First Dance

As he drove I still remembered his house. When we reached his house the "driver" ran to my side as he opened the door for me he said Locus is waiting for me inside. I nodded and went toward the door. I rang the bell and waited.

Butterflies filled my smooch when I saw Locus open the door.

"Come in," he said as he stepped away.

When I entered, Locus asked me if I wanted a drink and I shook my head. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked

"I need a favour," he said.

Does Locus need a favour from me? What? I stared at him waiting for him to continue. "Today we have a family party and...and I want you to come with me as my finance," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I want you to come with me to my family party as my finances."

"Why me?"

"I..they asked me if I have someone in my life which I don't" his words were like a knife to my heart.

"I said yes but I don't know who to take. I don't want to take any girl with me so I wanted you to come with me."

"Why should I agree to come with you? What would I get in it? I asked.


I looked at him and thought about it. I do need answers to what is happening to my life." "I even have an answer to your family accident" just like that my heart pumped harder than ever my body began to shake. Why would he know about my family accident? It was a car accident on the highway when a drunk crazy driver stabbed them.

"What do you know about my family's accident and how do you know about them?" I asked with tears dripping down my face, "I know what happened to them, I told you if you needed to answer you're coming with me."

I agreed to go with him just so I can find the answers that are rounding in my mind.

Locus went to the kitchen after a minute he came back with two glasses of wine and sat them on the table. He told me that everything that I wanted is in the same room that he showered me last time. I drink half my wine. He told me that we have to leave at 6 which gives me 2 hours to get ready. He told me whenever I'm ready I can go to the room and get ready.

I went upstairs and went straight to the same room. When I opened it I saw whatever a girl wanted on the bed, makeup bags, perfumes, hair curly, straightener, and blow dryer. Even boxes of shoes. When I walked toward the bed I saw a big box which I guess was the dress I placed my hand on, but I stepped back to check it when it was time for me to wear it.

Good thing I took shower before I came. I took the curler and makeup bag and went to the bathroom mirror. I applied natural makeup but also party makeup. I never attend parties. Emily's family used to go a lot but I always rather stay home. I finished applying makeup and started on my hair. I decided to curly it and make a style out of it. When I finished it I went outside.

I walked toward the bed and took the lead of the box off. My eyes widened when I saw the dress. It was a long red silk dress.

I took it out and put it on when I finished. I looked at myself when I saw there was a long mirror at the side of the room. I took my phone from my purse and decided to call Emily. When she picked It up I told her everything that happened. She asked me to send a picture of myself. I took a picture of myself and sent it to her. She commented that I looked so beautiful. When I finished I checked the time it was 6:22 PM.

I spread perfume which smells the same as I have but of course, this looks more expensive. It smells Caramel vanilla. I decided to go down. Locus was waiting at the end of the stairs when he left his head when he heard my heels knock on the floor. His eyes started shining. I was scared that I was going to fall from my nervousness.

He looked handsome in his suits. He put his hand in front of him for me to take it. I stared at his hand then placed my hand in his warm hand. When I walked to him my ankle twisted he pulled me toward him pushing my chest to his.

He places his lips on my neck sending shivers everywhere in my body. He kissed my neck then moved down to my collarbone then down to my chest close to my upper boobs. Then he moved back to my eyes, whispering, "if it was up to me I would have taken you right now." my heart started beating faster at his words. I looked at him and he smiled. He asked me if I was ready. I nodded to him and we walked.

It was the same guy who drove me here. He opened the door to come to me when Locust stopped him. He went to the right side of the car door and opened it while waiting for me. I went in and he came from the other side.

He drove toward a road I don't really recognize. I send my location to Emily just in case. When we got their minions ways way bigger than his. He opened the door for me and I went out. I took my hand in his and walked toward the door.

We went in and saw so many people, we walked around when I sully heard a female voice calling Locus's name I looked toward the female voice. I saw a woman in her late 30s walk toward us and hugged Locus.

