Alex's pov
Ughhhhhh I hate that alarm so much. Why have I even set it, it's a Sunday.
15 minutes later I knew I had to get up at some point in my life. I got up nearly falling down onto the bean bag next to my bed. My room was pretty big.
It was painted blue and black.(My two favourite colours). As soon as you would walk in you would see my bed at the end in front of a window. About a metre and a half away from my bed you would see I lovely soft black couch and in front of it a blue rug with a sleek black coffee table, then (are you ready!) A FLAT SCREEN TV!
Behind my couch you had my desk with everything I needed for school and my laptop. And at the side of the door there was my prized possession, my beloved skateboard.
Knock knock- 'come in!' I yelled. It was my oldest brother Leon he was 17. Come on sis breakfast is ready.' He said coming in and ruffling my hair. 'I'll be down in 5 minutes.' I said laughing and playfully flicking his forehead.
'Owww that hurt.' He whined 'Oh don't be such a baby, go on out you go.' I dictated shooing him out of the room. *Ahhh peace and quiet* I got changed quickly and ran down the stairs whilst trying to tackle my hair that Leon had messed up.
When I got downstairs I realised my favourite breakfast was laid out already. *Pancakes, eggs and bacon yummmm* When I got down I say hi to my other brothers Justin, 16. Jake,14 and Max,13.
I literally ate all that breakfast in the space of 10 minutes. *wow I can really eat* I decided I was going to go skateboarding to pass the time since I had absolutely nothing to do today.
But first I needed to have a lie down before I did anything else that included even one single step
*one hour later
*Man this fresh air is gooood* I loved skateboarding so much.
Mason's Pov
I was walking outside, in front of all the shops that were to the side of me. I loved this place way more than Liverpool, this place was so much bigger, prettier and just way more peaceful than Liverpool , but I really missed my old friends. But Alex, Levi and Kylie had really made me feel welcome here. They always took my mind off of my old life back in Liverpool.
I had decided to move on since there was no chance of me ever seeing them again, it still made me a bit upset thinking about them. The only thing on my mind was Alex.
She was so kind, smart, brave and really pretty. I could think about her all day. As I turned the corner a group of guys much taller than me started walking up to me. They were all dressed in dark colours and they looked really threatening.
I started to turn around to walk in the other direction, but I wasn't quick enough. One of them grabbed the back of my shirt and turned me towards him. Then he dropped me, but I still landed on my feet
Alex's pov
It looked like there was some kind of commotion going on, on the other side of the street. Then, I saw two faces that I recognised. Mason and *ugh* Aiden Bay
and his little group.
They are like the schools bullies. It's like they run on bullying. Aiden was the ring leader. It was pretty pathetic if you ask me. They think they're all tough, but really, they just had nothing better to do. I noticed the other boy. It was Mason!
Suddenly anger rushed through me and I went over to stop it. It was bad enough that they bullied people around school. But Mason? He was new and hadn't done anything to them!
I rushed over with my skateboard in hand and stood beside Mason. He looked absolutely terrified. 'Oh look what we have here, it's little Alex.' Aiden said confidently.
'Aiden just leave him alone, you have no reason to be bullying Mason or anyone else for that matter, no one finds it funny, no one encourages it and no one thinks it's cool, no one apart from your little idiotic mates here so my advice is to just go away!!'
I had no problem confronting Aiden, he and his group didn't scare me.
Just then Aiden was about to punch me, my reflexes instantly kicked in and I grabbed his arm tightly making him wince in pain. I raised my eyebrow as a warning for him to stay away. I threw his hand away violently.
All of that made he and his little gang slip away. I turned to Mason to see if everything was alright.
'Hey' I started 'are you-' I was cut off by a massive hug from Mason. It felt good. I hugged him back instantly and we stood there for about 10 seconds.
'Thank you' He began 'thank you so so much, you're a real life saver.' He said with his soft voice while brushing his fingers through his hair.
'It's ok' I reassured him 'It's no problem at all. I despise Aiden ad much as the next guy.' We decided to continue walking down the street. And as we walked on our hands accidentally touched the moment lasted for like 5 seconds then it stopped.
Kind of like in a movie when the music is playing then it instantly stops when the moment is over.
I wanted the moment to last forever.
Mason's POV
My hand brushed against Alex's. Instantly butterflies rose in my stomach. The moment lasted for about 5 seconds and then it disappeared. I wanted those 5 seconds to last forever.