
*Amelia Pov*

Week after

It's been a week since everything happened, there were a few kicks and pain with the baby but he still hasn't come out. Until I was in the kitchen eating Locus ordered food for us since I was craving McDonald's, suddenly as I was eating I felt pain it was different when I looked under the table I saw water, fuck my water brook. Then my yelling started.

After a few seconds, Emily ran into the kitchen worried, "What's going on?" Emily asked as she ran toward me. When she saw my hands over my belly she looked confused. She wasn't sure if the baby was gonna come yet or if it was yet another fake one. When she walked closer she gasped as she saw the water on the floor. "Amelia talks deep breaths ok baby?" she instructed.

After a second Mason and James ran into the kitchen she asked what was going on and Emily told them that I was giving birth they both stayed still in their spot, Emily looked at them when she asked them to help me to the bedroom, she walked toward them slapping their shoulder.

They rushed to me as they held me each from the different sides. I wasn't able to walk from the pain, I was scared louder when I felt the baby like he was gonna fall from inside me. She placed me on the bed and stood. I wasn't able to know what I was doing. I held Mason's hands, tightening the grip around it, then digging my nails inside his skin.

He hissed in pain but didn't say anything then Emily told James that he should call Locus and the doctor, he nodded then took out his phone when he was about to leave the room Emily called him she asked him to bring her a few staff that were gonna need. Then she looked over to Mason and asked him to get the baby staff ready that she and John bought when they went shopping.

He looked at his hand then back to Emily he pointed at me holding his hand I was able to let go of the pain, then after a few seconds I let go of his hand as he ran to Emily room getting the baby staff, James walked in with the stuff Emily asked him to and informed her that Locus and the doctor we on their way. She nodded then he was helping give birth to me as the boys stood outside. After about 5 minutes Locus came rushing in, he ran to my side as he held my hand I noticed that all the boys were now waiting outside.

After my yelling and screaming finally the baby was out he began to cry as I started crying when my eyes first landed on him, she covered him with the towel as she began cleaning him. "A boy, it's a boy," she said sobbing, I covered my mouth as I began crying my eyes out. I knew it was a boy. I always felt that it was a boy.

She placed him on my breast as I kissed his head. He smelled so fresh and beautiful, I looked over at Locus as I watched him in tears. He moved closer to me as he placed a quick 5 times kiss on my lips.

He patted his back after that the doctor rushed in. He smiled when he saw the baby on me, he looked over Emily as he saw the blood on her hands. He rushed to the baby as he began checking him, he said that the baby was healthy and nothing was wrong, but there was a 99% chance when he gets to the age of 17 he would change to being a vampire.

The boys got inside after the doctor left and he saw the baby as their smiles never faded, "Lawrence" I said, they looked at me confused. I told them that I was gonna name the baby Lawrence, they smiled and Locus kissed my forehead agreeing with the name.

*A week later*

I started not to feel well, I started feeling depressed, I started being crazy whenever I heard the baby cry, I started not getting enough sleep. I stayed up all night with the baby. Locus helped me most of the time but the baby only wanted to stay with me. Until one day I left the baby with Emily and ran out of the house. I had to go out. I couldn't stay in that house anymore.

I heard Locus calling my name but I didn't want to stop. I just wanted to go somewhere calming without Locus, Emily, Lawrence or the boys. After running for some quiet time I stopped somewhere where I had no idea where. About 5 seconds I felt someone place his hand on my shoulder.

I looked behind me knowing that it was Locus I pushed his hands away but when I saw who it was I gasped placing my hands over my mouth, no fucking way.

"Alex?" I spoke.

"Hello, my little Amelia," Alex said, smirking. I asked him what he was doing here, and if he was following me, "how did you even know where we are," I asked. He said that he knows everything and he knows every single detail of us. Then he left me shaking when he said congratulations to the baby, "weren't you gonna tell me if it wasn't for that little doctor?" he said. What the hell was he talking about? Did the doctor betray us and that he was on his side?

