First Day

The next morning

I Got up around 6:40 took shower, when I finished showering took me about 15 minutes to finish showering I wrapped a towel around my body and went out toward my closed, then I took out the clothes that I picked yesterday night, I sat in front of my mirror as I brought my makeup bag along with me. As I was doing my makeup. I grabbed my curler from my drawer.

I plugged the curler iron and continued my makeup. I don't like putting on too much makeup so basically, I only applied foundation, powder and little mascara. By the time I finished my makeup I started doing my hair, when I looked at the time it was already 7:25 AM so I got and changed into the clothes.

I ran downstairs. I went straight to the fridge, opened it, took out orange juice and poured it in the glass. I took out a bowl and made myself a cereal. I ate quickly.

Then I went back to the bathroom, brushed my teeth quickly, grabbed my bag and ran out of the house. It took me 10 minutes till I got there.

By the time I got there, it was 8:55 AM, I quickly pressed the elevator bottom and went straight up to the office.

"Good morning " I greeted Charlotte with a warm smile

"Good morning love"

I stood in front of her not knowing what to do. Should I wait for him to call me or should I go to him?

"Go in love".

I nodded my head and went to his office. I stood in front of him, took a deep breath and knocked on his office door, it was silent. After a second his sweet voice came from the other side.

I went in with my shaky hands. He was standing looking out through the window, I went in and I greeted him with a good morning. He looked at me and went back to his seat. "Good morning," he said in a low and cold tone.

I stood there waiting for him to tell me what to do, after a few seconds he looked up from his folder that he was scanning through "what"? He asked.

He got up and started walking closer to me with a folder in his hand, he was a few inches from me he stared at me a second then handed me the folder that he was holding.

"You have an hour to finish organizing the folders and make a call to the number that is in the folder and arrange the meeting based on the time that has written for you in the folder," he said as he went back to his seat.

Before I left he said that I could ask Charlotte anything that I don't understand. She could help me through it.

I stood there for a second then left. I asked Charlotte about my office and she led me through it. It was beautiful. It seemed like I'm the owner but unfortunately I'm not. I thanked Charlotte and she went back to her work.

I went through the folder as I started to arrange them in order and started making a call based on the numbers that were written in the folders.

I made all the appointments. When I finished I had about 10 minutes left so I organized a few things around my desk.

Locus *as Mr.Lou* handed me other things that I had to go through when I finished it was around 12 PM I sat back in my chair as I laid my head on the back of the chair. I let out sight from all the exhaustion.

I was laying back when my office phone Sudeley rang. I picked it up and put it on my ear.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I said as I knew how I would be because the number didn't show Charlotte explained to me about the phone when a customer rings it shows the number but if it's Locus then the number would be private.

"It's already 12 PM. You should be taking your break" he said through the phone.

I looked at it at 12:05 PM. "I'll finish the last folder then I'll take my break" I replied to him.

He told me that I should just finish it after finishing my break. I listened to him and went outside. I saw a coffee shop near the company. Emily landed me the money she said I would need.

At first, I insisted but then she said I would pay it off, then I agreed I would still need money with me just in case something happened.

I bought coffee and a sandwich along with it because I only ate cereal in the morning. Then I saw Charlotte sitting with a couple of women along with her. She saw me and waved for me to come and sit with them.

I couldn't say no to her because she was the only one I know. I went and she patted on the seat beside her and asked me to sit.

Charlotte introduced me to all her friends, they were all very nice to me.

They all introduced themselves to me as they took my hands to shake them. We started talking as we started opening new conversations about ourselves to get to know each other more.

Then they asked me to tell them more about myself as well as how I got the job without me having any experience.

"Wait, how did you guys know I got the job even though I don't have any experience?" I was shocked.

They stared at each other. I looked at them all then I heard one of them start talking. I believe her name was Anna.

"Well the whole company knows that you got the job without you having any experience," She pouted.

I gazed at Charlotte right away "how did they know?" I asked in an angry tone.

"Amelia" Charlotte began "one of the ladies that was with you in the waiting room heard me saying that Mr.Lou hired you even though you didn't have any experience for the company, so....".

I waited for her to continue as I raised my eyebrow giving her a sign for her to continue.

"So she.....she went and told one of her friends that worked in the company because she was jealous that they hired you instead of any of them that they had and of course she asked her friend to tell everyone in the company."

I got up right away and started running as I heard Charlotte running behind me calling my name. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and my face began to heat up. Tears started building up in my eyes.

"Hey," Charlotte said as she entered the bathroom.

I looked at her then lowered my head to the ground. She came closer to me and put her fingers on my chin and raised me to look into her eyes.

"I'm embarrassed," I said as I lost in tears.

"Hey hey there's nothing you should be embarrassed by, it's okay you're still young and of course, you wouldn't have any experience yet I didn't have any until I became 21 so don't worry about what others think or will say okay?" Charlotte comforted me as I went in for a hug. She started rubbing my back.

