
Fleeing After Angering

Metropolis thought they were gone the moment they saw Superman being punched to Oblivion but the appearance of this new Superman brought everything back to normal. H'El was meticulous in his work in which he did all day everyday! The villians did not even have time to breath before they were immediately captured. To Batman's relief, none of them got anything worse other than a nasty headache.

For two weeks, H'El helped the people from Earth for two weeks and in those two weeks the prisons were almost full! He would mostly work to make sure he took down the Metahuman and he made sure they went in prison without any injuries. So, Metropolis was actually peaceful for those two weeks and on the third week, H'El visited the Fortress.

"Welcome back, H'El," the artificial intelligence greeted him.

"Is it ready?" he asked it.

"Yes. It can take the Codex from Kal El without any injury done to him. It will be painful but with the care given to him by the Fortress, he can take it without dying," the AI said. H'El nodded at this.

"Have you tracked down Atomic Skull yet?"

"As you commanded, Atomic Skull is currently in Metropolis about to do the job. Blessings of Rao onto you,"

"And onto you too. Be ready when I come back," he said then teleported back to Metropolis.

Atomic Skull had gotten the most weird and most well paying job ever. All he had to do was steal a bank in Metropolis and all the money would be his! He was obviously weirded out by the job itself but when he heard about the new hero in Metropolis, his worries were clouded by his confidence. So, at midnight, he went to the largest bank there was and started his job.

The guards were reduced to ashes because of his energy blasts and the door behind them followed the ash pile. The alarms started going off but he wasn't in a hurry. He knew if he wanted to get away clean he had to take down the new hero first! So, he waited and one minute later, a figure crashed through the roof, doing a superhero landing before slowly getting up as the dust settled. For a minute, Atomic Skull thought it was Superman until he saw the face.

"You're not supposed to be in here," H'El said to him as he put his hands on his chest.

"You are the new protector of Metropolis? You have even taken Supes' tights, you must be a super fan," Atomic Skull mocked but the next moment, a punch sent him flying out of the bank, the wall behind him crumbling to pieces. He stopped his backwards momentum when his back slammed on an oncoming truck; the force was strong enough to stop the truck completely. Atomic Skull collected himself but didn't have time to dodge as a punch fell on his skull, destroying the truck's hood and engine before another punch landed and the truck was split in half because of the force alone!

Skull wasn't about to let himself keep taking the punishment so he sent a radio active beam at H'El who dodged as his kick shot out, hit Skull's abdomen and the radioactive man was sent flying again.

This time, before he could even land, a punch connected and he was sent through a building, destroying the floors till the broke through the roof where he met with a descending H'El who slammed into him and they both shot through the building all the way to the ground floor. Skull felt as if his body was about to cave out but he still had an adversary to fight so he extended out his arm and immediately, the power of the building flowed out of any exit it could find and got into his body. But H'El was not about to let him refill so he shot out lasers at Skull who tried to counter with two beams that shot out of his eyes but they were overwhelmed and he was sent out of the collapsing building. H'El looked around and noticed some people were still inside so he used his superior speed to take them out of the building to a safe place.

Skull took this chance to try and fly away because the damage he took was just too much. He thought he would be fighting a weaker version of Superman but it turned out Superman was the one who was really weak. Hardly had he crossed the one mile when a bus slammed into him, sending them both to the ground! Skull shrugged it off but a punch to his skull made his body go numb as he was sent flying. The place he was sent flying to was the power plant, Skull's holy ground. As soon as he sensed the energy behind him, he was overjoyed and started to desperately absorb it!

H'El arrived a little too late as he saw the whole powerplant wither down to ashes and an even buffer Skull walked out. He laughed evilly at him before he flew over as his right hand was drawn back for a punch. H'El Drew his back then when they were in melee distance of each other, they both punched out. When the two punches hit each other, it was like a small warhead exploded as the collision caused an explosion that sent both of them flying backwards but if one would see H'El, they would notice a thin smile on his face. He crashed into a building, destroying everything solid in his way till he was outside. The building creaked and moaned before it started been demolished by its own weight! H'El quickly flew in and got hold of it, finally stabilizing it.

