I Enjoy Killing

Zhao Luo watched Xiao Yu while moving towards Senior Cutie who was chasing after four spies like a mad monkey.

Senior Cutie closed in on one of them and brought down his bronze rod on his head.

"Skull Smash."

The rod smacked right on the head of the spy causing it to break open like a melon.

A melon indeed as blood splashed out of the skull as his rod without stopping brought down the spy on the desert surface.


The sand grains were blown away as a sand crater was formed where the spy had been smashed.


Slowly the sand gathered back on the body of the spy burying him under it.

"Do you think I will need your help, Little Brother?"

Senior Cutie shouted at Zhao Luo without looking at him.

"Hah, this baldy."

Zhao Luo who hadn't seen Senior Cutie fight before was seeing a new sight of his senior.

Zhao Luo stopped and brought his arms around his chest as he spectated with a carefree manner.