First Kill!

Zhao Luo felt astonished looking at how quickly Senior Cutie was able to deal with the two spies of the Qi Sect.

The two spies were pushed back but they were still alive as they moved towards the leader's side.

These two were the first ones to reach them as the others followed behind them.

Zhao Luo looked around and found five of the spies who were clad in all black, coming at him since he was standing at the front of the group on Bimba's back.

The five spies were like leaves falling one after another as they closed in on Zhao Luo from above.

'They are all...'

Looking closely at them, Zhao Luo found a sword with a red blade in their right hand and a red band tied right above their left elbow.


Zhao Luo looked down and before he could think of doing anything else, he was worried about Bimba.

'This could be bad for Bimba.'