldn't help smiling. "Empty bathroom?" He kissed her lips lightly.

"Umm... no." She laughed.

"So strictly after school rendezvous?" He played with the tip of her hair.

"Yes." She brought her face closer to his. "Kiss Me like you did in the bathroom."

He smirked and arched a brow. "Really?"

"Couldn't stop thinking about it for a second."

"Is that why you skipped school yesterday?" She chuckled. "I wouldn't want you to skip school again."

Her chuckle turned to laughter as she started to pull away. "But seriously we can't even make crazy eye contact in school."

"I know how it works shorty." He pulled her back closer and kissed her like she'd asked. Wrapped his hands round her tightly. He would love to make her happy: Just like she'd just made him.

Darin carefully laid a sleeping Sadey on the couch. Also noting that his other sister, hasn't stopped smiling since she walked out the hotel. She looked away from the television, her eyes squared on him. "What is your plan?"

"For what?" He picked up the remote control.

"For Jody idiot." At least she wasn't so moody like the day before. He shrugged and changed the channel.

"Nothing?" He shook his head. "What do you plan to do?"

"I don't have a plan yet. And it is my choice to do this and trying to butt in will not help. Take her up stairs. I want to play a video game."

She puffed. "Fine but don't start without me." He nodded while she scooped up her little sister.

Once she had tucked the little girl in her blanket, she rushed to her room. Darin couldn't be trusted to wait. But neither could what she wanted to do. Picking up her phone she went straight for Tom's number. The moment it stopped ringing and she heard his breathing, she blurtted out, "I'm not like everyone else."


"I'm not like everyone else." She let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think or do things like the other girls do. I'm not-"

"Ok stop." He cut her off. "Are you some sort of creature? Werewolf or vampire or ghost?"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course not."

"Good. Cause I know you're different. You stand out and no one sees it. I'll call you back in ten minutes. I need to get my stuff together for school tomorrow."


"I know you're different. And even if you were a ghost, I would still be crazy into you." She knew he was smiling and she couldn't help laughing. "I'll call you later. I gotta get ready for school." School. It might be a secret but it is nowhere near as uncomplicated as her's and Darin's. Not when he is her secret boyfriend.