First kiss

8:18 AM

I opened my eyes when I suddenly felt someone knocking on the door. Wait, am I still dreaming, I asked myself?

"Come in," I said as I sat up on the bed.

Locus walked in "hey" he said as he walked toward the bed then without thinking twice he placed his hand on my forehead to check on my temperature.

Wait, does he remember what he did before we went to sleep or is he ignoring it I thought to myself as I stared at him.

"Hey" I replied to him.

As he kept his hand on his forehead he stared at her. I stared at him until the next move he made my soul leave me. He leaned toward me and placed a kiss on my cheek then on my nose then he...he kissed my lips.

"I am making breakfast, join me in 10 minutes?" He said before he left he looked back at me and smirked.

I went to the bathroom as I brushed my teeth and applied makeup. By the time I finished I went out I saw a bag on the bed. It was there when I woke up. I went to check it. As I took it out I smiled to myself while I knew who it was from. It was a beautiful red dress.

When I got down I saw Locus was already sitting at the table waiting for me while checking his phone.

"Sorry I took too long," I said as I went and sat in front of him.

"No worries," he said when he raised his eyes from the phone. His eyes were sparkling.

Of course, I will admit, I looked cute in this red dress. Red was one of my favourite color.

"You look beautiful," Locus said almost in a whisper as he kept his eyes on me.

"Thanks, and... thank you for the dress, you didn't have to. I was going to go home and change before going to work".

Locus said it wasn't a big deal then we started eating and it went silent. I kept looking at Locus from time to time checking if he was looking.

Locus seems different than yesterday. After they finished Locus offered me to ride with him to work.

8:40 AM when they left the house.

While we were in the car I took my phone out. It was 39%. I messaged Emily I was worried about her so I thought to see what she's up to. I looked up from my phone when I heard Locus talking.

"you don't have to come to work if you're still not feeling well."

"No, I'm fine," she answered him.

I looked at him then I opened my mouth to ask, "why did you kiss me"?

I bit my lips and lowered my head. Why would I ask that".

"I wanted to taste those lips you have been biting them since we were at work."

"I wasn't doing it on purpose, it's a habit of mine," I replied.

"I know sweet caramel," he said looking at me while winking at me.

What the f8ck I cursed under my breath.

When we almost arrived I asked him to drop me somewhere near the company. I didn't want anyone to see us together and start talking shit just like how they're talking about me getting the job without me having any experience.

Locus didn't listen to me and parked his car in the garage. He got off from the driving seat when I was grabbing my purse. I heard the passenger door open, it was Locus who opened the door for me.

I looked at him and nodded his head. I grabbed my purse and went out "thank you."

When we both got to the office Locus asked me to come to his office to check with him for a meeting at 9:30 AM.

I didn't know what I should do for the meeting so I just waited for him to tell me the instructions.

When I looked at the time it was already 9:27 AM when I finished my work. I took my notebook and pen and went to his office. I knocked then I went in.

Locus told me about the meeting that he's holding at 10:20 AM. but he didn't explain to me what I have to do. When he finished I left his office and went to ask Charlotte.

"Charlotte?" I said as I walked through the door.

"Oh hi honey, what can I help you with?"

I explained to her that Locus has a meeting at 10:20 AM and I don't know what to do.

Then Charlotte explained to me the steps as I wrote them down just in case. And that when the meeting begins I have to be with Locus at the meeting to take notes for him.

When she finished I thanked her and went to the meeting room and prepared the field, food, water and anything else that would be needed.

When I finished I went back to my office at 10:25 AM I began to feel nervous. I never attend meetings if I made a mistake in front of people.

Just then I heard my office phone ring "hello?" I answered.

"Come to my office."

He asked me if the meeting room was ready and I nodded my head. He nodded and got up from his seat. He walked toward the door just as I was behind him. He looked back at me and smirked.

He kissed my checks "wish me luck sweet caramel" just like that he left the room as my checks and body were on fire.

I placed my hand on the spot where he kissed it. I could feel how hot my face became.

I went back to my office I took my notebook and went straight to the meeting room.

I gathered myself and went in. There he was sitting at the head of the table and he was flipping the pen in his hand when he saw me he winked at me.

I lowered my head as I took a seat beside him and smiled to myself.