
A Ball That Called Homelander

H'El was seated in a park looking at the children playing as his mind went into overdrive. He was thinking about overcoming the weaknesses he had. First, he was still weak to magic! Even though it was just a little bit, magic was still his Kryptonite. He needed to have an ability or something that can counter that.

The first thing he thought was Marvel universe. Specifically, he thought about the Sanctuary and Asgard. Surely, there might be a rune to make one slightly more resistant to magic? If he could find one, he had to know how to apply it on himself and that is through a wizard or witch. He had a plan for that. He could go to univers s where there are powerful witches, supernatural or something, prefarably Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter or Supernaturals. In the latter, he had a plan and that is to help Chuck destroy the universe or at least promise to help as long as he was made magic proof then just scram! Be was sure The Presence was more powerful than Chuck so he would be safe in his realm, at least until Chuck's powers get absorbed by Jack.

Another way is through Doomsday of Man Of Steel. That Doomsday was an absolute beast, absorbing energy to make itself stronger. With that, he could just go to an exploding star and absorb all that energy and he would be invincible in no time. All he had to look out for is the possibility of mutating! The second last way he could think about is just making the wizard SHAZAM give him the power of the six God's and multiplied with his own, Superboy Prime would be a walk over.

The last way he could think about is to go to Superboy's home world, go back to the time when be was little then absorb him. That way, he could get an insane power up and be immune to magic. But, he was sure Superboy Prime would not go down without a fight so he had to make sure he was distracted enough. The best way is to be in different time at the same time. He would be fighting Superboy Prime and yet in another time he would be absorbing him. When the absorbing H'El was done, be would go to the sun and bask in it till the time when the fight with Superboy Prime would start. Then, he would unite with his self and kick his butt till he disappears for Superboy had enough power to defy reality and it would be fierce!

"Mister, mind throwing back the ball?" a sassy voice woke him from his dream. H'El looked up and saw an eight years old boy looking at him with expectant eyes. He frowned when he saw the shirt the kid was wearing, A-Train. He remembered this universe's people worshipped heroes as if they were gods. The boy was an example because he himself knew the hero business is a huge scam. The heroes were better off been called villians, especially the Seven. But, the kid was an innocent child so he put on a smile and picked up the baseball ball that was resting on a bush beside the bench he was seated on.

"Not at all," he said and threw the ball back. But, everything went to shit at this moment and he knew he fucked up when the ball produced a Sonic boom! He was shocked stiff because of two things. First, he didn't remember his strength increased by a huge margin when he absorbed Superman. He had been absorbing the Yellow star's energy since he was a child so his power was significantly terrifying, only his background was the thing holding him back. He was used to fighting beings he could easily overpower and kill so he treated everything as if it was a cardboard so when he fights with beings with the same power level, he would often be at a disadvantage.

The second thing was because of what happened next. The ball hit the boy and the child exploded like a ripe melon exposed to heat. But, that wasn't the end, no sir. The ball smashed into another little boy and his fate wasn't any better! It was like a knife cutting through hot butter as it went through child after child then through an adult and finally a building, making the whole building tilt over and fell right onto the park, killing everyone in it and the park, all except H'El who was still in the sitting motion!

"Holy shit!" he muttered when he came to. He got up easily, any block in his way pushed off him. He then felt as the weight on him had been lifted and a few seconds later, he saw sunlight above him. He looked up and saw Maeve throwing a huge block away. She looked down, saw him and was shocked.

"Wait, there's someone in here! Get the medics, someone survived!" she shouted as she jumped in. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" H'El could only manage to shake his head because of the many things in his mind, most of them being freaked out because he was in the presence of a celebrity! She might be a hero on this world but she was still a celebrity and he had never been in the presence of one. Maeve thought he might be paralysed so she swooped him onto a princess carry and jumped out. She carried him over to an awaiting ambulance as she told him encouraging words.

"Take care of him; there might be others down there," she said when she put him on the gurney and was about to go back but he got hold of her hand.

"Nobody else survived," he told her. Maeve frowned when she heard that.

"What makes you so sure?" she asked him.

"I have the ability to be super invulnerable. I don't know what happened but when the building fell on me, I cod feel my bones creak. No human can survive that," he told her. Maeve turned to him in surprise.

