The first thing Kara did was to make sure H'El was out of his Krypton clothes and the insignia on his chest was not visible so she took him to the mall, rather, she sled through all the clothes, took them, left the money at the cashier and gave one shirt and trousers for him to wear. H'El had a sudden recollection of what these were together with a sense of nastologia.
"Good to know you can put them on without help," she said with satisfaction. H'El just nodded then looked at the mountain boots she had bought. "I couldn't find anything else that could fit you."
"They are just fine," H'El answered as he wore them. They fit like a glove which made him smile.
"C'mon, we'll race to my home," she said then took off, leaving a gust of wind behind. H'El scoffed and followed after her. He decided to let her win for he didn't know the way but the way she smiled after they arrived made him feel he fell for her tricks again.
"Make yourself at home while I prepare some food for us," she said. H'El nodded then looked around. Everything he looked at made a memory surface about it, what it was and how to use it. He looked at the remote then lifted it with telekinesis before making it change the channel to something decent enough to watch.
"You know how to use the remote! That's amazing," Kar shouted out when she saw the channel change from the kitchen. Just then, the door opened and a woman wearing all black and leather walked in.
"Kara, Hank called for us at work, it's urgent," she said then saw H'El who lost interest in her the moment he realised she was human but she didn't.
"Who are you?" she asked him. H'El ignored her as he concentrated back at the TV but Kara came to the rescue.
"Alex, this is H'El, he is a friend from Candor," she introduced him. Alex was stunned to hear that.
"What's he doing here?" she asked Kara who seemed not to understand her.
"My cousin had him locked up in the Watchtower thinking he's some kind of every but I grew up with him, I know him better than him so I decided he can stay here with me," she answered.
"Kara, he's a Kryptonian, he can be much of a danger to you like to everyone else," Alex querelled. Before Kara could defend him, H'El spoke up in Candorian.
"She is a child of Earth, Kara, she cannot understand what it feels like to lose your home and having to try and get another one. She sees our kind as annuisances. Let me tell you a story. Long time back, there lived a race called Gambaxites. They were shape shifters and one fateful day, their galxy was destroyed and the survivors had to search for safety in other races, wearing their skins. But, they went like that till they forgot who they were. So, Kara, you might act like a human but what you are doing is slowly erasing your Krypton heritage and slowly becoming human," he finished. Both women were silent for a while before Kara turned to Alex.
"What's the job?" she asked in English.
"Uhmm, Hank wants us to protect M'gann. They are afraid that she might be killed by white Martians," Alex answered after half heartedly drawing her eyes off of H'El who was back at watching the television.
"I'm gonna meet you there, I just have to talk with H'El first," Kara said. Alex nodded, gave him a stink eye before leaving. Once Kara made sure she was not eavesdropping, she turned to Alex.
"I am not turning into an Earthling. I happen to stay here so I have to follow their rules,"
"They were made for humans to follow. You are Kryptonian, they do not bound you,"
"Without them I would be a cold blooded vigilante and I don't want to. Right now, I am the symbol of peace in National City..."
"Do you think they won't turn on you? Even Kryptonians would line up to kill you when you mess up, Kara. I am glad you found a purpose, I really am buy some cause are just lost ones,"
"This is not a lost cause. I sleep better knowing a criminal is behind jail after my patrol. I find a reason to smile when I save children from burning houses. I keep my city safe by saving someone from being robbed or killed. This is what I want to do to the planet that housed me after mine died. So, if you want to criticize me for that then go right ahead," Kara said. H'El looked at her and then looked back at the TV.
"Greed, Kara, is something that can drive to whole civilization to Doom. It did with ours and it did to yours. You blood is very precious to them just as it is precious to Kryptonians but for different reasons. Humans would use it to create clones if you to fight their wars while Kryptonians would use it to make clones to fill up their dying species. Which side do you want to be?" he asked her then kept quiet.
"What kept you so long?" Alex asked Kara when she flew into the DEO HQ.
"Just had a lot to think about. So, what's this about M'Gann being targeted by White Martians?" she answered then asked.
"They are after me for some reasons I can't disclose yet," M'Gann answered.
"They are White Martians, they can also do things you two can, right?" Kara asked them.
"Yep," M'Gann answered.
"Then perhaps this is a bad place for you to be in. They will know you are here so I suggest I take you somewhere safe, somewhere only I know, is that okay?" Kara asked her. M'Gann looked at Hank with uncertainty then nodded. "Good, that way even if they can read the minds of everyone here they will never know where she is." She then took M'Gann in her arms and flew away with lightning speed. The sage place was obviously where there was another Kryptonian who had no weakness to Kryptonite, H'El. She found him still watching TV, having not moved since she left. When they both got in, H'El turned to look at them.
