Her Death

*Locus Pov*

Staying here isn't safe anymore so I told Amelia that we were going back home. I know that Elosie was here and she might have done something to Amelia, she knows how to control minds so she probably made Amelia since her and be scared. So I asked the boys to follow her.

As we drove back home, the pilot was waiting for us as he took us back. My phone was off during the break-off, once I turned it on halfway through a notification popped up, it was John saying that they had caught Eloise. I felt relaxed when they finally found her. They caught that bitch, I clenched the phone in my hand without realizing Amelia placing her hands on mine.

"Are you okay?" she asked in her cute worried tone. I looked at her and nodded my head. I didn't want to tell her that we caught her, anything could happen. All I care about now is to get Amelia back home safe as while as the baby, and deal with that little bitch. 30 minutes left till we landed. I was getting frustrated, I just wanted to get there, I decided to sleep, I looked over at Amelia and saw her sleeping, her head laying on her side. I placed her head gently on my shoulders.

She shifted in her seat as she put her hands over my arms, drawing me closer to her; she turned me on after calling me names. "Locus," she moaned as she buried her head on my shoulder where she could get comfortable. I tried to control myself. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I will deal with her once I am settled with everything. Then I can make that night the best night of her life.

I opened my eyes once we landed. I looked over Amelia while she was still sleeping. I tapped her shoulder, waking her up as I began caressing her cheeks, she shifted her face on my shoulder, opened her eyes, looked at me smiling then laid her head back on my shoulders again, continuing sleeping. I smirked at her laziness. I called over one of the flight attendants asking her to call one of my bodyguards that were waiting for us outside to help me with the languages. She nodded her head and left after 5 minutes she came back with one of my bodyguards. I asked him to get tout staff down in the car as I picked up Amelia in bridle style.

I placed her in the car as we drove back home. After getting home Amelia was still sleeping so I had to carry her again. Emily opened the door for us, greeting us with a smile. Her smile faded once she saw Amelia." What happened? Is she okay?" she asked running toward me checking Amelia's temperature.

I told her that she was fine, just to help me put her to bed she nodded her head and ran in front of me as she got the bed ready for her, I laid her down as Emily covered her with a blanket, I tapped her shoulder and asked her to come with me outside I wanted to have a word with her. She nodded, kissing Amelia's forehead and walking behind me.

We stood outside of her door as I began explaining everything that had happened yesterday with Amelia. She gasped covering her mouth as she began sobbing. "We have caught Elosie but I don't want you to tell Amelia, I wanna deal; with her, myself first rip her apart with my own teeth, then I will tell Amelia everything." I pleaded with her not to tell anything to Amelia once she woke up.

She looked at it without saying anything, only sobbing her eyes out. I patted her back, telling her that everything was going to be fine for now. I don't want her to tell Amelia anything. She walked closer to me wrapping her arms around my shoulder hugging me as she kept sobbing. "Are you okay?" I asked, she nodded, wiping her eyes. "I'm happy that she told you about her pregnancy. She was very scared to tell you, she didn't know how you would react." I stared at her without saying anything. Then before I left I told her to take care of Amelia and if anything happened to call me straight up. She promised she would.

I left her at the door as I walked toward my car. I put on the address that John driving took about 10 minutes but I drove faster than the limit. I parked at the front of the woods, it was a house where it looked like a haunted house and that was where I wanna kill her and burn her to death. I walked in and I saw the boy was surrounding her as if she was a tiger on the floor.

I walked to her kneeling in front of her. I tucked on her hair tighter making her gasp in pain, I tightened the grip tighter and tighter making her cry in pain. I slapped the ship of her hissing in pain. I looked over at the boy as they walked out looking for woods to start the fire. I pulled her hair making her look into my eyes. "Who sent you?" I asked in an angry tone, she looked at me as she started laughing. I slapped her, knocking her to the floor.

"Your Amelia won't last long" she laughed, I clenched my hands I slapped her again, pulled her hair up facing me, "who.the.fuck.send.you?" I asked this time I swear to God I'm gonna rip the shit out of her. She laughed "Fernizo Grayson, remember anyone with that name?" she asked. I looked at her and the last name I recognized sounds fine, where have I heard it from before? "Yes, him, Grayson's family?" she said, spitting the blood from her mouth.

