Chapter fourteen

Lacey rubbed the back of her neck as she picked up the notebook beside her, her mind lost in the amount of home work she had to cover before the next day. Grateful for the fact that she didn't have to see Tom since he was busy. Exams were around the corner and summer school was not an option. She looked into one of the open textbooks in front of her and jotted down in her note book. The sound of Sadey laughing somewhere in the entire house reached her ears. She raised her head after an hour of working and writing, closing the books before her, she picked up another set of books and flipped through the table of contents before laying them out on the table. She fought the urge to pick up her phone with a deep breath and a shake of her head before picking up her pen to write. Once she was done with this last assignment the plan was to sit in front of the television. It was a good thing it was Friday.

Despite the work she had to do, her mind drifted to what had happened with Jody earlier, at least now she had an idea of how they would react if they knew she and Tom were together. She scratched the back of her head, and raised her hair into a bun before reading a text in one of her many books. Their reactions were sort of understandable, but whatever was going on made no sense. She put her pen in between her teeth and flipped through the pages of another text book, the last answer to her last assignment somewhere in there.

Her room door creeked open, Darin walking in with his hands in his pockets. "Hey." He greeted, walking over to her bed and lying on it with his hands behind his head. She nodded with a grunt, her index finger running through the lines of a sentence. "This, must be very frustrating." He stated.

"You have no idea." She said between penning down words. "I haven't stopped since after dinner. Mom wants to spend tomorrow with me and that means I can't work then so I have to get it all done today. And it's... what's the time?" She asked without looking up.

"Almost ten."

She rubbed the left side of her face. Her entire being tingling with anxiety to stop. "Very frustrating." She said with a deep sigh. "Buuuut, a few more words and I'll be done."

"Yeah. You could have done some on Sunday." He said dryly.

"I know. But I dared myself."

He adjusted him position on the bed. "That is only fun when it's someone else who dares you."

"I know that, but this way I do not have to do anything on that day." He nodded. And both fell silent till after she closed all books and dropped her pen. The burden of the weekend assignment lifted up from her shoulders.

"You almost done with the extra classes?"

"Yes" She dragged her answer with glee. Lacey sat on her bed, her legs folded and her elbows holding up her head on each knee. "Interesting development today." She said curiously.

"I was wondering when you would bring up something new." He looked up at the ceiling.

"Jody told us you've been making eyes at her." He scoffed, smirking. "But no one believes it. And I am confused. Is it true?"

"What do you think?" He removed his hands from behind his head and placed them over his stomach.

"Care to explain?" She looked at him expectantly.

"No. But. I would like it if you let me know what people think of it." She got to her feet, walking towards the door. Still bent on watching television. "I want to know if they believe her or not."

"Okay. No problem." Her questions were rapidly increasing, as was her confusion. "But do you know what you're doing?"

He sighed. "Yes Lacey, I do. I'm helping my little sister be happy in school before I graduate." Although she didn't need it, not with Tom somehow by her side. Darin got to his feet, walking behind her. Lacey shook her head walking out the door. Darin had barely given her any reasonable answer, even to her simple question.

The darkness in the room was illuminated by the light from the large screen, the sound of kicks and punches from the speakers hanging on each corner of the room engulfed it. Five large seats on each side of the isle stayed empty, while the first two seats in front of the screen were occupied by Tom and Tate, both tapping their video game controllers, guiding their players to defeat their opponents. With both pair of eyes glued to the screen, they ignored the littered snack wrappers and empty bottles around them. Tate laughed hysterically at his victory in each round they had played. "Its like you're not even trying." He shook his head as his last button combinations had Tom's player flying across the room.

The honest truth being that he really wasn't trying. Instead he was too busy being lost in his thoughts. He could bring Lacey over, instead of not getting to see her until who knows when. They could see a movie, probably something romantic, girls loved that kind of stuff. At the moment he missed her, the evidence being the fact that he wasn't attempting to beat Tate like he normally would. He dropped his controller and picked up his phone, wondering what she was upto on her day with her mother, a very cute thing to do.

Tate looked at his controller and then at his friend in shock, "What the hell! Did you just stop playing to check on your phone?" He furrowed his eye brows.

"Just a second." He said proceeding to send a text.

-"Where are you now?" He asked for the second time that day.

-Shorty "heading to the mall."

He dropped his phone and picked up the controller, ready to face his friend. "I forgot to tell you. I broke up with..." Tate snapped his finger in thought.

Tom glared, amused by Tate's expression. "Heather?" He called out reminding Tate and focusing on his game.

"Yes Heather." He chuckled.

"You know you're lucky you've got that accent." His player draining the life out of Tate's.

"What do you mean?" Tate paused the game.

"It's part of the reason girls like you. Without it your just a face."

"Like hell." He said in disbelief.

"Whatever man. I lost a bet. I thought you'd last longer than you did."

"You're betting on me now?"

"I'm sure, we all do." Smirking, he leaned over and unpaused the game from Tate's game pad.

