
Meeting An Old Friend

"Clark, I'm starting to think your race is like cockroaches. When you step on one, two more appears," Bruce Wayne said as he rubbed his forehead worriedly. Clark just chuckled when he heard that. His race have been coming to Earth one by one and each of them had their own agenda which ended up almost destroying Earth, all except one, his cousin Kara Zor-El. She had been rebellious at first but his constant nagging helped her straighten up. Now, she had a whole city chanting her name.

"I want to see what this one has to offer," Clark said, looking at the monitor where H'El was laying on a bed that was inside a cell that was radiating with the red sun.

"Do you believe him when he said he knew your father, your Kryptonian father?" Bruce asked. Clark was silent for a few seconds before he sighed with uncertainity.

"Zod also knew my father but we both know how that turned out. Right now, I tend to not trust any Kryptonian I come across," Clark said. "I will go talk to him and hear what he has to tell me."

"Be careful not to fall for his words," Bruce warned him. Clark nodded then walked to where the cell was. He found H'El looking at the ceiling with a smile on his face.

"You look like a happy camper," Clark said.

"Just having nastologia when I was in Krypton and father would come to bail me out of jail after a wild night," H'El answered then got up and looked at Kal El.

"Can you speak our language, Kal El?" he asked in Kryptonian. "Can you speak Candorian?"

"I can, my father taught me as I grew up," Clark answered in Candorian. H'El nodded, clearly pleased.

"It is good to know you have neglected our language as you have neglected our people," H'El said as he came closer.

"They wanted to destroy this planet so that they can rebuild Krypton and be rulers. I couldn't have that," Clark insisted.

"You have been raised under the yellow sun, humanity made you more sentimental to their cause that you use your Kryptonian Physiology to kill your brethren while you can't even kill someone who has killed thousands of humans and he is a human. Your lack of sympathy..."

"Earth has its laws and I abide to them. I do not take their lives because the law forbids it,"

"Does that mean if I go to Mars and start exterminating the Martians left you are going to stop me by imprisoning me?"

"Yes, you have taken lives..."

"But I am not on Earth so Earth laws do not apply there," H'El stopped him. Clark was fuming by now.

"Is that why you are here, to undermine me?"

"You have Krypton's codex inside you so you are supposed to be our saviour. But what kind of saviour are you gonna be if you keep imprisoning or killing your fellow Kryptonians any time they want to resurrect your race?"

"I could not allow them to exterminate an entire planet just so that they can ressurect a dead race," Clark shouted in English.

"There he is, the Earthling talking," H'El said in English too, a condescending smile on his face. "I am ashamed to call you brother." With that, he went to his bed and closed his eyes. Clark glared at him for a few more seconds before fuming back to Batman.

"How did it go?" he asked, sarcasitcally. Ever since he knew about the Candor language, he has been making efforts to learn it so he understood what they were saying.

"He's just like the rest of them, preaching to me about Krypton and how I as its saviour am not acting as one," Clark answered, breathing hard.

"Your race is saying you are fighting against them for the betterment of another race, it must hurt," Bruce said. "But, you can't blame them. Our culture and theirs is entirely different and you have been caught in the middle of it all." Clark sat down with a sigh

"I'm tired of this, Bruce, so very tired. On one side, the humans are being mislead by Luther saying that aliens are here to make Earth their playground and on the other side, my race is on the front to making Earthlings extinct! Me and Kara are caught in the middle of a brewing storm," Clark said with a sigh.

"Why don't you take a day off to the sun? I hear it does wonders to your skin," Bruce joked. Just then, the teleporter shone brightly and a young lady flew through, landing in front of Clark.

"I heard you have imprisoned another Kryptonian. Is he in the Phantom Zone?" she asked. Clark felt as if someone just kicked his heart. He couldn't believe that even his cousin would think that the first thing he did after seeing another Kryptonian is to imprison him or her.

"No, he's downstairs. He says his name is H'El and that he knows my father," Clark defended himself. Kara was struck dumb when she heard the name then supersped downstairs where the cell was. She looked inside and saw him.

"H'El, it's me, Kara Zor-El," she shouted. H'El slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. A small smile smeared his face.

"Kara Zor-El, the girl who made me be arrested almost all the time in Condar. You came to this planet too?" H'El asked, nastologia showing in his face. Kara put her hand on the scanner and the forcefield disappeared. She got into the cell and gave him a huge hug.

"It's so good to see a familiar face," she said, her hug tightening. The red sun made her physique same to a human but H'El could still feel his powers. But, he felt that the hug with every fiber in his body. Superman was already standing out of the cell, ready to start crushing bones if H'El decided to do something else.

"How did you get to Earth?" she asked him.

"I followed Kal El's ship signature here," H'El lied but the two believe it. "Jor-El build me a space ship before Krypton exploded."

"My father built a ship for you too? How old were you?" Clark asked.

"I don't speak to Earthlings," H'El said, coldly. Clark glared back but Kara decided to thaw the ice.

"H'El, why don't you come live with me? I have a whole apartment and you can sleep on my couch. I'll show you around Earth," she said.

"That is a bad idea," Clark told Kara who quickly shushed him. She then told H'El to wait there for a moment as she dragged her cousin away.

"I have grown up with H'El while we were in Candor. He is not like Zod and the others, he's just like me, confused and scared to be in another planet," Kara said.

"It won't be the first time they tried to use our sentiment against us, be careful, Kara. The moment you start to suspect he is not what he says he is, call me,"

"It won't come to that," she said with a sweet smile then went back to H'El. "Let's go." H'El gave a small nod and followed her to the teleporter. Batman was standing in front of it, a small box in his hand. When she saw it, she stopped in her tracks, making H'El curious about it so he tried to look inside but couldn't.

"Lead," he whispered.

"I can't let you take him out of the Watch Tower," Batman growled. Kara tensed as she pushed H'El behind her.

"Batman, I will take full responsibility of him," she said.

"What if you can't? Who's going to take responsibility for the lives he will take?" he asked.

"That is not going to happen, I promise you," she said but Batman was not backing down. His other hand went to open the small box but H'El suddenly appeared in front of him and snatched it away.

"Krypton used to be our home, human. It was full of life with all walks of foreign life forms coming to learn from us. We had everything a strong civilization would ever hope to have: technology, military power, science advancement and much more," H'El said then opened the box.

"H'El, no!" Kara shouted. A green light showed from inside the opened box, showing a green stone. Kara and Clark who had just arrived backed away from it but H'El was still okay. He looked at both Kryptonians who had backed away.

"Right now, even the planet itself is trying to kill its children. Our last pieces of our home is actually lethal to us, its children," he said, sadly. He closed the box and gave it back to Batman. "When you use that to cripple Kryptonians, know you are using a mother to kill the child. Let's go, Kara." Kara was surprised by the new development but she followed him into the teleporter.

"He's immune to Kryptonite! That might be a very disastrous development," Batman said as he removed the scowl on his face.

"Why did you even bother to wear that, he can just see through it," Clark said, making Bruce glare at him.