The Rain

I led the way for Amelia, when we were walking toward the door my maid Sarah opened the door for us while it was time for her to leave. I can see Amelia was still in shock which I don't know why.

Amelia impressed me more when she thanked Sarah for opening the door. I asked Amelia if she wanted to eat something.

"I'm not even that hungry so don't let count me in"

"You're eating," I said because I know she is hungry but she won't admit it because she is shy and not comfortable yet.

I led her toward one of my house rooms. I opened the door and waited for her to get in. She gasped as she walked it.

I admit it was a beautiful room, that's why I chose it for her.

"Here" I handed her a dry towel.

Amelia took the towel from my hands as she thanked me with her warm smile. As she took it she flipped her head down and she began to try it then she flipped it back and went from side to side as she dried it.

I was lost. I got lost in her. That I have been staring at her the whole time when she looked back at me she caught me staring. "Hmm" I began as I turned away from her and I took a dry towel for myself.

"What?" she asked as I stared at her again.

I looked at her from head to toe as she was soaked wet. I excused myself without saying anything to her.

Then I came back as I was holding a grey pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. I handed it to her and she stared at me then she took them from my hands.

"The...the bathroom is right behind you," I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

"thanks" she smiled at him as she walked by to the bathroom near the kitchen.

*Amelia Pov*

As I was drying my hair I kept seeing him staring at me. I won't lie when I say that I felt kinda scared. Why would he look at me like that?

He excused himself and left after a few minutes. He came in grey shorts and a black t-shirt. I don't feel comfortable wearing shorts. I rarely wear shorts. And now I have to wear them when I'm at my boss' house perfectly.

After I went to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror, I was nervous and scared and Locus was the only one in the house. I redid my hair, put it in a ponytail and removed it as I did little touch to it.

When I came out of the bathroom, Locus wasn't in the room. I didn't know what to do. She cracked open the door and pecked my head toward the door. The hall was empty.

I started walking toward the living room as I could remember where it was. when I got there I started walking around looking through when suddenly I heard a voice somewhere nearby.

"Amelia, I'm in here," she yelled.

When I heard him calling from the kitchen I walked from where the voice was coming and it led me to the kitchen I saw Locus was preparing food which kinda looked cute.

"Wine?" Locus asked as he held the bottle of wine in his hand.

"Umm sure" I replied right away I do love wine but I don't know why I answered yes right away it's embarrassing.

I sat down on one of the stools that were on the kitchen table.

"Locus?" I begin.

"Yes," he replied as he walked toward me, placing a glass of wine in front of me.

I wanted to ask him about his eyes but for a second I thought against it. I just remember when I first saw him his eyes were dark brown and now there was hazel.

"Umm" I didn't know what to say instead because I know he will deny it and will think I'm crazy so I changed it, "it smells good," I said nervously

"Thanks, will see how you like it," he said as he stared into my eyes.

I got up and walked toward him. I asked him if he needed any help and he told me that he was almost done but I could help with the table. I nodded my head and took out the plates and placed them on the table.

By the time he was finished cooking he filled the plates with food. Locus asked to begin eating. But I couldn't start. I was really just telling him a few minutes I wasn't hungry but I was. So I wanted him until he came back.

When he came back he asked me to eat and not be shy right now. And finish my plate. I began to eat when I was halfway through and suddenly I felt a gaze watching me.

I moved my head up slowly when I saw him staring at me while smirking at me. This time I couldn't ignore it.

"Your eyes" I begin

"What?" he looked at me confused

"Your eyes look different from the last time I saw them"

Locus looked at his plate right away and started eating as he went silent.

When I asked him again he began to laugh which kinda scared me.

"What do you mean different?" he asked.

I kept staring at his eyes "I'm sorry" I replied I start cursing under my breath like why would I ask that.

By the time we finished eating Locus refused for me to clean the kitchen and to wash the dishes but I did it anyway. And of course, he gave me a hand.

When we finished cleaning the dishes and the kitchen, Locus said that he would go and take a shower.

"Feel free to do anything you want" then he left.

I went and brought my phone from the room and I went back down to the living room. I sat down on the sofa as I went through the contact and called Emily.

It kept ringing but she didn't pick it up, I called 2 more times and still no answer.

After 10 minutes Locus came down, he was wearing grey jogging and he..... Was he really shirtless? I kept staring at him "OMG" I whispered to myself his abs oh my.

When Locus came down to the living he sat on the couch across from me as he backed at me with raised eyebrows.

"You're shirtless," I said as I stared at his abs he chuckled, he got up and slowly walked where I was sitting. He placed his hands on both sides of my head and moved his head close to me. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"Never seen a shirtless guy before?"