I asked him what he was talking about and he said that just before he got rid of the doctor he knew that Locus and I had a baby boy so he wanted to congratulate me. "So congratulations Amelia on the first baby boy, how was it? Tiring yeah?" he said, smirking.

Alex took a step closer to me" here is the thing Amelia, after you giving birth that baby of your Locs won't need you anymore, that he told me to come and take you with me, he doesn't want you, he's gonna have the baby for himself only." he whispers as if anyone will hear us" I slapped him making the side of cheeks red "what the fuck did you just say?"

He looked at me with a smirk I told him I know Locus he would never do that to me and it, you was just you fucking crazy-making shit up. He laughed as if he knew that I knew he was lying. "Wow Locus must be lucky to have someone like you, but I guess you two won't last long." I looked at him with confusion and wanted him to know that I was scared. Maybe it was time for his end. I don't know how to attack, never learned it before. Just then everything went black.

*Locus Pov* short

"Amelia," I yelled. I searched the whole woods but I couldn't find her. What if something happened to her? What if she got lost? I thought to myself she just gave birth. What was wrong with her? After searching for hours I decided to go back to the house to check she might have come back, and tell the boys so they can search with me. As I got to the house I rushed where the boys and Emily were.

"Sam, Tony, Mason, James come with me John stays with Emily," I ordered they get up as she followed. The baby was with Emily so that's good I have trust in her and that John is with her I'm good. She got up as she walked toward me. She asked me what was going on and where Amelia was.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say to her. I couldn't speak well here. Emily Amelia ran away from home and I reached everywhere for her but didn't find her so now I'm gonna take the boys with me, and search for her. FUCK.

I told her not to worry that we were gonna bring Amelia home soon, she looked at me confused then she looked over to Lawrence as he being to cry I went over to him as I placed a kiss on her forehead, I whispered in his ear that I promise I'm going to bring his mother back today.

"Let me come with you," Emily said. I looked at her as I placed my hands on her shoulders. I told her Lawrence needs her more than anyone else right now. And that we will bring her home safely I promised.

*Amelia Pov*

When I woke up everything around me was black probably I had blindfolded on, I tried placing my hand behind my head but I wasn't able to move fuck I'm tied up. I hissed in pain when I tried to move my arms. The pain behind my back was so bad. I jumped when I heard a familiar voice. "Hello hello, my lovely Amelia" I finally realized who it was, fucking Alex.

"Where am I?" I yelled trying to get out of the tie behind my arms but he held me down that I wasn't able to move. I looked over where the voice was coming from when I saw a glimpse of him under my blindfold. I spit in his face, just that I felt a pain in my cheek, it was burning.

"I decided to take revenge on your little pretty boyfriend" Alex informed as he got up and started laughing like some sick psycho.

"by fucking kidnapping me" I yelled.

"nope by the fact that he will come searching for you then I can finish my plan two bird one stone, faster and easter." he said slowly "then I will rip his head out of his body slowly but first I will rip your head out as I'm gonna make him watch you die I want him to suffer Amelia suffer."

Tears started dripping down my face, the was with him, how can he be like that I know his brother is dead but he shouldn't be this way, now what the fuck am I saying, Locus is going to die what should I do.

*Locus Pov*

I stopped in my group when my phone began ringing. I thought maybe it was one of the boys Emily or even Amelia telling me that she was home. I got it out as I looked at the ID. It was a private number so I decided to answer it.

"Hello," I answered.

"Well well hello there my lovely friend Locus," Alex said.

"You little bitch," I yelled through the phone.

Alex started to laugh "calm down buddy, you don't want to frighten your cutie little girlfriend by yelling now do you?"

"What the fuck do you want? leave her out of this"

"Of course I'll leave her out of this after I end-all of your lover live one by one in front of your eyes," I asked him what he wants and he said to me I was ready just so he can leave Amelia out of this, then I asked him where does he want me to come, he said to come to my company alone and if he sees anyone else with me I can kiss Amelia goodbye. I promised him that I won't be sad to meet him there at 3:40 minutes after 3:40 he won't be there.