"Amelia, I want you to meet Samantha. She's the one who raised me, Samantha. This is Amelia, the one I talked to you about my fiance." She extended her hand and I shook it. "She's way more beautiful than you described her.

They talked about me. Probably so they can believe that I'm his finance. She talked to us when another young female in her early twenties, she was beautiful, came and hugged Locus. I turned away. I don't know why I was jealous. "Amelia this is Nancy, Samantha's daughter, Samantha this is my beautiful finance, Amelia." She came toward me and hugged me right away and I hugged her back. She's nice. After a few minutes, they left, leaving me and Locus alone.

Then the same 5 boys approached us hugging Locus one by one. "Sam, Tony, Mason, James, John. This is Amelia, the one and only girl I told you guys about. Amelia, these are my best friends. You can say I have known them for my whole life." They smiled at me and hugged me as they introduced their names. Sam was the same guy who kept staring at me when I saw them in the office. His hug was the longest.

We walked inside what should I say a ballroom.

We moved down the dancing floor when their music suddenly started playing. Locus took my hand and walked me to the dance floor. He pushed me to his board chest as he placed his hand on my waist. I placed mine around his shoulder.

And moving along with the music, I was pushed toward him and I found it hard to breathe. He started moving his hand up and down my back. My dress back was open to the bottom of my back. He placed his hand on the boom of my side breast. We stared into each other's eyes. I love him, OMG I love him."Mmm, your smell so beautiful." I smiled shyly.

He moved his head closer to mine as he placed a light kiss on my lips. Then he went back and looked into my eyes. I held his hand as I turned back. Now my back is facing his chest and we danced to the slow dance. I closed my eyes and made my body take over. He moved his hand down my legs as he moved up now his hand rested on my inner thigh. My breath hitched when he moved his hand deeper into my thigh.

Good thing the room is dark only chandler sparks showed on us. He moved his hand on my womanhood and I rested my head on his broad shoulders. I held myself not to moan. His rubbing became harder and harder as I started pushing my back on his chest. His lips moved down my neck as he started placing kisses everywhere.

Just like that, another memory came to me, a ballroom people all-around men and women dancing together when suddenly I saw her the same girl I saw he came down the stairs wearing a black ball gown dress as the man who looks like Locus waited for her at the bottom of the stairs he out his hand in front of him as she came down the stairs.

She took his hand and walked toward the dance floor where everyone else was dancing. They started dancing for a while then she rested her head on his shoulders. Just like that I yelled STOP! I ran outside leaving Locus confused behind me.

I ran and ran. I fell because of my high heels. I took them off and ran while I was running. I had no idea where I heard Locus calling my name. I feel down again. This time I couldn't get up.

He came beside me "I saw her." I paused and he looked at me" I saw her again in the same ballroom, the same girl and guy dancing."

"She's you" my eyes snapped to him when he spoke.


"They're us." I looked at him and I didn't understand anything he's saying.

"Come with me and I will explain everything." He picked me up bridal style and went back to the minion house but we didn't get in when we got there. I was the boy waiting outside waiting. Locus got me in the car and walked toward them. He told them something then came back.

The ride was silent until the driver asked where he should go Locus said to his place.

When we arrived Locus picked me up from the car and put me down on the sofa. I scooted to make room for him to sit. He sat beside me as he placed his hand together.

Flashback as Locus is talking.

It was April 23, 1918, when it all began.

It was the day every man should get a wife. But I waited for her, Julia. when I first saw her.

She was walking down the road around 7:23 PM. She was walking down the road alone when suddenly noticed 4 guys were following her.

I could tell she wasn't thrilled with them since she was walking quicker than expected. So I hurried to the opposite side of the road, even though I was still far behind. She stepped into an alley when she noticed she couldn't go any farther since she had reached a dead end.

She stopped, fear-filled her eyes as she turned and saw 4 guys surrounding her.

People in front of me were slower than fucking animals I pushed through them but I wasn't able to get near her. But at least I could see her.

She tried walking past them but they blocked her way. One of the guys who was behind her pulled her arms behind her back and pulled her body toward her. Then the other guy started coming closer to her and started touching her body.

