No sign of improvement

I wish I could make you realize how your 'just joking, don't mind' fucked me up.

I wish someone would tell you how your fun can hurt other so badly.

[ Heidie POV ]

I woke up smelling a sweet fragrance. Pancakes! Suga is making pancakes.

I smiled as I stretched out a little in the bed. I am feeling bright new and fresh.

I like how you are already making my day Suga. I am quietly falling for you. Don't make me feel so special.

I quickly run to the kitchen, only to find a handsome boy in my black apron. I smiled again as I approached him.

"Hungry?" He turned around and sweetly smiled before asking.

"No much. But it smells delicious." I nodded at him.

"Then go fresh up. I will finish it up till then." He continued cooking.

"Okhay!" I took a quick shower and returned back to the dining table. Suga served the pancakes, put honey and chocolate syrub near them and waited for me while scrolling through his phone.