
Mobbing II

Kara heard the news about her cousin who was now in the Watchtower, taken by Wonder Woman who arrived a little too late to help him. With her heart full of worry, she flew to the Watch Tower directly anf when she got in, she found the rest of the Justice League in a meeting.

"Where is he? Where is Kal El?" she asked out loud. Everyone else was quiet but Batman got up silently and showed her to follo him. Kara did not wait anymore and floated behind him, her heart beating with worry. When they finally reached the medical bay, she saw him inside a cylindrical machine.

"That's a respirator. We used it on Earth to treat patients with trouble of breathing. But, it has been modified to help your cousin to the best of its abilities. When Wonder woman found him, he wasn't even breathing properly. Using the yellow sun lamps inside, he is recuperating just fine," Batman said.

"I need to take him to the sun," she said. Batman did not answer but gave her a large envelope. With a frown she took and opened it. She took out negative photos taken by the X-Ray machine.

"That's just how much he was beaten up! It is suffice to say almost every bone in his body had been broken. We are not sure he might recover at all without using magic on him," Batman told her. Kara started crying when she saw it. She fell to her knees as tears continued streaming down her face. Just then, alarms started blaring. Batman scowled as he ran up to control room where he found all the heroes converged in front of the giant monitor.

"Cyborg, what's going on?" he asked.

"It appears we have oncoming," Cyborg answered then zoomed in on the threat. Everyone was surprised to see a miniature version of Wayne tower coming towards the Watch Tower.

"Batman, care to shed light on this?" Flash asked as everyone looked at Batman with questioning eyes.

"I'm just as clueless as all of you. But, aim all weapons at it," Batman said. Cyborg nodded as affirmation as he pressed some buttons. The Wayne Tower suddenly accelerated as Shazam suddenly hit Cyborg to the floor below.

"Sneaky bastard thought I wouldn't notice he was a spy!" Shazam said as he rubbed his fist. He then turned to the others and his eyes narrowed. "All of you too, huh? Let me take care of you."

Shazam got hold of Batman first and threw him to the other side of the wall before stopping a fist coming towards him with his own, causing a shockwave to happen, throwing everyone not strong enough to withstand it to the ground. He looked at Wonder woman and he became even more angry.

"You even have her strength! This will be troublesome then," Shazam said as he threw his other punch but she threw him down using a judo throw, causing the room to shake. From his hands, Shazam threw lightning at her, stunning her and it was all he needed to give her a well aimed blow that made her crash through the metal wall and into space.

"Computer, fix that wall. Lantern, go get Diana!" Batman growled as he clutched his ribs. Shazam's eyes suddenly gained clarity and he looked around in surprise.

"What the...What just happened? I'm sure..."

"Impact imminent. Brace!" the computer said and then the Watch Tower shook. Everyone who couldn't fly was thrown around like a rag doll before the Wayne Tower's roof stuck out of the floor, only, it was big again.

"We're losing air. Lantern, we're all jumping out, you have to catch everyone who can't survive in space or can't fly," Batman said.

"What about Superman?" Womderwoman asked on the comms.

"His cousin must have protected him," Batman answered curtly as he led the other heroes to jump out of the Watch Tower. Lantern was waiting for them and encased everyone in his green ball.

"Everyone all cosied in? Good. Brace for more impact," Lantern said. Before they could ask him what he meant, the ball suddenly jerked and accelerated through space, throwing everyone to their stomach. They looked behind and saw a Kryptonian just about to land another punch before their vision started spinning. When Lantern stabalised it, the Kryptonian had arrived above them, or below them hard to say in space, and got hold of the ball with both hands. He then started spinning, going so fast everything seemed to be going in reverse then he threw it, not caring where the ball went. He smiled at himself before he fly towards Earth.

Kara had arrived in her apartment using the teleporter and the Respirator her cousin was in held above her head. She took off towards the DEO where she was sure he would be safe. Hardly had she step in when the whole building shook before half if it was ripped off and thrown to the city with no regards of the casualties. Hovering above the half building were forty nine Kryptonians, all glaring at her.

"Kara Zor-El, you mother, Alura Zor-El confined us in the Phantom Zone for crimes against Krypton. She is dead so we are here to get our revenge against you instead,"

"My mother found you guilty because you are all traitors of Krypton," Kara shouted.

"True, but aren't you one also? Your cousin has the Codex required to revive all of our people but everyone who came after it is either dead or locked up in the Phantom Zone,"

"They wanted to kill all of the people in this planet for that to happen,"

"It wouldn't be the first time,"

Kara grew into a rage and flew towards the one who spoke later but like a swarm, they all attacked her at the same time.

It was completely one sided. Kara did not even have time to throw a punch before she was being attacked by all of them. Punches and kicks graced her body, making her feel like she was being hammered by a mountain over and over again. She then started feeling her consciousness fade but she got lucky. Someone threw a Kryptonite grenade in the air and it exploded next to them, spreading the green Kryptonite cloud for all of them to inhale. The Kryptonians started coughing as they fell to the ground, clutching their chests. One of them suddenly started laughing as Alex and Jon came to take Kara out of the cloud.

"What's so funny?" Alex asked him when she had put a breathing mask on Kara's face.

"The plan...worked, of course. This is exactly what he said would happen," the Kryptonian answered. "That means our purpose is fulfilled just as yours." Then, all of them started turning into goo.

"Let's go," Jon told her as he carried Kara in a princess hold. When they were out of the cloud, Kara started regaining her normal colour as she started breathing normally.

Luther was having a quiet evening where he was playing a classic musical as he drunk some gin. Suddenly, someone appeared in front of him, making him go for his gun but then stopped when he saw the insignia on his chest. It was the insignia he hated the most.

"You are one of those Superman fanatics. Ate you a metahuman or an alien?" he asked as he relaxed.

"This insignia doesn't belong to him," H'El said as he looked around. "Good touch, lead coat with a dash of kryptonite, just enough to render Superman completely helpless. What were you going to do to him, my little brother?" Luther was scared when he heard him saw that and he immediately pressed a button. Two kryptonite rocks the size of a small car fell into the room.

"Got these from an alien pirate. Best money I've ever spent," Luther said. H'El chuckled at this.

"Your Earth produces diseases which are deadly to its inhabitants. There are people who are resistant to those diseases, I am just as resistant to these rocks," H'El said then crushed one of them with his leg. Luther never felt so scared in his life.

"What is it you want?" Luther asked.

"Justice. I identified you as a threat to Krypton. All threats get eliminated," H'El said. Luther suddenly found his throat gripped by H'El's hand and he was lifted off his seat.

"To be honest, I wanted to kill you as painfully as I can. Radiation, drowning, burning, hit by lightning...It came to a point where I ran out of imagination. But then, even after I have done all that, you would still be dead," H'El said. Luther pressed a button on his watch and H'El heard the micro-sonic waves emitted from it.

"Calling for back up? Sorry to say one of them is fighting for his life while the other is probably trying to save civilians who are being crushed by a several tonnes building. I made sure there is no third wheel on this date," H'El disheartened him. Luther grinned at him.

"Do your worst!" he said.

"I'm gonna try," H'El answered then touched Luther's chest. The bald head suddenly coughed out blood as he started wheezing for ten minutes before he finally kept quiet, his eyes lifeless. Then, his body started decaying till his bones turned to dust and the dust was no more but it all happened in a minute. H'El looked at the place and frowned in displeasure. His left hand was bathed in a blue light then he clenched his fist. The whole building collapsed but he was nowhere to be seen.