The Girl

Locus pov


Before I got to tell John to go get Emily, I spent the day with Amelia. I wanted to pulsar her to make her at least forget what happened to her. After she saw the injured rabbit she decided to take it when I say she's different from all the girls I know. I won't be lying. She ripped her half-bottom shirt and wrapped the rabbit's legs with it.

She brought it home and cleaned his wounds, when she knew the boys were going to get groceries she asked them to get her food for the rabbit as well. The way she was looking at him I don't know it kinda made me jealous but why would I be jealous of a rabbit. She even put him to bed. Emily kept calling me and sending me texts. If anything happened with Amelia I didn't know what to say to her. So I decide to ignore her until I find an excuse to tell her when she calls again.

*Ring Ring*

When I took out my phone I looked at the ID name Emily, I took a deep breath. She asked me about Amelia the first second I answered.

"Amelia, did you find what happened to her?" she asked, sobbing. I told her that Amelia was with me and not to worry about her. She just told me about a week ago that she wasn't feeling well and wanted to take a vacation so I recommended that she come to my vacation home.

"Then why did you call me worried you were asking about her as if she was kidnapped?" Emily shouted through the phone. I didn't know what else to tell her or how I was going to tell her that her cousin, like a sister, was bitten by a vampire and now she is one of us.

"Do you do this to all your employees or only the special people?" she asked giggling, I smirked through the phone at her question.

"No, it not like that it's umm" I paused "it's because I was the one who upset her so I wanted to make it up for her so I asked her ifs he would like to stay here for a couple of days because I felt really bad for what he did" I explained.

"Oh what did you do," Emily asked. I told her it doesn't matter how she said that she wants to see her I had no choice Amelia would want someone closer to her to be beside her, so I told her that I was gonna send my boys to pick her up and they have some explanation to tell you, she kept asking me what it was but I told her that guy named john was gonna pick her up and he would explain everything. I asked her to send me her address and I forwarded it to John. I told him everything that he needed to do.

I saw a girl who was about the age of 18 or so. She was staring at me from a long distance so I stared at her. I don't know if I felt something I felt as I knew her but I had never seen her before. Just in a blink of an eye, the girl disappeared. I ran to where she was standing but didn't find anyone. I thought maybe I was hallucinating.

So while John went to pick Emily and the boys sat down I asked them to meet me so we sat down. They didn't say anything, they just waited for me to begin.

"I...I want to look for my daughter." I said. The boys head snapped at me when I said that I wanted to fund my daughter I do I really wanna see if my daughter is still alive I want to know what happened to her I know it has been years but I never forgot about her and I did my best to look for her but the doors were always closed in my face. But this time I will do whatever it takes to find her.

The boys looked at me without saying anything. They just started. I looked at them than James "you know we're always with you no matter what but.." he lowered his head to the ground. "But you should raise your hopes."

I clenched my fists. I just wanted to get up and punch every single one of them but I can't do that no matter what James or the other say that ate right I should raise my hopes, because they are the originals I have to accept anything from them.

The boys came toward me. They hugged me together and told me that no matter what happened they would be by my side forever. I smiled and hugged them tighter. "We're ready whenever you are," Sam said nodding when I was about to take Amelia down, I looked over at her. I didn't know what to tell her now that I want to look for my daughter. It might bother her but still, I would do anything to bring my daughter back.

She was shocked when she saw Emily as Amelia and Emily were outside. I told the boys that it was the time but for now I will go alone. They need to say this for Emily and Amelia. I went to the north side of Los Angeles to where the originals stay, I will try to find anything that can help me with the information.

The drive was about an hour and a half. Amelia has called me about 5 times but I didn't want to answer her because she will ask me where I went and I wasn't ready to tell her yet but I am thinking of telling right when I get back. I parked right in front of the original gates where they lived. The gates opened and I entered. I walked inside and there they were the ones who killed my wife and took away my baby.

They were sitting down. I bowed to them and walked to them. I sat on my knees as I stayed bowing. They asked what I was doing here and why I came here.

"I'm here to look for my daughter, my daughter that wasn't born there and you took away from me and her dead mother." they looked at me then they began to laugh I raised my head to peck at them they were looking at me. "And what makes you think that your daughter is still alive?" they asked.

"That's why I'm here to find out about what happened to my daughter," I said as I got up. One of them nodded his head to someone who was behind. He held me from behind as 3 others came and started kicking me from all the pain so my body no longer felt anything. Just like that, I saw her again, the same girl I saw a couple of hours ago.

She stood there staring at me. My eyes begin to slowly lose focus, I believe his name was Afanasy. He raised his hand and they stopped, "you never come here and make orders or orders us, that's just a small lesson for you to learn from." he said.

He said that whether my daughter is alive or not I no longer have the right to get her, she belongs to them now, so my daughter is alive? I asked myself. "You chose to live your life like this, you chose human and had her pregnant, so I would recommend you to not make the same mistake with that cute little girl. What was her name?" he asked my eyes wide open he knew about Amelia how there is no way what if he did something to her? "Oh cutie little Amelia," he said with a fake smirk. I quickly bowed and ran out. I took my phone out and called John.

"Hello?" John answered in front of the second ring.

"You stay by Amelia's side no matter what happens you do not leave her side got it?" I said as I started the car.

"What happened?"

"I will tell you everything but now all you gotta do is stay by Amelia's side." I ended the call and drove as fast as I could. And just like that everything around me went black.