"Are you a hero?" she asked him.

"I am a civilian. I detest conflict that's why I didn't become a hero," he answered her. Maeve smiled at that and was about to talk more when a figure landed beside her. He wore a blue suit, red gloves and boots and an American flag as his cape. Maeve tensed a bit when he was close and though it would be unseen to others, H'El saw it as clear as day.

"When do we have here?" Homelander asked with a bright smile on his face.

"A survivor of this incident. It appears he is a civilian with powers of invulnerability, that what saved him," Maeve answered. Homelander frowned at that and he went for a pair of scissors in the van. Without hesitation, he plunged the pair of scissors to H'El's shoulders but what happened next was terrifying. The scissors broke apart and due to the stabbing force, the pieces rekochetted and some of the EMs were injured gravely. Both Homelander and Maeve were surprised because of that as H'El yelped out an 'Ouch' even though he felt nothing from that stab.

"What your name?" Homelander asked him, seriously.

"Vought have my name classified, even to you; I'm sorry," H'El said. Homelander glared at him for a second before returning to his smiling self then went to the fallen building.

"Another thing I didn't join the heroes, the politics," H'El told Maeve who gave a dry chuckle. He turned to the bleeding EMs. "They need help." Maeve looked at them and realized what happened. Without a word, she put them into the ambulance and drove it away as H'El watched her go.

"She's more beautiful in person. Argh, why do they always do this! It's as if they want us transmigrated people to thirst over these female leads," he lamented before he started walking away. But, he could still feel someone looking at him so using his enhanced psychosis, he scanned around and 'saw' Homelander glaring at him.

"Jeez, go home and suck your cougar dry, sissy," H'El cursed to himself before picking up car that was a mile away with telekinesis and threw it at him. Homelander was shocked to see a car coming at him so he forgot about H'El as he caught the car while still in the air but the force threw him to the ground, even though he landed with both feet and slid for a few metres backwards. He put the car down then took the sky, flew to where the car came from but all he could see were civilians all excited to take a picture with him. He turned to where H'El was but he was gone. He frowned at that.

Madelyn Stillwell looked at the video with shining eyes. A satellite had captured it well enough for the video to be clear and clean. She saw the man fly through the roof of the facility then proceeded to raze the whole building with laser eyes! Laser eyes, flight, super strength! She turned towards Stan Edgar who also had shining eyes.

"So you finally succeeded? Making another supe like Homelander?" she asked him.

"I wish. We found this one by accident. He appeared out of nowhere in front of our van so the boys took him in and were about to cut him open when he woke up then he did this," Edgar answered. Madelyn looked at the man and frowned.

"I would say he is six four, black hair, very well built and a caucassian. Is there anything else I might have missed?"

"Yes. He might have the same powers as Homelander. That means, we finally have someone who can fight him toe to toe, we only need to find him and manipulate things," Edgar told her. Madelyn nodded her head in excitement.

"After all these years of Homelander constantly stepping on our toes, we can finally retaliate without waiting. We don't know for sure if that bastard child of his can match him in strength," Madelyn said, making Edgar look at her in surprise.

"Madelyn, I never expected this kind of talk from a mother," he sassed, making her roll her eyes.

"Sir, do we have eyes on him?" she asked him.

"No, but I put the best on the job, Black Noir," Edgar answered. Madelyn nodded in assertiveness.Black Noir was the only Supe Vought could really rely on unlike the others so she was sure he would do the job wholeheartedly.

"If you'll forgive me, sir, I need to go over the contestants names of those who want to take Lamp Lighter's place in the Seven," she said as she got up.

"Good luck," Edgar said without looking at her.


I have a question to ask. I have two women that I think go well with H'El. One of them is Maeve. She is afraid of Homelander so that would make Homelander H'El's punching bag soon.

The next is Pop Claw, don't know if I wrote that right. She is in a relationship with A-Train so taking her would make A-Train go after him and if he beats him up then the Seven will be after him. So, dear readers, chose between the two of them because I don't have the creativity to write a harem deal in a modern world or any other world as a matter of fact. Personally, I chose Pop Claw.