Red Eyes


April 23, 1918

*Locus Pov*

In town, it was the day every man had to choose his wife. But of course, for me, I would only marry the women I love.

About two weeks ago I saw the same girl that I met when I was out with the boys. She was walking down the road around 7:23 PM. She was walking down the road alone when suddenly I sensed the men behind her were following her.

I could tell she wasn't thrilled with them since she was walking quicker than expected. So I hurried to the opposite side of the road, despite the fact that I was still far behind. She stepped into an alley when she noticed she couldn't go any farther since she had reached a dead end.

She stopped, fear-filled her eyes as she turned and saw 4 guys surrounding her.

People in front of me were slower than fucking animals I pushed through them but I wasn't able to get near her. But at least I could see her.

She tried walking past them but they blocked her way. One of the guys who was behind her pulled her arms behind her back and pulled her body toward her. I froze in my place as I watched them. Then the other guy started coming closer to her and started touching her body.

I yelled louder than I have yelled in my life even so they could look at me, if I don't know her she's just a girl why would these fucking people do these things to such innocent girls.

This was the time I should change. I changed into my normal vampire. Yes, I am a vampire. My eyes went red as I gained my strength after changing. I pushed everyone in front of me and ran toward them.

When I was closer to one of the guys in front of me I punched him, making him lose consciousness. I didn't want to do anything to him in front of her or anyone that would put me and the other boys behind me Sam, Tony, Mason, James, John in danger since they were vampires.

I stopped them so they would do anything to do since I want to tear them apart. I punched the other 4, making them bleed everywhere on their face.

I looked at the boys and they nodded their heads as they knew what I wanted. What I want them to do is take them to an abandoned woods and kill them. They should have thought about what they have done and if they ever did this to someone else.

The girl fell now on her knees and her statue sobbing. I ran toward her and she pushed herself back. I put my hand in surrender then I remembered my eyes. I turned around and calmed myself down. And turned back toward her.

"Your eyes," she asked. I have to deny whatever happens. No one can know about us.

"Your eyes were red."

"No there weren't you must have seen wrong, who would have red eyes?" I scoffed.

Just like that she lost consciousness I picked her up and hurried her to the hospital. The nurses asked me if I knew her and I told them no. They said I don't know her or she's not close to me. I have to leave the hospital.

All I know about her is that her name is Juial. I caught it when the nurse was talking to me when her doctor said her name to one of the nurses.

That was the last time I ever saw her. I fell for her.


*Amelia pov*

When he heard what I said he turned around and calmed himself down so his eyes could go back to normal colour. When Lucas gets mad his eyes to turn red. When he turned back to her they were their natural hazel colour

"What do you mean," he asked as if nothing happened.

"Your eyes were red, "I said, yelling.

"No, they were not."

"Yes, they were... I saw them."

"Even if what you're saying is true, if you tell anyone no one will believe you."

"I am not going to tell anyone," she said calmly

Just like that the flashback came back to me I placed both of my hands on each side of my head closing my eyes. I fell down on my knees then I saw a girl who looked like me but she was different. She was on the ground when I saw...I saw a build guy who Locus. His eyes were the same red they

He came closer to her as he surrounded his hands putting them up. They started saying something about his eyes that they were red. He denied that she lost consciousness when he closed it and came back to me. I opened them when I saw tears falling down my cheeks while Locus was holding me and calling my name.

When I came back to myself I started hearing Locus. I looked at him in confusion, then I started backing up. "Amelia" he called.

"Stay away from me," I replied.

Why did I see that? Why am I seeing it? It can't be my past no way, why would I see my past? A million questions came to my mind.

"Amelia please just tell me what happened?"

I looked at him "I...I saw a girl who looks like me but she's....she's different she was in the alley everything was dark when she was on the ground when a guy who looks...looks like you came toward her. She was telling you about your red. They were red just like..just like they were. I told him.

