Jonathan Smith wants more

Once again I believe that I have outdone myself with this brilliant title. I came in and you lunged for me, with a blood-stained face. I had never punched anyone before, so I was incredibly surprised at the pain that blazed up my arm as my fist connected with your jaw. That got you off me for sure. After we had cleaned you up we had to order two more guards to escort you to Jonathan Smith for a chat. Your pal William was already there who gave Thomas and Jones a good fight yesterday but it was not enough for Jonathan. Hence the title.

He started off by congratulating you both on your performances. By your performance, he means when you pushed Captain Thomas down the stairs as that made him laugh for about a minute so well done. During this discussion, it was agreed that both of you would go to the Freedom Fighters' Compound and kill Jack Thomas. David Jones is useless to us now.

This expedition will take place in two days so you were then sent off for some training with William. We thought it would be fun to put you both against each other and see what the outcome would be. The outcome was that you both come about bloody and bruised. He threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to your face, it hit your jaw with such force blood pooled into your mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With your own two hands you grasped his head in your hands and brought your knee cap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and you released his dark-haired head. Crimson leaked from both his nostrils. We stood watching this, cheering when one of you injured the other one. We enjoyed it because we knew that the two people who were the closest to Jack Thomas were slowly killing each other. But we stopped the fight before one of you ended up dead as we needed you for the mission.

I had the satisfaction of locking you up in your cell once more. It was especially satisfying because when I was in the cell with you, you obviously weren't thinking when you let out your boiling antipathy and swung your tight fist, too quick and potent, into my defined jaw. But it did lead you to one conclusion: that it hurt.

Right, I am bored of writing so I shall leave it for now. Actually, I think that this might be the last that you hear from me as I am packing this journal in the bag that you are being sent off with. So all I have to say to you is DO NOT LOSE IT because I do not want to have wasted my time in this journal. I want it to be evidence of the power of Hydro.