
Amelia Pov*

1:55 AM

I woke up feeling hungry. My stomach is growling and my belly is getting bigger faster each day. I was scared. I don't know what will happen to me when I give birth. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After I finished getting out I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. When I got to the living room I saw John and Emily watching together. And the boys were sitting across from them, I was surprised at who they had become.

I knew something was going on between but I didn't have time to sit with Emily and talk about it. I have not been spending a lot of time with her. I missed her. Seeing her happy with someone makes me happy, but I don't want her to end up like me, if she's in love with John then there would be a chance for her to end up like me becoming a vampire.

I didn't want to interrupt them so I left them without making them notice that I was there. I went inside the kitchen and opened the fridge but didn't feel like wanting to eat any of these foods. I started at the fridge as it was going to change into different food soon. I jumped when I felt someone wrap his hand around me. I looked back and it was Locus. He looked cute with his sleepy eyes and messy hair.

I looked at his body while he wasn't wearing a shirt he was showing, I placed my hands on his abs running them over every inch of them. I looked at him smiling, he walked closer that now we were inches away I could feel her warm breath on my neck. I stood on my tiptoe as I kissed him. He wrapped his arm around my waist drawing me closer to him, I smiled at him, then covered my face from embarrassment when my stomach growled.

He laughed, taking my hands away from me. He moved me aside, he opened the fridge, stared at it then he looked at me giggling, I crossed my arms nodding my head. She closed the fridge and walked to me, pulling me toward him, "there isn't anything to eat in the fridge but I'm thinking of other things we can eat." he said, smirking my eyes wide open smashing his shoulders.

I tried getting out of his grip but he held me tighter. I hit his shoulders again as he moved his hands down to my womanhood. I asked him what he was doing while we were in the kitchen. Anyone would just walk in any second.

"I-I missed you and I want..."

"Locus...."everyone is out there" I was forcing the words to come out once he hit my womanhood pleasuring me. I held his arms forcing him to stop but he held me not being able to move.

"I don't care," he said as he pleasured me faster, the boys and Emily were sitting outside. I was worried that they might come and see us doing it. I thought my head to the back was not being able to handle the way he was plastering me, I covered my mouth so as not to moan he stuck his head in my neck and kissed every inch of it. I held his face in my hands. "Just a little more," he asked, fastening his past. I grabbed into his hair as we both started kissing hungrily, good thing I moaned when he was kissing me that way no one could hear me.

We broke the kiss when he heard Emily asking the boys if they needed something from the kitchen. I opened the fridge right away and Locus pretended to drink water. Emily gasped when she came in she got scared she placed her hand on her heart probably now her heart is beating faster.

"You scared me," she said walking toward me as she opened the fridge wider, she stared at it then she went and opened the counter taking out a bag of popcorn placed in the microwave. She stared at me then at Locus he asked if we were okay we nodded then looked at me. I let out a breath then told her that I was hungry and I'm not feeling like eating anything from the fridge. "Oh." She said she walked toward the fridge again and as she looked through it she asked me if she should cook something for me, but shook my head to her didn't want her to cook in the middle of the night. She was having fun with John. "Oh, I have an idea," I said looking at Locus. He raised his eyes as I walked toward him.

"Let's eat outside," I said. Emily looked at me then looked back to Locus. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him the puppy eyes theme. He finally agreed that Emily stood there laughing at our craziness. I started jumping. Emily left us alone in the kitchen. I started screaming from happiness till I got to my room, I changed as Locus came behind me kissing my neck, "you know you gonna have payback because I'm getting out in the middle of the night for you?" I turned around smiling then I pushed past him as I ran downstairs taking his car keys with me, making him chase after me.

He caught me in the car as he picked me up and swung at me. He gave his hand to give him his car keys back, but I moved it to my chest not wanting to give it back until he begs for it. "I wanna drive," I yelled laughing.

He walked closer to me as he moved his head closer to me, almost kissing me then he snatched the keys from me laughing. He unlocked the car and opened the door for me, "you're pregnant, you are not driving." I huffed then got in, okay fine I know I'm pregnant but I wanna drive.

As we were driving Locus started speeding more than usual, he wouldn't ever drive this fast while I was with him. I kept looking at the view mirror when I noticed he was looking back, I turned my back and saw 2 black cars behind us, "are they following us?" I was scared. He didn't answer, then I looked behind us again and they were following us anywhere we were going. "Are they fucking following us?" I yelled at him, he looked at me and nodded his head. "I will lose them, don't be scared, baby."

