The Baby

Amelia Pov

I was really angry. I wasn't sure if I was ready for him to react this way. I am so mad but at the same time, I'm sad. It's this child too. I understand maybe he's going through that because of Juial but still, he should've talked to me calmly and we could have made an ending description not just yelling and telling me to have an abortion.

I went to take shower to relax and to avoid him, didn't feel like I want to see his face, he knocked on the door but I ignored it, I have no idea how he unlocked it, he came in and told me that to let him make it up for me but I wasn't ready for him. I showered after about 40 minutes. I went out and I saw him sitting at the edge of the bed, his face in his palm.

He raised his head once he saw me coming out, he stood up but I walked past him ignoring him, I went and sat down in front of the mirror cleaning my makeup off. When suddenly I felt something on my head when I looked behind me it was locus brushing my hair.

I pulled away to the front but he held me so I stayed I let him brush my hair when he was done he kissed the back of my head, he came closer to my inches away from my ears as he whispers, "I'm scared, I don't wanna lose you," he said my heart broke when I heard him sniff. He was crying and it killed me.

I turned toward him, facing him. I got up and took him and placed it on my tummy as he looked me in the eyes. Tears fell both of our eyes," you won't" I said. He stared at me as he gently started rubbing my tummy with his thumbs. Then he slipped his hands away from mine and walked past to the bed, he sat down without saying anything. I finished my night routine. And went bad.

I was embarrassed when suddenly my stomach started to growl, I looked at Locus as he started at the side of the bed. He walked to my side as he threw away the blinked, picking me up in bridle style, "where are you taking me?" I asked, but he ignored me and kept walking. He put on my shoes and his as he picked me up again. He walked me to the parking area, he unlocked a grey BMW car, he put me down on the passenger side, he opened the door for me as he waited for me to get in. I looked at him as he told me to get in. I did as he told me to and he went straight away to the driver's side.

He started the car and he drove with no idea where he's going. He drove on this beautiful night which is my favourite thing to drive late at night. About 10 minutes later I saw Mcdonald OMG he's getting me, McDonald's. We went through the drive-through and he asked me what I wanted. I told him I want large fries with a chicken sandwich combo. He did our order as he ordered for himself as well. I was about to open the bag when he told me to wait.

I looked at him and put the bags down. He drove for about 12 minutes until we arrived at some kind of mountain view, he got out and he came to my side, opening the door for me. I took the bag with me as I went out. We walked toward the front of his car, he took the bag from me while he picked me up and placed me on top of the car. He opened the bag as he handed me the fries and after the rest of the Cambo.

I thanked him and started eating. I nibbled on the food slowly as we watched the view, it was beautiful. He stood beside me as he placed his hands on my thigh. I looked at him but he was looking at the front.

About an hour after we were going to head back, Locus walked to me so he could get me down. As he picked me I wrapped my arms and legs around him drawing him closer to me. I don't know what got into me. But I just did. He looked at me as he slowly picked me and dragged me closer to him, our faces inches away from each other. We both placed our foreheads on each other.

He held me with one hand as the other one was tugging a piece of string behind my ears then he carless my cheeks as he traced the line of my lips. He brought his head closer to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

He closed the distance between us kissing me. I wrapped my arms and legs around his neck and waist tighter as he hugged me tighter. He broke the kiss as we started into each other. He kissed my forehead as he walked to the passenger seat, opening the door for me. He placed me inside as he helped me secure my seatbelt, his touch was sending me to the edge. He was purposely touching my thigh and waist. Then he slowly moved his hand to the upper of my pants, as he smoothly brushed his hand on my womanhood.

I moaned silently, he moved closer to me kissing me passionately, he moved to my neck sucking and kissing so I started moaning his name loud. He smiled as he backed away, once he left I felt cold and empty, he started driving back home. When I got down I went straight to the house waiting for him to unlock it. He came after me, unlocking the door. Once I was in, I looked back at Locus as he was looking at the door. Once he was down I turned him around facing me. I walked to him as I started kissing him hungrily. He picked me up and took me to the bedroom.

4:49 AM

I woke up to the pain I was having inside my womanhood, my eyes were closed. I wasn't able to open the once I saw a glimpse of her. It was Elios. It might be my imaging. I shook Locus to wake him up yelling,, he looked at me "what's going on, are you okay?" he asked. I told him I was having bad pain, he told me to get ready he was gonna take me to the hospital but once he realized I'm not human, he decided to call his friend doctor so he could meet us there.

He pulled the blanket from me as I was the bed filled with blood, blood from me, I started crying "no" I yelled the baby no please God please no. I yelled Locus took my face in his hands as he kept telling me that the bag is going to be okay "our baby is going to be fine, please don't worry" he calmed me down. But I wasn't being able to calm down. The pain, Elosie and the baby. He picked me up as he got me inside the car. He drove to the hospital as I saw a doctor waiting for us at the back of the garage.

He picked me up and went inside, the doctor told him to take me to the backroom, he laid me on the bed as he sat beside me he held my hands and I held it tighter not letting go of it. The pain was killing me" Eloise" I said. Locus looked at me confused. "I saw Elosie in the bedroom," I said, yelling from the pain. When Locus opened his mouth to speak the doctor opened the door and walked inside.

He brought the tools that were different than the human ones they used, then Locus whispered to him the doctor looked at Locus then back at me. He pulled the ultrasound to check. He lifted my shirt as an applied cold gel on the end of my tummy. Then he brought an ultrasound as he started moving the gel with the ultra. After a few minutes he cleaned the gel from me and he looked at both of us.

My heart dropped I was scared, he gave me a drink he asked me to drink it, he told me that because I was a new vampire and got pregnant without me begin vampire for king time it happens. But I was still waiting for him to tell me what was happening with the baby. "Your baby" he paused.

"Your baby is fine" he smiled, I started sobbing as I held Locus's arms tighter I was scared that something had happened to him. Wait, did I just tell him is it a boy? I asked Locus, I just said to him," I told Locus excitedly. The doctor looked at me and said that the mother can feel what the baby inside her was. He told us that he can tell us what the gender was but I told him no, I wanted to wait and see until he was born. Until then I will tell him. Locus didn't really look happy. Once the doctor felt he said he would be back in 5 so he could tell us what we should do.

I patted Locus' arm. I asked him what was going on. He told me that "I was scared" and that he was scared, he was scared about the baby. He moved closer to me, kissing my forehead as he caressed my cheeks. "Baby, you saw her didn't you?" he asked me in a low tone. "Eloise, it was her in the bedroom" I sobbed.

"I read her mine, once she was at the door, he controlled your thought to hers so you could be scared of her or anyone, that's why you started bleeding because you were scared, that why I called the boys and now they're behind her, they're so close to her," he told me, I felt scared but at the same time, I don't know if I should be happy that they almost got her. The doctor knocked as he walked in. He gave me medicine that I should take for the pain. He told me that I should relax for at least 2-3 weeks. Never get upset and do something that would bother me or the baby.

We thanked him as Locus drove us back home, he told me that we should pack our stuff because he called the pilot and he would be here in 2 hours, we're going back home.