"Get everyone out, now," he shouted. The humans were a little sluggish to respond but they did respond. The lift couldn't work so he had to squat with a several tonnes building on his back so that the jumping distance would be friendly to these pencil pushers. But, Skull walked into the building, ignoring the fleeing humans as he focused on H'El.

"I really thought you would be different to Superman but you share his trait, you are good to the bone. So, stay still and hope you don't drop the whole building," Skull chuckled before he punched H'El in the gut. H'El groaned in pain but the building was still stable and the humans were now in a hurry to get out! But, Skull was not in much of a hurry as his punches and kicks kept on hitting H'El, each stronger than the last. H'El was now on both knees and it didn't seem like Skull was about to stop either.

"New Supes, I'm the last one," a man shouted at H'El as he ran out. H'El smiled as he heard that then got hold of Skull's punch about to hit his head.

"It seems you don't like the bone I have dangling in front of you. Don't worry, you will," H'El said then let go of the building as his whole body began vibrating as he floated a little bit. The building crashed onto Skull as it kept on being destroyed by its own weight. When the whole thing was done, Skull was unconscious and H'El needed to stay a little bit out of the hero career to recover fully. To sun treatment would be able to let him recover hundreds of Atomic Skull's punches, so, he flew over to the Fortress.

The fight with Atomic Skull had drained all the power in the city so it was currently dark. So was the prison H'El had shoved all the Metahumans. With their collars not working and the power damper offline, they regained their freedom. And so, Metropolis was burning and the Justice League had to step in in order to stop them but they had underestimated the vilians because it looked easy when H'El was capturing them. All it can be described now was all pieces fell into their places.

"Start the transfer, now,"

"H'El, please, do not do this. You will be..." Jor-El wanted to say but he was cut off.

"As far as I am concerned, he is just another Kryptonian giving a clone his DNA," H'El said as he for into a crystal next to the crystal Superman was revocoring in.

The whole Fortress turned blue as Superman's figure started blurring slowly and slowly till it was no more. H'El on the other hand became a bit buff as his chest heaved because of the amount of energy he was getting! His whole body was changing from the molecular level to his organs and it was painful like hell. But, he had a high tolerance for pain so he withstood it all with his teeth clenched. When he couldn't hold it in any longer, he let out a shout that shattered the crystal he was in and the fortress turned bluer for a second before it turned normal.

"It has been completed. Congratulations H'El, you are now in hold of the Codex," the tower said. H'El was still not moving as his body shook as if he was convulsing. "Scanning for abnormalities...Found, H'El's brain shows an unusual amount of brain activity." H'El suddenly got up as he stumbled backwards.

"Shit...Shit, shit, shit, shit! I'm H'El! What the fuck! Did I just abosrb Superman? Just how many beings did I offend when I did that! I need to get out of here...this universe. Why can't I remember my name though? No time, need to go. H'El has reality manipulation, space manipulation and time manipulation and with my current power level, I think I can pull it off. Time to go." H'El concentrated hard on his palm and a spiral hole appeared in front of him. Without even hesitating, he jumped in and he was just in time because a short, flying man in a tuxedo and a top hat appeared in the fortress.

"Why did I feel Superman disappeared right here? Where did he go?" he asked himself. He reversed the time but he couldn't find anything. H'El used his Chronosis to make sure he wasn't even existing in this timeline.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED HERE!" Mr Mxyzptlk shouted as the whole Earth shook!

H'El opened one eye after another and looked around and found himself on a surgical table, men with white lab coats looking at him with surprise. H'El saw a scapel about to send itself to suicide by cutting his skin in one if their hand and he grew angry. He knew they were humans and he was offended. Even if he was fleeing cosmic beings, he was still a powerhouse himself and to be treated with such disrespect by a creature that cannot even save itself from its own kind, he was furious. His eyes turned red and lasers short out of his eyes, incinerating everyone and everything to nothing! He yanked his hands free as he got up from the table and floated out through the roof. When he was a couple distance from the sky, he looked at the building beneath him and his eyes turned red bfoee lasers started devastating the whole building till it was nothing but rubble. But, he got one man talking to a radio using his super hearing.

"Tell Vought we couldn't handle the specimen. It was too powerful!" the man said before turning to ashes. H'El was taken back when he heard that.

"Vought? I only know one Vought and it is in...shit, don't tell me I am in that crazy world!" H'El cried out.