Locus fixed his attention on me and began moving toward me. I slowly crawled backwards. It's not because she was afraid of what she saw but because my heart was beating louder than ever, I was scared that Locus would hear my heartbeat because of how loud it was.

When my back hit the wall he was inches away from me so I could feel his minty warm breath on my face.

"What..what are you doing?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"You smell so beautiful Caramel isn't it?" he said and my eyes widened from his comment and moved my eyes to his that now we are having staring contrast.

"Why are you changing the subject?" I said in a whisper. "Please tell me what's going on?"

Locus pressed his lips on mine, he started to kiss me patiently, we kissed for a long time then I broke the kiss to catch my breath.

"I don't want you to be near him okay? And I will explain everything to you when it's the right time," he said in almost whisper

I nodded my head in agreement, then Locus pressed his lips to mine again and kissed me sending shivers down my body.

I wrapped my hands around his neck to bring him closer to me, Locus carried me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat down on his chair as I sat on his lap.

He brought his hands under my shirt and he began massaging my back in circle motions.

I moved my arms under his shirt as I moved my hand up and down his abs. I felt every single ab of his. "like them?" he asked as he started in my eyes.

I looked at him with a shy smile, he kissed my neck and down my collarbone then he stopped when I moved his shirt up when I saw his chest was filled with tattoos. He moved down his shirt right away causing me to fling.

When I was back to reality I saw that I was sitting on his lap. I got up from his lap quickly. "I...I....we...we shouldn't," I said.

"Umm, I have a little work to do there are a couple of more files that need to be done. I need to go back to my office if..if." I paused.

"You can leave." He ordered.

When I was about to leave he called my name. I waited and turned around facing him as he started walking up to me.

"You're turning 19 soon which can cause you to start seeing things or remember things that you have no idea of." I looked at him confused, raining both my eyebrows at him "what do you mean? Why am I starting to remember things I have no idea of and kept seeing the same dream since I turned 18?" I asked.

"Amelia because of you... You're re?" he was cut off by the knock on the door as I heard boys laughing and talking.

I went to the door and as I opened it I saw 5 boys there laughing calmed as their smiles faded when they saw me. When I saw them I felt something I never felt like I knew for my whole life.

"How can I help you?" I asked calmly

"I Ummm....we are here to see our friend Locus." one of the guys said.

I looked over at Locus and nodded his head. I moved aside to let them in. I went and closed the door behind me and went to my office to finish my work.

I continued working but my mind kept thinking about where I had seen the guys. My thoughts were inputted when the guys and Locus came out.

"We're leaving, finish your work and leave which you can leave in 20 minutes and whatever you don't finish, finish it tomorrow," he said then left the guy went after except one of the guys he stood there and kept staring at me. I wouldn't believe myself, I said that he was about to cry as he stared at me.

I looked at him focused then one of the guys came back and asked him to come with him.

I sat down focused as I finished. I took my bag and left.


By the time I returned home, took a quick shower and changed my clothes I made myself a chicken sandwich and waited for Emily. It was around 4 PM when I decided to go shopping with Emily since I got my paycheck yesterday. Emily got dressed when she came down and she jumped on the couch causing me to giggle at her stupidness.

When we were ready to go out there was a knock on the door. I went and opened it while Emily was behind me putting her shoes on. It was a guy I would say in his forties. He was wearing a formal suit

"Ms. Roman?" the guy said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Mr.Lou sent me to pick you up," he said I looked at him confused.

I turned back to Emily as I saw a smile on her face and she raised her shoulders as I did. I asked him why he sent him and he said he had no idea. I told him to give me a second as I pulled my phone from my bag. I went through the contacts and called his number. When he answered the first thing he said was get in the car he said calmly his voice oh God his voice.

I looked at Emily and went outside as I saw him still waiting I nodded his head and I walked behind him he had a BMW car he opened the back door for me I thanked him and got in I looked at Emily who has the giant smile on her face as she was waving for me I waved back and he drove off.