"You brought a Martian here," he mused. Kara put her down as she nodded.
"Some White Martians are after her so please, can you keep her safe? If anyone else comes here then you can knock them out," Kara asked him.
"For you, Kara, anything," H'El answered. Kara flashed him a smile then turned to M'Gann, gave her a reassuring squeeze on her shoulders before flying back to the DEO HQ. H'El looked at the Martian with scrutinizing eyes.
"A White Martians masquerading as a Green Martian, that's at first," H'El said then turned to the TV. M'Gann froze when she heard that.
"How did you know?" she asked.
"Well, you whites have a frequency that is all over and an inexperienced telepathic can go mad because of it. You are driven by hate and viciousness. Yours is a bit refined but it is still there," H'El said. M'Gann grew even more wary.
"What are you going to do?" she asked him.
"Me? Nothing, not yet at least. All I am waiting for is for you to screw up then I will personally fly you to the sun. I heard Martians lose their powers the closer they are to it. From there, I will decide whether I will leave you there or throw you into a blackhole," he answered in a laid back tone. M'Gann was scared even more when she heard that but she didn't want to be caught by her kind so she stayed put, albeit far from him.
Three hours later, somebody finally rang the bell. H'El looked through the wooden obstacle called the door and saw two men wearing a uniform. He suddenly remembered who they were or what the uniform was any way. He opened the door with a smile.
"How can I help you?" he asked them.
"We are from the cable company and we're here to fix the cable in this building. Would you mind letting us in?" one of the men asked him.
"I would because this is not my home. Come back later," H'El answered and was about to close the door but one of the men had a death grip on it. The other punched him on the chest but what they expected to happen didn't. H'El looked at the punch on his chest with a raised brow. He then looked at the two and shook his head.
"Sneaky bastards," he said then punched the two of them through the floors and onto the streets. Cars came to a halt with their tires screeching as pedestrians ran away screaming. H'El landed to the ground then picked up a car with one hand and threw at one if them who changed into a menancing White Martian. The WM tried to catch it, succeeded but was still blown back, crashing into more cars till he stopped around three hundred metres away. By then, H'El had already turned to the remaining WM and started his pummeling.
With his super speed, each punch was like a train hitting the poor beast till it was perforated like a seive. The other WM was scared to know this Kryptonians was not like the others that didn't kill and was about to run away when two beams of laser cut it into two from the waist. It fell on the road, roaring in pain as it tried to crawl away. H'El landed beside it and stepped on its head.
"Mercy, Mercy! Aren't you a hero?" it cried out, knowing what would happen once extra force was added to his head.
"Mercy is for the weak and you are not weakling," H'El answered then was about to press harder when Kara landed beside her wearing the suit.
"H'El, wait!" she cried out. H'El looked at her with surprise on his face.
"You are going to save this Martian too? He's not human and they wouldn't mind having it killed," he said.
"All lives are precious, H'El, no matter how evil," she answered him. H'El turned to look at the scared WM that was cowardly before now had a grateful look on its face. H'El sighed in disappointment as he lifted his foot of its face and went next to her. He ran his fingers down her face with a find smile in his face.
"For you, anything," he said and was gone just as she was about to lean her head on his big hand. Kara quickly composed herself then looked at the first body. When she saw how badly it was, she couldn't help but look away and saw the other WM trying to crawl away. It would have flown away but H'El disrupted its sense of balance so it could only crawl. Just then, many SUVs came to where she was with DEO written on their doors. Alex got out of the first car and looked at her.
"Did they get to her?" she asked then saw the crawling WM and the other riddled with holes.
"Did you do this?" Hank asked her.
"H'El did. I forgot he was also taught comabt in Krypton. Now that I think about it, he was far stronger, faster and smarter than anyone else there. Jor El was fascinated by him and had him adopted in order to study him and know how he got to be like that. Zod trained him personally till he was a combat expert to say the least. It seems that we underestimated him, both us and the White Martians," Kara said. Hank looked at the two WM with pity in his eyes then turned to Kara.
"We need to register him," he said but Kara quickly refused.
"No! If Lex Luther knows about him then he will do everything possible to make sure he is not well received. H'El has potential, only that Kryptonian laws are still governing his daily actions. He was older than me so Krypton had grown on him more than me, but, be can still be helped to see things out way, cohabitation with humans in this Earth," Kara said. Hank and Alex nodded at this.
"Remember, any false move from him and he is gone," Alex said. Kara nodded quickly.