He put his hand in his pukey, probably looking for his phone, then he looked at me, and asked me if I had my phone with me. Of course, I didn't. I got out without my phone. I shook my head "fuck" he murmured, I asked him what are we going to do, he kept his speed faster than usual, I held into my seatbelt I was scared I felt like I was gonna give birth to the baby right now. I looked back and yelled when I saw a gun pointing at it through their window.

Locus placed his hands on my thigh telling me that everything was going to be fine, he had a screen in his car I believe it was some kind of BlueTooth. I kept playing with it but somehow it wasn't working, fuck our luck. Then it worked. He went to the contact and pressed on John's ID, after the fourth ring John answered. "Locus?"

"John get the boys and come to the address I am gonna send it I want you to come and take Amelia somewhere safe," he ordered,

"Wait, what are you talking about, I didn't understand," John questioned.

"We're being followed, I want you to get the boys and come to the address I'm gonna send you, I want one of the boys to take Emily there and stay with her, make sure to keep her safe," John told him that he understood, then he asked me to write down the address he was gonna tell me to send to John. I wrote down the address with my hands shaking.

Locus started driving right to left when they began shooting at us, I yelled covering my ears. I didn't send the address to John because of how scared I was. "Amelia sent the address right now," Locus ordered.

He calmed me down then I removed one of my hands from my ear and pressed the send button and sent it to John. I placed my hand back to my ears covering it. Just then I started having pain the water didn't break but I don't know how it works when I am fucking vampire pregnant, I started yelling from the pain. Locus looked at me and realized I was crying because of the shooting.

I had my hands placed on my belly, ripping it, maybe because I was scared. After a few minutes John called, a good thing the car was now far behind us since 2 other cars were in the middle of us. "John, where are you?" were behind them, Mason stayed with Emily, and now James is gonna pop their tires, we're working on it," John explained.

Locus told them to hurry because I was in pain and they had to get me to their place and then he told John to tell Tony for him to call the doctor and meet us there. They asked what was wrong and he told them that I was in pain and maybe I was gonna give birth. I held into his arms digging my nails in his skin from the pain. My screams filled the car. "Baby you gonna be okay, hold on now we're almost there, we have to lose them first we don't want them to know where we were." I nodded and continued screaming.

After 5 minutes of me screaming John called again telling us they lost them and now we were okay to go, "okay" Locus replied speeding to get there "did Tony call the doctor?" Locus asked.

"Yes he's on his way," John said, handing up. He told me that we were almost there. He said it was his fault he held my hands and brought it to his lips as he kissed it then he placed his hand on my belly rubbing it. Telling me that everything was gonna be fine.

Locus parked in front of a house, he ran toward me as he opened the door and carried me out then he picked me up bridal style then the boys came after us parking right away and rushing toward us. They opened the door and rushed in front of us to the first room they saw, Emily ran behind us asking what was going on.

Locus told her that I might be giving birth and to stay beside me he was gonna check where the doctor had been, I held his hand shaking my head for him not to leave me, he asked John to check on the doctor, Emily asked the boys to leave and that she was gonna check on me. Locus asked her if she knew and she said yes her mother taught her, her mother is a doctor so good thing she knows these staff.

Locus sat beside me as Emily covered me with the blanket and went down to check. After a minute she came out smiling, "she's not done yet." she said, focus looked at her confused. She told him that my water didn't break so I won't do it now. I was in pain because I was scared and it's a normal thing, but I could give birth any time soon. The baby looked ready, she said smiling. Locus kissed my forehead as I let out a relieved sigh. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the spot when Locis said to come in, it was the doctor.

Locus got up as he shook his hand, he asked him to check on me he explained that Emily checked me and she said that the baby wasn't ready yet. He smiled and told him that he was gonna double-check. After he finished checking me. He told Locus that Emily was right the baby is not ready yet, but we should be prepared anytime soon. I was worried because we haven't got anything ready for the baby.

He told him to call him if anything changes he was gonna be near the neighbour because he was gonna visit his relative. Locus thanked her and Mason led him the way, as the boys came in to check on me. Emily sat beside me as she held my hands. "Emily?" I called. She looked at me with her cute eyes," yes love?"

I looked at Locus then at the by and back to her "we don't have anything ready for the baby." I told her I heard Locus curse as he scratched the back of his head. Emily smiled then looked at John. She raised her hand in the air as she yelled "shopping time" to John, slapping her hands together. I smiled. I know whenever I wanted her I would find her beside me. Locus told them to be careful, we don't know what was waiting for them outside. They nodded and left. The boys left, closing the door behind them. Locus sat beside me as she rubbed my belly "you little devil, why hurt you mommy?" he said to my baby who was inside my belly hoping he would hear him. He looked at me as we both giggled.