"Still. There's no way it's just my accent. I'm good looking and I'm quite the charmer.

Tom laughed. "Because of the accent. And I'm good looking too."

"Don't drag yourself into this. It's not because of the accent." He hit the back of Tom's head.

Rubbing the sore spot he chuckled. An idea sneaking into his head. "Let's go to the mall, let's see if you can ask a girl out without the accent."

"No problem." He got to his feet. "I'm going to enjoy proving you wrong." He dropped his accent as much as he could. Smirking with confidence, he walked out of the screening room. "Let's go."

"Why this mall?" Tate asked once they stepped through the doors flooded with people walking in.

"Because here, you won't be meeting any girls from our school." He adjusted the blue face cap he had on.

"You don't know all the girls there." Tate stated. "And what's with the cap?"

"Neither do you." There was no way he would tell him it's because it's the mall Lacey was in. The tiny price he had to pay to have her be his girlfriend clawed at him every time he met up with his friend. "I feel like, that's what's with the cap." He tapped the tip of the cap with a smirk. Tate scoffed shaking his head. Tom's phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out to see the long awaited reply from Lacey.

-Shorty "heading towards that Video Game Store."

The plan was perfect, getting Tate to leave the house with no problems and being able to see her. And yesterday there was no way they could see each other. "Go make good on our deal." He spoke with his head bent over his phone. "Meet me at the food court in twenty minutes and introduce me to your new friend... If you get one." He smiled wickedly at him.

Tate shook his head."Twenty minutes is too much time. And don't you want to watch me work?"

"I'd rather not. Plus I need to pick up a few things. You need time to get rejected first." He started up the stairs. If he didn't control himself he would run up. Staying another second down there when he knew where she was was not an option.

He knew that form anywhere, the additional perk being no one else really saw her with her hair down or in something that wasn't a gypsy skirt. Well only her family did. Amazing how she had friends yet none of them really knew her. He did his best to walk briskly towards her without getting noticed through the crowd of poeple walking around. He kept his eyes on her as he took off his cap and ruffled his hair. She walked slowly, admiring the items exhibited in each window as she passed by. He was getting closer and he shivered with excitement. He walked past a kid pointing at a toy shop just beside where she said she was going to. He stretched out his hand when he was sure he could grab her and pulled her to himself just before she walked into the store. He pushed her against the wall space separating the game store from the toy store, placing the cap on her head to hide her face, he tilted her head back and kissed her deeply before intertwining his fingers with her's and dragging her into the game store. The cap was good for something after all. He couldn't help smiling at the success of his own stupid plan. For all he knew he could have searched the entire place and wouldn't have seen her. Finally stopping in between two shelves stocked with all sorts of games, he kissed her again. Lacey opened her eyes slowly, a smile on her face like she had a good dream. "Finaly." She said sweetly.

"Right?" He chuckled. He would go back and grab her again if he could.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." She hugged him

"So much for a surprise, you knew I was coming?" His eyes widened as he pulled away.

"Who wouldn't? With all your questions." He shrugged and took his cap back. "I missed you."

"Shorty, you have no idea. Where's your mom, Mother daughter day over already?"

"She had to go take care of somethings. so I'm using the time to get a new video game CD. We're getting bored with the ones we have."

"We... We as in you and Darin? You play?" He didn't expect that. Everything with her was unexpected and different and impressive. Not many girls did that.

"Sometimes. When he let's me."

"We have to play together soon." He picked up the first CD pack he saw. "Oh! but I can't see you at the hotel."

"You can come over during the week. I've got after school classes, but you can come over later."

"Shorty did you just find us a new place? I could pick you up and we could go to my place."

"No. It spoils my routine and raises questions. My place. Darin's barely ever home."

He started to play with her hair. "Sure. So when you finish this you're going shopping for clothes? More gypsy skirts?" He arched a brow.

She shrugged. "If I see one I like."

He chuckled looking at his watch. "Crap, I have to go meet Tate."

Panic replaced her smile. "He's here?" She stepped back.

"Relax sweet stuff. He's busy else where. And I didn't see any familiar faces around, and anyone from school who sees you would barely recognise you. Not when you're without your signature outfit." He added to assure her.

She nodded and let out a puff of air.

"I'll see you around school Lacey. I'll count the hours till I can get my hands on you." His hand brushed her cheek and he winked. She nodded again smiling. It made him want to stay. He tugged on a strand of her hair before walking backwards. "I can't believe it, I miss you already Lacey Atkins." She shook her head smiling and watching with folded arms. He held her gaze for a brief second before winking again and darting out the store. He most definitely was already missing her.

