A Pervert >.<?

Blood was gushing out of Zhao Luo's mouth as he was lying on the ground of the ring unconscious.

It all happened when he had beat the first drum of the fourth row.

As he was waiting for the echoes, his body was hit by several shocks.


Zhao Luo experienced a powerful force striking his body 70 times.

Every time the force of the drum would hit his body, his organs would tremble and he would experience an immeasurable pain.

But he couldn't even scream as before he could digest the shock from the first force attack coming from the drum, another would hit his body.

One after another, 70 different attacks fell on his body, while Zhao Luo had already lost consciousness at the 40th attack coming from the drum.

On the ring in the training area.

Feng Mei, Yan, and Su Shi had rushed towards Zhao Luo.

They picked him up and brought him away.