I looked at him and shook my head. He started coming even close to me now we're inches apart.

He smiled and went back upstairs as I felt my soul leave my body. What just happened?

When he came back he wore a black t-shirt. As I could still see his abs through it.

"Better?" he asked as he chuckled.

When he opened his mouth to speak my phone buzzed I took my phone from the table opened it, it was a message from Emily.

Hi, Amelia

Sorry love I was busy at work didn't see your call.

I am so sorry I forgot to give you back your keys. I left it on my nightstand.

The thing is I won't be home, I'm going to be late and my boss wanted me to stay with him until we leave Los Angeles. We have an important meeting in California. Will be back tomorrow but probably by midnight.

What are you going to do? Where are you going to stay? I forgot to leave the keys at the office by the secretary. At least you could have come and picked it up, I'm so sorry it's just I was in so much rush that I forgot. You know I have full-time work and school.

Let me know what you're gonna do please.

I love you,


I looked away from my phone as I let out a sight.

"What's wrong?" he asked while I noticed his worried tone.

"My cousin Emily, she...she had to go to California for a meeting and she's going to be back by midnight and she forgot to give me my keys back".

Locus looked at me "oh don't worry you can stay for the night here until she comes back".

"No, no I can't," I said as I got up, which I don't even know where.

"Amelia it's okay you're welcome to stay here don't worry I have a lot of spare room" Locus replied.

"It won't be a bother to you?" I said as I realized it was getting darker outside.

He said that it was fine. He turned on the TV while we were watching. He excused himself and said that he had to finish a few things in his office. If I get sleepy I can just go back to the same room.

I thanked him for letting me stay for the night. Then he left.

*Locus Pov*

It was 8:16 PM when I finished signing a few papers. Then my mind came to Amelia so I decided to check on her because she was making me crazy.

I didn't just want her for me to use her but I wanted more but as much as I want her I can't put her life in danger. I can't let her remember the past.

As I walked down the stairs I heard the TV was still on as she was watching the notebook. When I looked at her there she was asleep on the couch. She looks like an angel, the most beautiful girl I have seen.

When I walked closer to her I saw her sweating and shaking. I placed my hands on her shoulder to wake her. She wasn't waking up, I placed my hand on her forehead and she was burning.

I picked her up bridal style and took her to my room as placed her on my bed.

(Locus room)

I went to the bathroom and got a towel and cold water and placed it on the table beside me. I wet the towel and placed it on her forehead to cool her temperature down.

Her shirt was all wet from her sweat. I walked toward my drawer and took out a white t-shirt. I went back to the bed as I took her shirt off.

When he was shirtless I couldn't get my eyes away from her body. She was beautiful, I moved my eyes from her neck down to her stomach, when she moaned in pain I brought my focus back.

I changed her shirt without looking at her again because I knew I would be lost in her again if I looked. When I pulled down the shirt I felt every inch of her body. I felt how smooth she was.

*Amelia's Pov*

1:48 AM

"Locus," the first thing I said the first thing when I opened my eyes, I saw Locus was sleeping beside me.

"Hey you're okay?" he asked, he sat up placing his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"Did you all stay up all night?" I asked him.

Locus nodded his head "you were burning you probably got sick from the rain".

"Thank you," I said to him as I forced a smile. I wasn't able to move my body.

"Today if you're still not feeling well you can take the day off".

"no, I'm okay I can still come to work". I answered him

Locus said that he would prepare me a soup, so Locus went down to the kitchen and came back after 20 minutes with a bowl of soup in his hand, he sat me up and began to feed me.

I went back to sleep when I woke up at 3:37 AM. Locus wasn't in the room. 

Then I heard the shower turn off.

for about an hour then woke up. When I woke up I didn't see Locus anywhere in the room, just then the bathroom door opened and Locus came out it looked like he took a showerer wearing boxers only

When he came out and saw that I was awake he chuckled and apologized to me that he was wearing only boxers and he said that was how he usually sleeps.

He climbed into bed beside me as I tried to cover myself with the blanks because I wasn't able to move my eyes from him. What the hell was he thinking sleeping next to me only in underwear.

He pulled the blanket away from my face and he placed his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him. He slowly came close to me and placed a poke of kisses on my lips.

My eyes went wide when he pulled away he smiled and played down he pulled me toward him now my back is facing his check. I am 100% sure he can feel my heartbeat almost coming out of my chest.

"what" I began.

"Shhhh, mmm you smell as sweet as caramel" he inhaled.

my eyes went wide as he began to play with my hair. I drifted to sleep. I was sleepy because of my sickness.