Little did they know...

I hid my sufferings so that you could continue your fantasy...

But now it seems like you labeled them as my arrogance cause you don't wanna go on a guilt trip...

[ Flashback; two years ago]

On a bright and sunny morning, a beauty was having her peaceful sleep. But seems like fate won't let her sleep too long.

"I am so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up.. I am so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough.."

"Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)

Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)"

"I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart

I'm so sick of that same old love, the kin-"

"Aish!! Who the fuck wants to die?? Alwaya interrupting my beauty sleep!!!" Heidie screamed while getting up.

"Hello?" Being annoyed, Heidie answered the call.

"Hey cutie?? Did I disturb your sleep?" A energetic and cheerful voice knocked her.

"Yes. And it is so fucking annoying." Heidie answered while rolling her eyes.