First Fall

Bellum, a name that was very famous in the North East Zone.

After the two worlds merged, there some mountains that were just present in different places without a pair or without being part of a mountain range. 

These mountains were the burial grounds for people of ancient times.

One of such mountains closest to Xin Mountain was the Bellum Mountain.

A single mountain standing at the same height as the mountain on which the Xin Sect was. It was the mountain of Bellum. 

A man who had led countless wars was buried there. He had been the general of the army in so many wars that he became known as General Bellum. After winning all of them he went to the king of his time. Because of his unmatchable service, he was given the title Ballum. With time even he forgot his real name and this Bellum had been turned into his name, person, and personality.