Clutching the band of the long maroon gypsy skirt in her hands, Lacey lifted it up to hide the defiant smile invading her face from her mother who stood at the other side of the clothes rack. She shook her head at Tom's silly talk and bit her lip. She held the skirt in place untill she was certain she wouldn't smile again. The moment she put it down her face betrayed her mind and the smile broke out again, making her lift up the skirt again. That had not been enough time to have spent with him. She looked out the glass doors hoping to see him appear out of nowhere. The chances of that happening were slim. If he was with Tate then he couldn't see her again and neither could she, despite the fact that he had just asked her about her present location. The thought made her feel empty and a little weak. The good part being she would see him Monday in school and talk to him after. For the first time ever... Monday had to come quickly. "If you like the skirt sweetheart then take it. Quit looking at it like that." Her mother's words snapped her out of her thoughts. She dropped the skirt back where she had picked it and continued looking at the rack of skirts. "I wonder why you like wearing those skirts to school, they just make you look smaller and fatter. But when you wear something fitting you always look good. Like right now. Don't you like looking good in school? And that ponytail thing." Her nose scrunched up in disapproval. "We both know you hate it."

"When I'm at school and they see the girl that wears only gypsy skirts they avoid her. And I like that. The ponytail hides the red in my hair."

"You don't want people talking to you? We could go dye it right now."

"No I don't what them talking to me, I like my space. Especially after Dennis. And I don't want to dye my hair." She pulled at some locks, eying them suspiciously.

"Fine. But stop messing it up." She swatted her hand away from her hair. Lacey hid her hand behind her back and tilted her head smiling. "Your so beautiful you know that? And I don't know what you're doing hiding yourself like this." Lacey shrugged and walked towards a rack of gowns.

"You lost interest fast. Did you drag me here for nothing then?"

"Watching you hit on girls lost its appeal very fast."the sound of the second voice made Lacey stop in her track and turn around. Their eyes locked as Tom walked past the shop. She moved her lips to the side to hide her forming smile. Her heart rate picked up and her hands tingled with excitement, he made it. Smiling, he bit his lower lip and quickly focused on Tate's rambling.

"I got a few numbers so either way I made my point." Tate looked into the shop. Lacey abruptly bent her head and turned back to where she was headed.

"Sweetness are you done here? We can't spend all day in here." Lucille paid for the clothes and headed out the store.

"Mmhmm." She left the tops she was pretending to look at and followed her mother to the next one holding a bag with skirts in them. Turns out she did need more gypsy skirts.

The day was over as soon as it began. Lacey sat on her bed admiring her new clothes and shoes. "I like it when you do that." The first words Tom said once she answered his call.

"Do what?" She asked playing with the curls she'd had done to her hair.

"When you try to hide your smile." She could hear him smiling. "It's the prettiest thing. Made me want to walk in there and hug you." She sighed. " How was your day?"

"Girly. How was yours?"

"Dude-ish. Did Darin like the game?"

"Yeah he did. We played for a while." She wanted to see him. And then maybe he would hold her and say silly things to make her laugh. And maybe she would even try to say something to make him laugh as well. He was always doing the talking. She wasn't used to him or comfortable with him very much yet. She did like him, but she wasn't used to him. Telling him she missed him at the mall, despite it being true, felt uncomfortable. But she would get used to him, things take time, everything takes time.

"Can we meet tomorrow shorty? A little rendezvous at the hotel?"

She had a feeling he was moving his eye brows suggestively. "No. I can't. I've got stuff to do." She wished she could see him.

"That's too bad."

"Why do you like using that word 'rendezvous' so much?"

He chuckled "I don't know, isn't that what we're doing? Or do?"

"Yeah it is."

He sighed. "I can't breathe Lacey Atkins. I miss you so much it's crazy."

She rested her head on her head board. His words left her feeling weak and warm. She wanted to say 'but you just did." But it would spoil it. The thought of almost saying it made her laugh. So she said it anyway. "But you just did." She had to know what he would say.

"What?" He chuckled. "I can only do that, I can't breathe in." He laughed heartily. "Damn it Lacey, where the hell did that come from?" She shrugged and laughed. "What the hell." They both laughed for a few more seconds before they stopped. " You know I used to think you'd get upset when I call you Shorty."

"Why? I am short."

"Oh yeah?"

She chuckled. "Yeah. I am short, and getting upset won't change anything. Nothing will change it." A fact she had already accepted. The knock on her room door made her sit up. "Sadey?"

"Lacey mummy wants to talk to you." She said skipping into the room. She jumped on the bed and picked up a pair of shorts.

She nodded. "Okay." She said to her sister. "I've got to go. I'll see you Monday." She said into the phone.

"Of course. But I'll call you tomorrow."

"Sure." She said quickly before she ended the call.

"I like these ones." Sadey pointed at a pair of leggings.

"Yeah. I like 'em too. Come on, let's go." She watched Sadey's tiny arms gather as much clothes as they could off the bed, lifting up her head so she could breathe. "What are you doing?" Lacey asked amused by it.

"Mummy wants you to bring your clothes so she can see how you can pair them up."

"How did you forget to say that?" Sadey shrugged, a black top slipping out of the pile. "Drop them. We'll put them in their bags and take them to her room." She nodded, obeying her older sister.