Amelia’s Truth

*Amelia pov*

When I woke up I saw the bed empty. I got up and went downstairs. I saw the boys and Locus were talking but I didn't get what they were saying. I went down and stood in front of them. I asked what was wrong but they all looked at me without saying anything. Locus got up and walked toward me. He placed his hand on my cheeks. He told me not to worry about it and he would explain everything.

Sam came toward me with 3 bags of blood in his hands he gave them to me "we got you more if you need we just left it down in the freezer " I nodded opened the lid as I slowly began to drink this time I tried to drink the blood. I started to drink while looking at Locus then at the boys they all seemed nervous and something was wrong but why weren't telling me what was wrong. Mason kept looking at Locus as he wanted to tell him something but didn't want to say it in front of me.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked them. I couldn't see John so I asked them where he was. He told me that he will be here in a few seconds. I asked them if something was wrong with him and they told me that he was fine. So I nodded my head and sat on the4 sofa beside James. He placed his hand on my shoulder as he stroked it. He asked me if I was doing okay and I just nodded my head while smiling. I looked over at Locus as I saw the way he was looking at me and James. He was about to rip him apart. So I just ignored him.

After a few minutes, I heard the door open then close. John walked in and then Em..wait is that Emily behind him my eyes wide open.

"No way," I said while the blood bag was still in my mouth.

Emily looked at me, shocked her mouth and eyes wide open when she moved her eyes to the blood bags she gasped as she covered her mouth. I stayed seated. I didn't know what to say or do. My sister saw me holding blood bags while the other one in my mouth would explain that to her. John walked her to the other side on the sofa and asked her to sit down. And she did as she walked without moving her eyes from mine. Tears filled my eyes.

"After what happened to you I...I remembered your cousin Emily your life is in danger so that could put her life in danger too, but I thought best is to keep you and Emily here for a while after we catch who did this to you." Locus explained.

Emily got up and walked toward me" what happened to you, what is talking about? What did they do to you?" Emily kept asking questions but I just looked at her without saying anything. Then Locus began to speak. He told her everything that has happened to me. I just glared at him. I know Emily is my sister but she didn't have to know that. Emily looked at me as she began to cry. First, she started backing up but then she ran toward me kneeling in front of me and she hugged me tightly. She kept saying that she was sorry it's like it was her fault. She got up and ran outside while John followed her. We argued with him once he told us that we would have to stay here until he figured out everything.

"I know it's hard what you're going through but one today you will get used to it now can we forget everything and you go see your friend outside she's probably thinking that the boys had kidnapped her," he said as we both started giggling no matter what he does I can't hate him. He will always do anything that can make me happy.

I walked outside toward her she was sitting on the bench, I walked toward her she grazes her eyes up to mine"Amelia?'' She yelled and ran toward me and hugged me. I hugged her back. I tied my hug around her and she began to sob "Amelia how did this happen?" she asked me then she looked at Locus when he came from behind he said that he would leave us to talk to her he would go and buy us some stuff. He said that the boys would be here with us and that we should go inside better. I nodded and grabbed Emily's hand and headed inside as Locus left.