All about me

It's strange to work so hard and put in so much effort, only to be replaced by someone better..

[ Present; Heidie POV ]

I was dazed before realising that the only person I said those words were Warsa. But she won't text me. It's impossible for her to talk to me. Who is it, exactly? Warsa mentioned me to whom? I have to know.

I dialed Mr. Yon's number without thinking about it anymore.

"Yes, miss Heidie?" He answered my call.

"I received a massage. It's a strange one, but the content is suspicious."

"When did it happened?" He asked me.

"I was relaxing there after our meeting when someone texted me on my personal number. I thought friends were playing a joke on me at first, but after some small conversation, I don't think it's a joke." I spoke with a solemn tone in my voice.

"Who do you think it is, then?" With a steady voice, he questioned.

"You might be surprised, but that person texted me some information that only I have." My tone was as icy as ever.