"Grayson's family?" Can it be Alex? He has the same name then it came to me, that bitch sent her? "Alex Grayson," I hissed. She nodded her head as she smiled. "He was my fucking brother, you son of bitch you took our brother away from us." tears running down her face, now I get it the fucking Grayson's family taking revenge by getting to my girl.

I took out my phone and dialled Sam's number. Once he picked up I told him to take James, Mason and head to our house and to stay with the girl no matter what I would be home soon. I hung up and looked back at Eloise. She looked at me and smiled. "Trust me you will come, if not you then your girl or even that baby of yours." I changed her by knocking her out.

John and Tony came with woods in their hands and they started to build the fire. I walked to her, picking her up as I started tearing her apart inch by inch, and throwing her into the fire. After finishing, I left her there and headed back home.

As I was on my way home with the boys I received a call from James, "hello?" I answered. There was a push I spoke again but no one answered and I got worried I started driving fast. I was 1 minute away. When finally James ringed again this time he said "Amelia is awake you need to come home" he said I asked him what happened and he told me Amelia wasn't well. I hung up and parked in front of the house.

I ran to her room as I saw the boys and Emily surrounding her. I pushed past them as I saw Amelia's belly looked like a balloon, she looked like she was 7-8 months pregnant. "What?" I was shocked. Emily handed me her phone as she researched that a vampire woman would be only 5 months, she has been pregnant before she became a vampire, maybe Hermhermione is changing.

Her eyes were red from crying "I'm scared" she informed me I held her hand and I brought it to my lips kissing it. I looked at the boys and Emily as I told them to leave us alone. They kissed Amelia's forehead, each of them telling her that they would be by her side no matter what. She smiled and they left the room.

I laid beside her hugging her toward me as she wrapped her arms around my waist. "Don't be scared no matter what happens I will be by your side till the last breath, I promise you," I promised. "Me too," she replied, kissing my cheeks. We stared into each other when we recognized the baby was kicking. We smiled as I kissed her lips passionately.

I stood on my elbow as I stared at her. I moved my head closer to her as I placed my hand on her belly feeling the baby kick she placed her hand on mine as I kissed her. she began making me feel hard as she moaned when I kissed her pulling me closer to her.

I went on top of her making sure not to crush the baby as I stayed on my elbow, I kissed her neck sucking on it leaving my mark, I can't wait to make her feel amazing after she gives birth to the baby. But of course, I got to give her time to heal from the little angel. I lowered her breast as I removed her dress, a good thing she was wearing a dress. Now she was only in her bra and panties.

I unclipped her bra tossing it to the floor as I started sucking off her nipple while the other one I massaged. Then I switched to the other one, leaving a mark on her nipples and top of her breast. Then I lowered to her belly leaving kisses everywhere, I kissed the stots where I felt the baby kicking her as if he was kicking me telling me that I have been a bad father and I should take care of her more.

I moved down her femininity as I kissed her femininity through the panties, then pulled it down giving me access as I continued to enjoy her, she tucked on my hair as she was arching her back on the bed, a good thing that she was enjoying my pleasure.

I slid my fingers inside her as I began fingering her as he moaned my name and that's what I wanted, I kissed her sweet lips. I laid beside her hugging her closer to me, "Amelia" I began to move her head and she looked at me. I told her that I had something to tell her. She nodded her head waiting for me to speak. "She's dead," I said.

She shifted and she sat up "what?" She asked me to explain everything to tel;l that the boys caught her when we were on our way back home, and when I left her I was there ripping her apart for what she did to you. "Did you know who sent her?" she asked. That was where I had to explain everything to her about Alex. I nodded as she waited for me to continue.

I sat up as I held her hands in mine "baby?" To begin, I told her that years ago when I and the boy were out camping by ourselves a group of boys attacked us and I ripped the guys apart. She looked at me with wide eyes, and that guy was her brother and her second brother is..." Alex" she gasped as she covered her mouth "the Alex?" she asked. I nodded my head as I caressed her cheeks. I told her that they came back for revenge. She wanted to do what I did to their brother so they could do it to me. And because they're not begging, they wanted to use you. I will protect her no matter what "where is Alex and why are the Originals supporting them?" she asked.

"We don't know where Alex is, once we know I will get rid of him then I will take you somewhere far away from her with our baby, I will protect you and our baby." kissing her forehead. She slid back in bed as she laid her head on my arms and I pulled her closer to me drifting to sleep.