I yelled so I could get their attention and didn't know she's just a girl. This was the time I should change.

When I was closer to one of the guys in front of me I punched him, making him lose consciousness. I didn't want to do anything to him in front of her or anyone that would put me and the other boys behind me Sam, Tony, Mason, James, John in danger.

I looked at the boys and they nodded their heads as they knew what I wanted. What I want them to do is take them to an abandoned woods and kill them. They should have thought about what they have done and if they ever did this to someone else.

The girl fell now on her knees and her statue sobbing. I ran toward her and she pushed herself back. I put my hand in surrender then I remembered my eyes. I turned around and calmed myself down. And turned back toward her.

She asked me about my eyes and why they were different colours. I denied that my eyes were the colour she saw them.

She lost consciousness. I hurried her to the hospital. The nurses asked me if I knew her and I told them no. They said I don't know her or she's not close to me. I have to leave the hospital.

All I know about her is that her name is Juial. I caught it when the nurse was talking to me when her doctor said her name to one of the nurses.

That was the last time I ever saw her. I fell for her. I kept looking for her for days. I used the small information I know about her, which is her name Juial.

It was the day I met her at the ball when she walked down the stairs I ran to her side and I gave her my hand and she took it once she took it she's mine, mine and no one else. I danced with her and she was happy.

We talked all night knowing about each other, our stories but she never a lot about me. When the ball finished she directed me where she lives. We started hanging out a lot. We became closer even Sam, Tony, Mason, James, John became close to her. They became friends. We got married and lived happily. She fell for me and I fell for her. When we got married we were really happy and we were expecting a baby girl.

Julia was 9 months pregnant. I hid from her that our lives were in danger. The boys lived across from us when suddenly we heard they came back. The originals wanted to end my life because I fell in love with a human. When they knew she was pregnant they wanted to take the baby from us and do experiments on her to see what she was going to be.

A human or like me. They wanted to see the bloodline. They dashed in and I tried...I tried to save her but I couldn't they injected me with something causing me not to be able to move I was paralyzed I watched...I watched everything they did to her. I watched her die. They stabbed her with the sword. They can't kill me because I'm one of them.

*Tears dripped down my face.*

The boy came after they defeated us. They tried their best but of course, they knew about them so they injected them with the same thing they injected me with. But Sam's life got in danger from the injection.

What they did to the baby was worse...they cut her open as they took the baby and left. We buried Juials body after years of searching for my baby. I never found her until now.

I miss her every day, every single second. Then we moved from that place as the memories never left my thoughts. I became a different person. I killed every person who came in front of me.

I moved out the same day when I saw her in my dream telling me to not do that and to look after our child, our child that I don't know if she's alive or dead.

I didn't have any money or any food I could eat but I made a promise to Juial to change so I started eating normal food. But still there used to be days I won't eat and stay hungry. Until I started working and opening my own company.

Then there you came, you came again you were right in front of me and I couldn't do anything. I wanted to hug you, kiss you and tell you how much I missed you.


We started into each other's eyes as tears filled his eyes. I went close to him and hugged him. He hugged me harder than ever. I felt my heart coming out but I left off everything he went through. He cried and cried when he backed away.

"You.. you're a vampire?" suddenly I realized.

He nodded his head, my eyes went wide and jumped up from the sofa he stood up "I won't hurt you." he said.

"I always had the feelings you had, but I didn't want to believe it. Why would you hide all these from me?" I yelled.

"I couldn't, if I told you then you would know everything if anything happened to you again I would never forgive myself."

Tears dripped down my face I couldn't believe it. "My parents?" I asked.

"The guy who killed your parents was....was my anime."

"What do you mean your enemy? How does he even know about my parents?"

"They told them that you're reborn so they wanted to kill you but ended up killing your parents as a threat to me." I couldn't believe what I'm hearing.

"I...I need to leave." I was about to leave when I grabbed my wrist but I let go "I won't come to work, I will be taking off and if you don't approve then fire me." I said, closing the door behind me.