At First Sight

"What the hell! watch where you're going".I howled he gave me his hand to take it as I glare at him and I tried to get myself up.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrow  I felt he was shocked I have seen fine ut probably I was wrong so I took my bag and walked away.

When I got to the office Charlotte asked me to go wait inside Mr. Lou's office. I gave her a warm smile and went inside.

I went inside the office. It was so beautiful so big, the windows were so big that they almost covered the whole office wall. I took a seat on the chair and placed my bag beside me.

After a few minutes, I heard the door open. I couldn't see it as the door was behind me and my back was back to it.

When I stood up I turned around and there he was the same muscle guy, the handsome guy, okay I'm screwed I said almost my whisper came out loud.

There was no way he was gonna hire me after me begging a jerk to him and yelling at him.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to" I begin

"You didn't mean to yell at your boss hah?" he finished off.

He walked toward me all of a sudden. He stood in front of me and stayed quiet the way he was looking at me OMG I can't explain it, I began feeling nervous "have a set" as he said these words I sat down as fast as I could.

As he went to his chair he sat down. I started praying that he won't blow me off, I turned toward him and lowered my head, and stared at my hands.

I tried to stop my hands from shaking. It was shaking just because of what I did a couple of minutes before but I was worried that I wouldn't get the job. I was so lucky to get the job.

"Anyways my name is Lucas but have to call me Mr.Lou during work. As you know I am the owner of this company. I was looking for someone who could be beside me all the time during work. So, in conclusion, you will be my helper. Feel free to help Charlotte during your free time, okay?." he looked at me waiting for me to answer him

"wh- yes yes I understand thanks!" I replied

"Okay then," Locus said as he stood up from his chair "I'll be right back" he went outside as he took a blue folder with him I believe he handed it to Charlotte because it took him a second as he came back empty-handed.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said as he walked back to his chair

"Go ahead"

"Why did you choose me over all the other girls with more experience than I do?" I said in a low voice that it felt like I couldn't even hear my own voice.

"As I said to Charlotte to explain to you, I wanted to give you a chance to have experience and I will be testing you for 3 months and you will be getting paid during your training.

I looked at him and nodded my head toward him.

"Any other question?" he questioned

I shook my head" no thank you so much for giving me this chance and....I'm sorry for what I did earlier in the hall"

"That's fine, we can forget what happened in the past and start fresh. I gave everything you need to know to Charlotte and she can explain everything to you.

"Okay thank you for your time, enjoy the rest of your day," I replied and I extended my hands to him, he took it and shook our hand. His hands felt so warm I gathered myself and broke my hands from his.

I took my bag and left his office I went to Charlotte's desk while she waited for me,

Charlotte handed me the folder that Locus was holding before leaving with it, "you will be working from 8 AM until 5 or 6 PM it depends on Mr.Loue, their day that he will ask you to leave early or stay after helping him. And also when he gets important meeting he sometimes he does them at his place so you would have to go to his place during work or after work"

"What, I have to go to his place?"I said quietly

"Yes love but his meeting wouldn't take long and it's not every day only when his meetings are very important. I nodded my head toward her I have no choice but to say yes

"I know it's a long time and it's a lot but don't worry he takes good care of his employees." Charlotte wink at me

"You will have an office near him and there will be a big window that can make you see each other, so every time he wants you he will call you by phone or knock on your window and ask you to come to his office."

"Thank you, Charlotte for your help"

"Your welcome sweaty I will see you tomorrow morning," Charlotte said as she came close to me and hugged me then handed me the folder she said that everything that I need is in this folder and If I have any question to go directly and ask her

We said our goodbyes and I headed back home.

"I couldn't believe it. I kept asking myself did I really get a job and this big company wow, I was so excited to go back home and tell Emily everything.

When I got home I took out the keys from my bag and opened the door. Emily was sitting at the dinner table doing her homework like always. She studies really hard.

"Emily" I yelled as I ran toward her

"What-what happened?" Emily said getting up from her chair as fast as she could, holding my hands

"I got a job" I yelled louder

"What really?" Emily couldn't believe it and hugged me tighter

"Tell me everything, is it the stupid store you applied at last week?"

I shook my head and explained everything to her and even what happened at the store,

"The manager said the job doesn't fit me because I don't have experience in handling cash," I said as I looked down and my hands

Then I started explaining what happened after I got out of the store and how I ended up having the job.

"Ok wait so you're telling me that they left the 3 other girls with experience and chose you?"

"Yes I'm telling you because the boss said he wanted me to have experience and it's only for 3 months"

"Wait, what's gonna happen after 3 months?"

I explained everything to her I took the folder out from my bag and we read through it

"I know 1 question please please" Emily yelped as I stood up

"Okay fine," I said as I sat down again

"Is your boss hot?"

I stared at Emily for a few seconds thinking did she really asked these stupid questions

"OMG are you serious?"

Emily started giggling "yes come on tell me please"

I looked at her and smile "well kinda yeah," I said and I felt my check started to heat up,

I told her about what I did before I saw him and how gentle he was

"Okay enough I have to go shower do my hair and see what to wear for tomorrow" I looked at her and stayed silent as my eyes became wider

Emily asked me what happened as she began to worry she thought that something was wrong with me.

"I have nothing to wear for tomorrow," I told her that my clothes were for normal outgoing days I don't anything professional to wear

"OMG you scared me, it's fine we will go shopping now," Emily said she ran fast toward her room after a few seconds she came out with a bag in her hands she took my hand and pulled me with her.

We got in Emily's car and she drove to the mall. A few stores were very busy so we went straight to the store that had professional clothes.

I picked out a few things when I checked the price. I was shocked I couldn't afford it. I was holding the tag when Emily came from behind me "what's wrong" she asked

I didn't say anything I just showered her the tag she looked at me and smiled and told me to get everything that I want I couldn't accept for her to buy me things, yes they did pay for me when I was little but now I old and they promised me that I don't have to pay for anything until I become 18.

Emily sat her hand on my shoulder and told me that she will pay for them and when I get my first check I can pay her back when she said that I relaxed and I promised her to pay them back.

I hugged her and went back to get a few more things, Emily paid for the staff and we headed back home.