
Helping Hands

These few days living with Kara had given H'El a lot to think about. He didn't think it was troublesome to live with her but he couldn't telorate the care and attention she gave to these species that couldn't even build a planetary shield whilst they put almost all of their resources into finding new life in space.

He had ridiculed them when the channel broadcasted how proud they were to finally send a man in Mars! Mars! He had travelled for millions of kilometres in space yet they are talking about how going to Mars opened up a new world!

Of course, H'El was from Krypton and he was a space explorer before it got destroyed. He had travelled light years in the blink of an eye, seen many life forms they would make Earth sink out of the sun's gravitational pull and technology so powerful it can make any star into different colours. Yet these humans say that phones will change the world! He had used a tattoo on his left ear and that tattoo had more functions than all the phones put together. Kara kept telling him not to underestimste humans and that if they were brought new technologies they would prosper.

"Our people build everything for themselves and they had been flourishing for thousands of years to no end. These humans have just started to get technologically aware yet they are already killing their environment. In just one millennium none of them will be able to live in this atmosphere, now tell me, what is the use of protecting such creatures?" he had asked her. Kara could only glare at him before she flew off.

Later that night, H'El was watching the news about how Lex Luther was about to enter into the world of politics. Hearing the name, memories of him flooded his mind so much he clutched his head. Once it was done, H'El looked at the screen with his eyes turning red gradually.

"I am a man of intergrity, I know out species ate under attack and if we do not stop the aggressors, we are going to be eradicated or enslaved to the aliens who want this planet to themselves. Now, I am imploring every American out there to see the light and vote for me for I will make sure to ban any alien from coming into our beloved planet," he said. H'El shot lasers that cut through the TV as his face contorted in anger.

"An enemy of Krypton will not be left alive," he said as he fingers twirled and the TV that was damaged beyond repair went back together as if no damage was done then it came on. The screen had froze on Lex Luther who coincidentally was looking straight at the camera.

"We will see who is the strongest species, Luther, you or us," he said as he got up, went to the window and flew off so fast he did not even leave a sound until he was kilometres away.

It took his a few seconds to arrive at his destination, a big ass fortress made of ice. For some reason, this place reminded him of home yet it wasn't! H'El saw a giant key hole at the door so he looked around till he saw the key, a giant key, that is. He felt it was heavy as soon as he lifted it but not heavy enough to make him even react. He inserted it into the key hole then twisted, the door hissed open, welcoming him inside. Just as he was about to walk in, a hovering robot charg d at him, its one eye glowing red, its tenticles like arms flailing around, threatening to behead him! But, lasers would always kill robot and that was what happened here. H'El walked over the three pieces of the robot towards the main control centre. Just then, the whole Fortress turned red as alarms started blaring.

"Intruder, state your business here or risk being evaporated!" a cold voice warned him. H'El looked around with a mocking smile on his face.

"Hello, father, it's been long that you can't even remember me," he said in Candorian. The alarms stopped blaring after a few seconds then an ethereal figure appeared in front of him.

"You are still alive!" the figure exclaimed in shock. H'El grinned even more.

"Alive and kicking, thanks to you, actually. Your deathtrap actually made me invincible and thanks to your cloning, I am the only Kryptonian that can survive under any star," he said. Jor-El, for it was he, was shocked to hear that.

"This...This is phenomenal! H'El, this could bring about a new Dawn to our species, to be able to survive under any sun will make us the most adaptable and survivalists species of all," Jor-El rumbled as his mind went into a lot of things.

"Always the scientist, never considering those who you hurt, except your son and wife! Your betrayal Burt me more than anything else and now, your son is going around killing or imprisoning any Kryptonian that wants Candor back! I am about to show him those small fries he keeps on fighting are nothing!" H'El said then removed a tube like crystal from a glass pillar in front of him. Jor-El's imaga flickered out of existence and the red scheme faded out. Then, H'El took another crystal from another pile and inserted it in the slot the previous was. A portal opened in front of him as he smiled.

"By the Authority Code, ADE364190IYGO, I hereby release the following from their imprisonment in the Phantom Zone in the service of Candor. Zorg-Tor, you are free. Jero-Mer, you are free. Hare-Ul, you are free. Desaol-Ol, you are free..." H'El continued naming the people as they kept on appearing in front of him from the portal. When be was done with the Fiftieth name, he stopped then removed the crystal and crushed it into dust.

"You are all wandering why I brought you all from the Phantom Zone. First things first, Krypton is no more so your sentences have been provoked. There's no more council to try and take you back in there. Second, I am here to hire you. My payment is letting each of you rule a galaxy with a yellow star. How you rule has no business with me. All I want you all to do is to distract some people long enough for me to do what I am aiming to," H'El said. All fifty of them were not affected by the news of Krypton's demise but were happy they were not going to be prisoners. Then came the second news! Ruling a galaxy with the power of a yellow star! Just how extraordinary was that! All of them were consumed with greed as they all agreed.

"Good. But first, let me put a security feature. Fortress, I want you to clone something,"

"Cloning is available," an emotionless voice belonging to a woman answered.

"Clone Doomsday!" he said with a drastic smile on his face.