Knights VS Knights





This is it.

Today is the day.

The last three months went by in a blink of an eye, and so did classes. Weirdly enough the whispers and the stares just— stopped? Like I said it wasn't a bother, but I'd be lying if I said it was nice not hearing the toxicity. Before I knew it, the final bell had rung. Students rushed to their cars, hurrying home to spend the rest of their remaining hours getting ready for the big night.

That was an hour ago.

In that hour, we've invested our time and energy in this field ensuring everything was perfect and in place. The food trucks, the games, the music, we also made sure everybody knew their jobs. Unfortunately for us, we can't cheer and run the event all at once, same with the Knights.

Imagine playing a competitive game of football while simultaneously trying to serve and collect donations from students.

I think it's safe to say, we have priorities. In addition to that, we've been gathering volunteers.