
I Will Help To The Best Of My Abilities

The whole of Earth was in shock when it was finally out. First of all, they were used to Kryptonians fighting with Superman and the latter winning so hearing he has been beaten to the point his survival is being questioned made the public feel disheartened. He was like a rock to them and that rock was crumbling, fast. Some decided to ask for Luther's help but the second big news hit, Alexander Luther has been missing for quite sometime, almost as if he vanished off the surface of Earth. His building had also crumbled so an excavation team was hired to remove the rubble. That's when they saw his body! It was immediately taken to be done a post mortem and it was shown that his organs had been shrinked, making his blood pressure so high it raptured them, causing his death! Of course, Batman got hold of the news and he immediately called for a league emmergency, only it was done on Earth instead of up there. Supergirl came too as she was healed and she brought H'El with her.

"What are you doing here?" Batman asked him.

"My little brother was almost killed by Kryptonians. If they can do that to him, I have no love for them. So, I am here to help you track them down as I fill in the boots Superman left in Metropolis," H'El said as his fist clenched. He was wearing the house of El battle suit which was Superman's suit. Batman frowned even more.

"Kryptonian justice is not Earth justice," he growled.

"I have seen the cop shows to know the difference. You prefer to rough up the criminals then lock them up, hoping they wouldn't escape and cause more chaos. I am surprised you haven't thought of locking them all in a separate dimension," H'El said as he went to take his seat, Superman's seat. Batman frowned even more when he saw that but still went to recount why he called them all.

"You are all here because I found something that might lead us to the Kryptonians. This is Luther's body," Batman said and showed the body as it was intact. "It was found two days ago and when they cut it open, they found something that might seem familiar." Batman clicked a button and the picture changed to show Luther's cut up body. "His internal organs have been shrunk! When I saw this, I remembered my shrunk Wayne Tower and how it grew in size before it hit the Watch Tower. My hypothesis is that someone worked hard to make sure Superman and Supergirl does not stop him or her to go after Luther! The person might be a Metahuman, an alien or...Kryptonian." Everyone but Kara looked at H'El who frowned.

"You think I would go to that extent just to kill a human? Kal El can't match me in strength, besides, no Kryptonians can do what you are saying, shrink things," H'El said.

"Actually, Krypton had a means to shrink things. Brainiac stole it and shrink a small part of Candor before the planet exploded. Kal El defeated him before stealing it, Batman thinks you might have that technology and used it in a small scale," Kara said. H'El was genuinely surprised to hear that.

"I knew of the existence of the machine but they would use it to shrink down resources for easier, faster and bulk means of trasnporting them to outposts," H'El said, making the rest of the League members suck in cold air.

"They used such a machine to skip on weight charges! Lucky bastards," Flash pouted. H'El looked at him and scoffed.

"The mass stays the same, we just had the technology that can help us make the ships carry more weight. But, you have my word I didn't do any of this, but I would love to get my hands on the person who did," H'El said. Batman looked away but it was clear he did not believe him.

"Lantern, can you and that Corps of yours search for any information about the Kryptonians. Martian, they might have gone to Mars to recover, we would like it if you went over for a look. The rest of us will concentrate our search in Earth. Good luck..." He had barely said those words when the alarms started blaring. Everyone frowned and turned their attention to the screen. They saw a huge monster with bones protruding from its skin, about 4.6m tall and ripped with muscles.

"Dooms Day!" everyone but H'El exclaimed as they got up from their chairs. H'El looked at them with a frown.

"You know a Crispicuous?" he asked them in surprise.

"They call it Doomsday here. Kal El had killed it once, we are surprised it's still kicking," Kara said.

"An enemy of Kal El is my enemy. Besides, this will show my Goodwill towards Earth," H'El said and headed to the teleporter. He tried to get in but it couldn't activate. He embarrassedly turned to Kara who sighed and went over; the machine activated for her and they both disappeared.

"This H'El is...dangerous," Green Arrow said.

"I can barely feel his mind and when I do, something blocks me completely," Dr Fate said. "But his whole aura is not okay."

"We need to find a way to take him down for good. You are all dismissed to look for a solution," Batman said.

Kara and H'El arrived in Metropolis where Doomsday was currently wrecking havoc. They seemed to have arrived just in time for they saw it about to bring down an entire car on a mother of two. H'El sped over and let the car hit his back as he protected the family. Doomsday was surprised to feel resistance so he lifted the wrecked car only to see the red cape and slick black hair in front of it. H'El let the family go and turned to face Doomsday.

"Surrender now or else..." H'El said but Doomsday's mind was not on him but the sign on his chest.

"Die...Superman!" it roared and swung the car at him, hitting him away, into a building. It then threw the car at him before speeding and getting hold of his neck with its left hand and started pummeling him down with the other hand. Its left hand suddenly stretched out behind, got hold of the car it had thrown before then slammed it on him, making it explode. H'El punched back and it was thrown back like a cannonball, making it go through building after building till it stopped at the sixth one. By then, H'El was already up and he charged at it. Doomsday got up feeling dizzy before another punch landed and it was flying to the sky, accompanied by more punches before H'El flew above it then flew back down and punched it in the stomach, causing a shockwave to happen next and Doomsday shot back to ground in amidst roars of pain. It crashed into an island, destroying everything in it because of the shockwave of its landing!

H'El landed beside it and saw it trying to get up so he brought his foot down on its head, making the crater even deeper! Doomsday tried to remove the foot off its face but it was not possible. So, it did the best it could by punching the foot away and it worked, but a fist came down on its face and when it connected, a shockwave comparable to the one it caused when landing came next. Its vision was getting blurry but it was not done, not yet. With a roar, it kicked H'El into the air, making him spiral for a mile before he stopped midair and when he looked at where it was, the crater was empty. He looked around using his infrared sight and saw a huge heat signature flying towards the moon!

"You are not going to escape this time!" H'El shouted and flew after it, his speed was faster than it and in no time, he had caught up and punched it at the back of its head, causing an even greater shockwave and Doomsday fell from the sky and into the city. H'El landed beside it and turned it over with his left leg. Doomsday was unconscious!

"Not so bad! Wonder why Kal El resulted into killing it?" he asked as Kara landed beside him, looking surprised.

"You are really strong, H'El! It took Kal El help from Wonder Woman and Batman to even weaken it leave alone render it unconscious,"

"They have no way of knowing how to deal with a Crispicuous. You need to hit it strong and fast enough to render it unconscious before it starts learning and adapting. Krypton once sent one to conquer a defiant planet. We didn't know of its weakness till then," H'El told her. She looked at Doomsday who seemed so vulnerable now it was confusing! Just then, cameras started clicking as they took pictures of them. H'El smiled as he floated to five metres above the ground.

"People from Earth, my name is H'El, I am a Kryptonian, the adoptive brother to Kal El, or Superman as you call him and for the time being that he is still incapacitated and recovering from a cruel attack from Kryptonian criminals, I am here to help you all to the best of my abilities. Consider me defeating Doomsday as the starting of my hero career," H'El said, smiled at Kara then flew off amidst flashing of cameras and reporters asking him questions.