
Mobbing 1

Superman was in his usual patrols in the street when something caught his eye, a robbery! He couldn't believe some people even had the nerves to rob a store while he was in Metropolis so he flew down and landed on a car. He cleared his throat to alert the fifteen thieves.

"Nobody ever tell you stealing is...Argh!" Superman flew off, crashing and going through everything his back hit. When he finally came to a stop, he was about a mile away and in front of him was destruction he had caused. That's when he saw the fifteen robbers floating above him, looking at him arrogantly.

"The house of El! Still pancing around like loyalty! I am surprised any of you are still alive!" one of them spat out. Superman frowned as he came to a conclusion.

"You are all Kryptonians!" he exclaimed. All fifteen of them grinned.

"Of course. Do you really think you are the last son of Krypton? There are more of us but we were inside the Phantom Zone," another one answered. Superman was even more alarmed as he got up.

"How many of you are there?" he asked.

"Enough to destroy this galaxy! But, that's none of your concern right now. We have orders to beat you till you can't move for months, maybe even years to come even with the help of the yellow sun,"

With that, all fifteen of them attacked at the same time. Superman was overwhelmed because they were all as strong as him, who's was quite impossible because he had been absorbing the yellow sun energy for thirty years now. But, each punch from these Kryptonians felt like he was being punched by a planet. He tried to defend himself but they were skilled, like very skilled! He might have neglected cbat training because of his overwhelming power but these people had been trained since they started walking. He was suddenly reminded of general Zod, only these Kryptonians we're even more skillful and each attack was ruthless.

Soon, he was been bounced around like a ping pong. Punches, kicks, lasers and more punches rained on him till he looked nothing like his former glorious self. Their fight was contained to a small area and due to them overwhelming him, the destruction was not much, so humans got the courage to use their machines to try and get closer and record the beating. One Kryptonian got angry as his eyes turned red before firing two beams at the helicopter, cutting it in half and it exploded because the lasers hit the gas tank, killing everyone on board.

Superman saw this and got angry. He clenched his fist and tried to get up only to receive a kick on his face that made him see darkness for a moment. He couldn't believe he almost lost consciousness because of a kick! With renowed anger, he crouched then blasted off to the sky, leaving the Kryptonians dazed for a moment before they followed him. Superman felt his heart grow cold when he saw them catching up and tried all his best to leave the atmosphere so that their fight would not affect the surrounding. Just then, four lasers hit him from all sides, making him stop and scream in pain.

Then, twenty one more lasers hit him from all sides and Superman felt pain like no other! His screams filled Metropolis, making the humans he always protected flinch in pain. News stations were recording this like crazy but even they were disheartened to see this. The Kryptonians then stopped with the lasers letting Superman start falling. Two of them shot to the sky then dove back towards him, leaving behind so many Sonic booms they came out as one loud boom that shook the city. They slammed into Superman and all three sped to the ground, leaving a collusion that wiped put the first half of the city!

"Jesus, get the hell away from Metropolis!"

"There was an orphanage in that place!"

"Fucking animals, why don't they take their battle elsewhere!"

"Where's my baby? Marion? Marion?"

"Help me, a car's stuck on me!"

Their shouts of pain, anger and terror did nothing to faze the twenty five Kryptonians who had now surrounded Superman who was unconscious. As if a tacit agreement, they started beating him up so mercilessly even the hardened criminals he put away started feeling pity for him. The beating caused the surrounding to turn into a multilayered crater two miles deep, four miles across!

"There's no getting up from that one, supes," one of them said in pity.

"Never knew his kind are so ruthless. Twenty five to one! He would be dead by it seems they are not aiming to kill him!"

"This is rather surprising. This shows Supes been holding back when fighting against us," an inmate with a flaming skull for a head said. This made the whole place quieten down, everyone proceeding to watching, hoping to see their captor try to rise but it was all futile.

"Is he dead?" A Kryptonians asked.

"No, I can see his heart beating, although it is weak. He cannot talk much more," another answered.

"Our contract's been finished. Hope the rest have an easy time like us," another one said before they all flew away, leaving behind a burnt up body that was once Superman for the whole world to see.