I nodded my head telling her I was fine, she looked at me and told me that she had to go back to work. She told me to come when I'm ready if I came late and she would find an excuse to Locus.

I had 10 minutes left so I used the time to use the bathroom then I looked at myself in the mirror my face looks tired so I decide to apply little makeup hoping my face would look better I took out the makeup bag that I brought with me from the night before that prepared to take it with me to work.

I finished my break and went back to work. I did a couple of more things. I stayed in the Locus office from time to time as he showed me how to use Microsoft.

I finished and went back to my office as I had a lot of work to do. I was so tired but I didn't want to show it. They will think that I was so lazy or they will fire me.

*Locus Pov*

I noticed Amelia had cried. She looked fine just before she left for break. Her eyes are red and it looks like she had applied makeup because she did have too much makeup on.

When I first met Amelia in the hallway she looked so different from all the girls I knew, her difference can't be explained. All the girls wanted to be with me just because I had money and it was all one-night stand anyways.

I heard Amelia talking to Charlotte when she first came when I got up to use the bathroom before my meeting, that she wanted to work but she didn't have any experience or something like that.

So after Charlotte asked her to wait in the waiting room I called her in and asked her "who is she?" I asked as I watched Charlotte staring at me confused then I told her that girl who just came and she was talking about the experience.

Then she explained to me I looked at her then I told Charlotte to hear her she looked at me shocked "what" she began.

"You heard me hire her".

"But you never allowed anyone to be hired without even a little bit of experience".

I glared at her then nodded my head. She took the hiring worksheet and filled it herself.

After finishing my meeting folder I got up and went to use the bathroom. When I came out I bumped into a girl as she fell on the ground.

"What the hell! watch where you're going". She yelled it was the same voice, is it her? I asked myself if it was her gorgeous face.

I gave her my hand for her to take it but she glared at me instead. She tried to stand by herself and she succeeded. She took her bag and left.

I shook my thoughts away. I couldn't be attached to her again or make her attached to me the same thing again, so I took a deep breath and left for my meeting in the meeting room.

When I finished it was time to meet the new employer. When I went in, her back was facing me. When she got up and turned toward me I froze in my spot. It wasn't because I was the same girl that I met in the hall but she was the same girl I met 100 years ago.

*Amelia Pov*

Time went by so fast that the first day was kinda boring but maybe because it was the first day and I was nervous.

After I finished my work I laid my head on the desk. I jumped when I heard Locus open the door.

"You can leave because I'm leaving too," he said, then he left the office. I looked at the time it was around 6:50 PM. He asked me to stay longer as he had a lot of appointments to make.

I took my stuff and left. I went to say goodbye to Charlotte but couldn't find her, probably in the bathroom as her staff was still there.

When I left it was pouring rain, it was so heavy as if the sky broke down in tears. I loved the rain, the rain was my favourite thing. So I stood by the driveway near the bus station. I decided to take a taxi or bus, whichever comes first.

I was standing when I saw a black car stopped in front of me. My heart dropped. It was raining and a little dark outside. I backed up a little until he rolled down the car window.

I left out sight in relief it was Locus.

"Get in, let me drive you home," he said without looking at me.

I hesitated for a second then I got in when he said that there weren't busses or taxis in this kind of weather. I wasn't able to walk as I got so tired at work.

I gave him the direction and he drove in silent until Locus decided to broke the silence between them

"What happened ?" he asked


"When you came back you had makeup on and it wasn't like how I first saw you. Your eyes were crying and didn't tell me you were because I know you were," he said as he kept his focus on the road.

I looked at him then turned my face toward the window. I didn't know I should be embarrassed because he knew I had cried or because of how I would tell him.

I began to ask myself a million questions about what I should tell him when I heard him speaking again.

"Tell me," he said in this thick tone.

"Nothing" I replied without looking at him but then he told me that he didn't believe me and if she didn't tell the truth he was gonna ask her one more time and if she didn't say the truth will ask Charlotte.

And it wouldn't end in a good way.

Everything came out of my mouth right away without thinking twice so I told him everything that happened but he stayed quiet without even looking at me.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I looked at him shocked. "what?"

"I'm sorry for what they said to you" he replied this time he started in my eyes then focused back on the road.

As we reached my house I thanked him for the ride, Lucas told me that he would wait for me until I got in the house which I don't understand why.

I believe he realized that I had stood at the door for a long time I jumped when I heard him behind me.

"your okay?" he asked

"yeah I probably forgot to take the house keys from Emily and she won't be home in another 2-3 hours," I said this time I was turning red from embarrassment what will he think of me as stupid who forgot to take her keys with her.

"That's fine you can stay at my place until she gets home." I looked at him and didn't know what to say as I have a phobia of staying in the dark.

I agreed it was probably not a good idea but I don't have a choice, I tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up.

Locus drove to his house. I opened my mouth in shock when I saw his house. Excuse me it was a house, it was a mansion.

"Wow your mansion is beautiful," I said as my mouth stayed open.

"Thanks" he replied as he showed me the way to the mansion.